I know its dusty and I know, I just know that there are spiders ready to pounce on my head, but Gigs insisted I come up here and start putting things in order...so I'm here and I'm organizing, but I'm not happy about it...no I'm sooo not happy about it...I can hear them rustling in the shadows...and the minute I see one I'm going to be back down those stairs and hiding under the covers in the bedroom in just under six seconds...just you wait and see.

Anyway this is were were are going to be storing all the wedding paraphenalia...the men's-toes and keepsakes...Gigs insists that this is where you keep such things...so I'm storing them here...even if it is under duress.

Oh for those who don't know. Everyone at Triumverate (well pretty much) is helping write this...its a major group effort, and if you'd like in on it, feel free to help out.

The Proposal

Well you can't really have a wedding without one...so here is ours. It isn't exactly a traditional proposal...and I wouldn't read it if I were faint of heart.

Bachelorette party

Well what the fun in getting married if you can't at least have one last wild night in which to sow you're oats?

Wedding Planner

You didn't think we were just going to wing it did you? Course not, lots of scheming...I mean planning goes into a wedding.
The Stag Party

Long awaited and highly anticipated...its here at last.
The Wedding

That's right...Halloween has come and gone...and the nuptials are begun...well and kinda ended...but you'll have to read it to find out what I mean.

It's not so empty anymore. "grins" Rather, its coming along quite nicely. We're looking at the date for the Stag Party sometime in late August-early September. So you have until then to turn in your bachlorette chapter. Also the wedding is scheduled to take place on 10/31/02. All Saints Eve. Figures Luce would want it performed that night.

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