Pages 94-95 - Original and Revised Pages

The original pages 94-95 are notable, as they show a few of the giants reveling in causing destruction.

When Jean's dancing causes her to damage a nearby house, Rick then decides to join in and begins to kick at the structure, which houses an elderly woman whom we would see being terrified by the shaking house!

Rick's revelry would have eventually caused him to fall onto another house and damage it. When Jean tries to help him up, he pulls her down, and they roll around cuddling in the wreckage, reveling in the moment as more of the structure collapses.

There was to be a mother and infant in the house, and one can imagine the kind of terror this scene could invoke at the giants being oblivious to the fact that they almost killed people!

In the 4-19-65 rewrite, Jean's dancing damaging a building is still kept in, but the more serious destruction from the original page has been excised. Carlson's involvement in the original page as he helps a hysterical woman is also gone in the rewrite. All these rewrites result in the two pages being condensed down into one.

The setting for this page also shows it is night, meaning that the giants' dancing in the original script page started during daylight hours, and has been going on for quite some time.