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Well, i don't know about you, but i love to read, but if i don't like a book, i don't finish it. So i thought that i'd give you a look at what i like in a book. Maybe i'll throw in movies too! well, enjoy!
Ratings: *bad **disapointing ***pretty good ****great *****incredible
?????I dont know yet

Salem's Lot by Stephen King
When a vampire and his minion move into town and a 'haunted' mansion, the mysterious owners of the 'perfect furniture shop' spark the intrest of a writer staying in the area. When a child dies and his brother mysteriously ill after disappearing on their way to the new kid's house, the town is up in arms: And it's up to the writer and the new kid to save the rest of America from this new ghost town's evil secret. I couldn't put it down, Stephen King is a wonderful author, and it truly shows in this novel.****

The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King
A kingdom is sent into turmoil when the king is killed by a terrifing poison. The king's eldest son is framed for his father's murder, while his younger brother the only, yet silent, witness to his father's true murder, rules the kingdom under the control of the kingdom's evil, and unnatural magician, Flagg, who appears in other SK novels, as a different person, with a similar name. I loved this book as it was so painfully suspensful.****

The Stand by Stephen King
An unspeakable evil has been released onto the USA, killing most of the population. Following strange dreams and strokes of genius, the survivors are led together to make a final stand against the monster, Randal Flagg. Only at the end of this book do you truly understand the true drive for the uncanny return of Flagg, again and again. Although the discriptions in this book are pretty darn gross, it touches on a deep fear inside every one of us. What if you were the last human on Earth?***1/2

Circle Of Magic Quartet by Tamora Pierce
This series follows the lives of four young people brought closer and closer together as they study to become mages. Plucked out of their lives by teachers from Winding Circle, these four mages do not fit in any where else in the temple and are sent to live with dedicate Rosethorn and dedicate Lark in their cottage where they learn how to handle their own special magics from their Winding Circle teachers and each other. These stories truly show you a world of enchantment and magic, and how much a person can change through the mentorship of someone who cares.****

The Circle Opens Quartet by Tamora Pierce
The 'sequel' series to The Circle of Magic, it follows the same students, now full-fledged mages, as they discover others with undiscovered magics and find that they must be their teachers. Like in the Circle of Magic, each book focuses individually on each of the students and tells the story through their eyes, all the student-mages have gone off by themselves to different places, some with their teacher from the temple, some without that guidence. Since I've only read two so far, i can't do a rating, they were incredible though, completly captivating.?????

Protector of the Small by Tamora Pierce
More than ten years after Alanna the Lioness became the first lady-knight by going through training in the guise of a boy, Keladry, a young noble girl, takes up the King on a ten year old decree that women could train as knights. She is put through a year of unfair probation to prove she is as good as a boy by a resentful training master some call the Stump. Through her years she conquers a fear of heights and assisted by friends defeats bullies, prejudices and becomes the first known Lady Knight. Each book is based on a segment of her training: The First Test, Page, Squire, and Lady Knight. These books truly show what it would have been like to deal with being the only girl training to be a knight, and growing up, physically and emotionally.****1/2

Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
First the students of an 'ultra-conformist' high school are shocked at the arrival of previously home-schooled, VERY original Stargirl (nee. Susan Caraway). Soon they embrace her, then she is shunned for her originality. While her boyfriend tries to deal with this, he tries to make her one thing that might crush her, normal. With odd things thrown in such as a gigantic waving cactus with a name, and the weekly club meetings in honor of the cactus and learning, and the school television show: This book will show what being original, and open to original, really is, and what it's about.*****

Carrie by Stephen King
A story about a girl with telekinesis and an over-religious maniac for a mother. She is overweight and rejected by her classmates. It gets out of hand on prom night when the Prom Queen and King get a nasty prank, and the night turns deadly, for the whole town, especially those who hurt Carrie. Never read this before a dance of any kind, or it will hit a note in your head that may ruin your night, or not. It's a pretty crazy story.***1/2

