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Here are some of the photos taken during the Mt. Calvary Cemetery investigation
Above is a picture taken whilst entering the cemetery. On the right hand side of the sign there is a faint orb.
This picture was taken outside the mausoleum and shows another faint but large orb.
another great shot of an orb outside the mausoleum.
Could this be a spirit visiting his own gravesite? Or a friend severely missed?
Orbs, a form of Spirit travel?
This orb seems to be resting upon this religious statue. I have found that spirits seem to be most active around religious areas and images.
Another orb. Visiting or just passing through?
An orb next to a cross, one of the common religious symbols.
Above this statue of Jesus are two orbs, one faint and one bright floating past.
This photo shows different phases of spiritual existence. This activity remains unexplained.