We here at Weird Squared are firm in our belief that you can't be truly happy, less you're here at our website. So to provide you with another reason to visit, we have started our Suggested Reading List.
Now I swear this isn't like those programs from elementary school. You don't get a punishment for not readin the books...course you don't really get a reward either...unless you consider the joy of a few hours spent drowning reality out with the exciting lives of some wonderful characters.
Do I sound like a game show host yet or should I try harder? Anyways here's the deal, we think that sharing thoughts on books is a good idea...mainly because we've run out of ideas for what to read next. Now this may not have happened to you yet, but the best way to get ideas about new books is to talk to other people who read. We all read...a lot. So this page is dedicated to books we love, or that others have suggested, just to give people who are looking for something to read, a few ideas.
Presently this is broken up by Author...that could change, if it does...well we'll explain the new order.
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