Windleaf by Josepha Sherman
Ensnared by the beauty of a mysterious girl who appears and he saves in the middle of a huge storm, a duke must complete three tasks to save her from her possesive father's grasp, and to save a clan of elvens from the doom that staying in the mortal realm any longer will cause. A very good book, although i think it would make a 'good' chick flick.***

The Merlin of St. Gilles Well by Ann Chamberlin
Hear the story of a young boy as he journeys to adulthood in a France in the transitional time between Pagan religion, and Christianity. This boy, gifted in the old religion yet cursed in the new with the Sight, he prophesizes of a maid that will rise and unite France for victory over the english. After a childhood accident leaves him crippled, it unites a noble family and a poor one by the prophesizing of the hermit of St Gilles Well. These prophecies rule over the families and dominate their lives, while in Lorraine, a maid is born, one, unknown to others, destined to be, La Pucelle, and unite a wartorn country. As prophecies by the Hermit, the boy, and Merlin, hundreds of years earlier, fortold. An amazing story, it also has a sequel, The Merlin of the Oak Wook (les bois chenu) which tells of the boy and his noble 'foster' (or milk) brother in their adult hood, and the paths they choose.****1/2


Barbarella with Jane Fonda
This pathetic little movie, was meant to be a comedy, but from the opening strip-scene to the stupid dolls, creepy children, strange rabbits and a child harvester, this movie is just a freak show. Don't mean to be mean but... Its kind of stupid (although, mildly funny)!**

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame in black and white
Based on the book by Victor Hugo, this is a very good story. If you like Gothic Archetecture, there are AMAZING shots of the actual cathedral. It is kind of frantic, but that just makes it quite amuzing. If you watch it in fast-forward after you've watched it, it is quite humorous, with Quazimodo playing with the bells, and the already frantic acting, it is a hilarious combination, although, not meant to be funny.***3/4

The Hobbit animated
If you've never read the book by JRTolkein, you dont miss much in this movie. A very acurate depiction of the book, even for an animation. I picked up some fairly good riddles from it, and got ideas for my own. It is quite well done although the animation isn't as advanced as it is now, it doesn't take away anything from the story, it actually adds abit.****

The Black Adder Series with Roan Atkinson
Only one word can describe these movies... HILARIOUS! Roan Atkinson plays Black Adder in different time periods, quite the genius, surounded by complete imbiciles, he is always accompanied by his dumb, un-hygenic, yet slightly lovable accomplice, Baldric. They deal with everything that could possibly be mocked from each different time period. It makes for absolutly hilarious watching!****

Grease with John Travolta
Ahh... The classics. You can never get bored of Grease, fun songs, amusing plot and ahem... interesting characters. It follows the story of two gangs, the Pink Ladies and the T-Birds, and Sandy, who is in love with one of the T-Birds. Danny, the T-bird, is torn between his cool, gang image, and his adoration for Sandy. He tries to change for her, and gets quite the suprise just before graduation. Along with the Sandy-Danny conflict other inter-gang couples get together, break up and all that's inbetween. A very ultra-matic, hydramatic movie, to put it in Danny's words. ****

Lord of the Rings with Elija Wood and Liv Tyler, to name afew
Ok, i not only love this movie and it's sequel, but i'm obsessed with them! The books are wonderfully represented. Set completly in New Zealand, they got everything how I pictured it, I was amazed! Since this movie is so recent i doubt i need say more than, if you haven't seen it, watch it, if you've seen it, watch it again!*****

The Point Animated
I doubt any one even has a clue what i'm talking about. It's so old, it's been put out of everyone's memory, well, almost every one's. For me it is impossible to forget, it was a part of my childhood, i watched it every time i went to my grandparent's, and i still love it. The story is thus... In a land, where everything has a point (litterally), a boy with a ROUND (*gasp*) head is born, they try to cover it, and he tries to fit in. Being left out because of his lack of point his best friend is a very pointy canine named Arrow. He is deemed as too much trouble, and exiled into a strange forest. When he finds his way home, every thing changes, and their pointed world is forever changed, for the best.*****