Mood: energetic
Hi all! It's been awhile since we've had any news regarding Village of the Giants, but even in the dark times, something comes along. Which brings us to today's blog posting.
Netflix gets big in so many ways
Netflix is planning for their streaming media system to help them in their bid for world conquest, and what they've done recently has definitely made me a huge fan of this medium (no pun intended!).
I was informed by one of our site's fans named Jeremy Allison, that as of this time (3/16/11), Netflix's streaming system has Village of the Giants. What makes this news so earth-shattering is that for the first time (probably since its release!), the streaming version of the film is presented in widescreen!
I've gone over it several times, and this isn't a bad cropping job. The widescreen presentation is pretty much perfect, mirroring some of the frames of the film I saw in the theatrical trailer. To the right, I've included a comparison of a frame from the 2001 MGM DVD release, and from Netflix streaming. It's amazing what widening the scope of this picture does. Then again, I've always been partial to widescreen imagery.
If there's a downside, it's that depending on your player, the streaming quality won't be perfectly crisp (then again, the film isn't up for any big Blu-Ray releases). I just wish this version of the film could be released on DVD or even Blu-Ray. I've been waiting for a good portion of my life for the film in widescreen. On a final note, please be advised that Netflix often rotates the stock in their streaming list, so as for how long you'll be able to view Village of the Giants in widescreen, we don't know...but catch it now before it's too late! (Once again, we'd like to thank Jeremy Allison for bringing this information to our attention)
Minor Site Updates
-Over the holidays, we procured a couple more keybook stills and have added them to the stills gallery.
-The site layout was further cleaned up, and a couple images were updated. A link on our homepage leads directly to Netflix's site (this will stay up until VOTG is removed from the streaming format). We've also updated the widescreen image in the Home Video section with the widescreen image from Netflix, and have also made an update to the title on the screen.