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When you stroke the meat...
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From: Zerg Zergling | Posted: 6/30/2002 7:47:04 PM | Message Detail
Does anyone get the need to CLEAN things or do SOMETHING like work out or clean your room while masturbating? I really feel like i need to excercise and work out while i do it (for some strange reason) so today, (while on a chair) while i was doing it i began to left a dumbell (with the other hand) and i felt a lot more energized and was able to lift much more.
"Extended Play is about the stupidest show there is on TechTV . An ugly girl, with a guy who thinks platinum hair dye will disguise his balding scalp."-Zyrxil
From: DarkJoker15 | Posted: 6/30/2002 7:47:49 PM | Message Detail
i call my wang Master Harold. girls call it the "meatsaber".
Spiderman's Albanian, you idiot.-my brother, Bob
From: Paul | Posted: 6/30/2002 7:48:46 PM | Message Detail
You feel like cleaning your room while masturbating? What kind of Freudian nightmare are you?
From: Raesear | Posted: 6/30/2002 7:49:01 PM | Message Detail
Just don't drop any weights on Mr. Happy. His helmet doesn't really protect him from that much.
Why do I keep talking to myself when I know I'm not listening?
From: King of da Rats | Posted: 6/30/2002 7:49:46 PM | Message Detail
While I do it, I like to munch on raw seafood and drink fish juice.....

****** Justice:The Great Messiah *******
****** GGXX: The Midnight Carnival *****
From: chronix13 | Posted: 6/30/2002 7:55:54 PM | Message Detail
thanks for the new sig darkjoker
--Member of the SCC2--Team F.A.R.T.-- Curent Point Total: 33
i call my wang Master Harold. girls call it the "meatsaber". --DarkJoker15
From: zoips | Posted: 6/30/2002 7:58:12 PM | Message Detail
Totally off the subject, but whenever I see your name, I automatically think "Terran is posting here?!?!" but then I realize that he isn't...*cries*
I go to their house in the middle of the night, cup my hands against the door and shout "Why are you so ****ing ugly?" - fakeplasticmanatree
From: Castamir | Posted: 6/30/2002 8:13:29 PM | Message Detail
Actually this topic is a sig paradise. *notes new sig*
You feel like cleaning your room while masturbating? What kind of Freudian nightmare are you? - Paul at LUE
From: LordStamp | Posted: 6/30/2002 8:20:07 PM | Message Detail
Your room must be pretty clean then.

I call my wang "The Pork Sword"
"Here! Take my +1 mace!" Gary Gygax, Futurama
From: The Jumping JubJub | Posted: 6/30/2002 8:20:22 PM | Message Detail
Just don't drop any weights on Mr. Happy. His helmet doesn't really protect him from that much.~Raesear
From: JokaThaJesta | Posted: 6/30/2002 8:22:05 PM | Message Detail
Girls call my wang Slim Jim. :(
"I don't think I'm better than everyone, I just know I'm better than you."
From: Diablo! | Posted: 6/30/2002 8:24:18 PM | Message Detail
new sig!
Does anyone get the need to CLEAN things or do SOMETHING like work out or clean your room while masturbating? Zerg Zergling
From: DarkJoker15 | Posted: 6/30/2002 8:58:53 PM | Message Detail
mmmmm...sig paradise...
Spiderman's Albanian, you idiot.-my brother, Bob
i call my wang Master Harold. girls call it the "meatsaber".-me
From: Redrum Llewxam | Posted: 6/30/2002 9:00:20 PM | Message Detail
Lol I gots me a new sig too.
You feel like cleaning your room while masturbating? What kind of Freudian nightmare are you? - Paul

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