Sings the Nightingale

Sage and Memories
BY: Kash

Disclaimer:  Okay you guys know the drill,  Anita and company do not belong to me and I am making absolutely NO money from this...and what money I do tied up paying everyday bills...light, car, know those bare necessities...anyways I'm just writing for fun and for tell me what ya think...and don't go pulling any punches...I can take it I swear.


"Okay now try and find your center of power,” Anita said in a soft voice. 

They'd been at this for almost three hours now and so far Seri hadn't shown a signal sign of mystical power.  The only thing that Anita had accomplished was a roaring headache from all the damn sage they'd burnt and watery eyes from the smoke that had quickly filled the room. She wanted to scream in frustration, or at least shoot something.  Looking back down at the book sitting in her lap she sighed heavily.  A handy guide to astral projection my ass, she thought as she glared at the chapter on breathing.  How the hell was a person supposed to relax and breath when they had to count to five before inhaling or exhaling.  She'd been working with Marianne for months and the lady had never had her count her breaths. To bad she wasn’t here now.  Instead they had been forced to turn to a "how-to" book.   So far it hadn't proved to be of any use, but if Richard stuck his head in the door one more time to ask how it was going she's was going to use the damn thing as a projectile weapon.

Seri's eyes popped open at the sound of growling.  Anita looked fit to be tied.  She half expected her eyes to start glowing any minute now. 

"I don't think this is going to work."  She said softly in a calming voice.  Anita's eyes locked with hers for a moment before she sighed her shoulders relaxing somewhat. 

"You're right. Who ever wrote this book should be shot.”  Seri tried to stifle a grin but it didn't work very well.  Anita shook her head.

"Jean-Claude's right though. There should be a way for you to feel Fata's're part of it."  That statement wiped the grin off her face quick enough.  She looked down at the candle burning between them, focusing on the flame.  "I guess."  She said very quietly.

Anita looked hard at Seri's lowered head.  She couldn't be sabotaging this on purpose could she?  Anita was inclined to believe the worst it saved time.  "You're part of her, like a gris gris, you should feel her." She stated emphatically with just an edge of malice.  Seri's head jerked up and their eyes locked.   Anita let the peaceful white place descend over her; the emptiness entered her eyes.  If the girl wasn't going to help them then she could damn well leave. They'd find another way to locate Asher. Of course if she was purposefully delaying them, so that whoever had Asher could hurt him more...she'd kill her.  Curse or no curse she'd be one dead bird.

Seri looked in Anita's eyes and saw the emptiness; she was calm and ready to do whatever needed to be done.  Seri knew she should be frightened, but the worst that Anita could do was kill her and death was something she'd prayed for, for countless ages.  She smiled a little as she let her eyes drop away.  Now wasn't the time for such thoughts. She might not mind dying, but she did mind the thought of what Fata might be doing to Asher.  She minded that very much.  If she shared a link with the bitch she might as well use it.  "I think that we need to ditch the sage at least."  She said suddenly. "I can't think with it burning, and its giving me a head ache." 

Anita watched her for a few seconds longer and then stood up. "Then lets leave this room, it'll take hours for it to clear out.  We can go up to the roof, there should be plenty of fresh air up there."   She said as she stretched working out a few kinks in her back. 

Sitting cross-legged on the floor for hours at a time was not good for her spine.   She still couldn't believe that Jean-Claude had suckered her into being TEACHER for the evening. She shook her head of the thought and tossed the book down on a coffee table, then walked to the wall to flip the switch.   The room they'd been deposited in was a small sitting room, near Jean-Claude's bedroom at the Circus.  It looked like something you'd find in an upscale modern design magazine, all sharp edges and monochromatic coloring.  She hated this room.  Jean-Claude had promised to change it soon.  She was pretty sure that decorating was his hobby. It was better then torture she supposed, though looking around the room, she wasn't sure HOW much better.  

Seri leaned forward and blew out the candle before standing up.  She didn't care much for the room either; of course she didn't really care for rooms in general.  She missed the times when people hadn't confined themselves to little boxes.  She missed wondering through forests that went on and on forever, but those were all gone now, plowed under and paved over by modern man.  There was a reason why people weren't meant to live forever. She shrugged the thought away.  Anita had been blowing out the other candles around the room.  The book had said that candles and their positioning were very important.  Seri wasn't sure why.  They just seemed to fill the air with heat and paint strange shadows on the wall, none of which was all that helpful in her opinion.  She didn't much care for the smell of melting wax either. 

Anita blew out the last candle; there'd been twenty in all.  It'd been like the setting of some occult movie.  She should have known better.  The book had probably been written by some no talent hack, who’d watched way to many horror movies growing up as a child.  She glared in disgust at the book.  Sure there was some legitimate literature out there on the subject but there were so many phonies just out to make a buck that you never knew what you were getting.  Too bad she hadn't been able to reach Marianne. She probably could have recommended something useful.   "Come on. We'll see if starlight isn't better for this kind of thing", she said over her shoulder to Seri as she marched out of the room. There was no time for screwing around. They'd already wasted three hours trying it the books way. Now it was time to listen to their instincts.

It was cool up on the roof, a light breeze played with Seri’s hair as she glanced around.  It was a relief from the stifling heat of the little room she’d spent the last three hours in. She needed the cool air anyway. The stairs to the roof were…intimidating to say the least.  They seemed to go up and up forever, well for at least six flights she’d wager.  Up here though she could make out the vague light of the stars.  It was hard because of glow from the cities lights, but they were there, she could feel them.   She turned to smile at Anita.  “It’s beautiful.” 

Anita shrugged nonchalantly.  They’d been able to sneak out of the room without running into Richard, He must have gone for a snack, and Jean-Claude wouldn’t dream of spying. Riiight. Edward hadn’t felt the need to hang around earlier.  He’d said he had some things to take care of.  She’d let him go without a word.  Edward was a big boy; he could look out for himself.  He was one of the few people she could say that about.  She walked over to one of the lounge chairs, brushing snow off its seat and sat down. It was freezing out here. They were both wearing coats…she’d stolen two of Jean-Claude’s long jackets.  “So what do we do now,” she asked leaning back in the chair as she glanced over at Seri.  Her face appeared to almost be glowing in the soft glow of the city lights and the cool silver light of the half moon.  She was smiling…widely.  It was the first real smile she’d seen her give.  

Seri wanted to twirl around in joy.  Anita couldn’t feel it.  She didn’t even know how to describe it.  She could close her eyes and remember the nights from all those years ago, nights like this one.  “Solstice is in three nights.”  She said softly as she sank slowly to the floor, aware of the snow and ice but not bothered by it.   She’d sat like this many nights before, alone in the forest, watching snowflakes fall around her; those were some of her favorite memories.  

“Ser?  Seri, where are you?”  A voice called frightening the small cardinal that’d been nibbling on the bread laid out especially for him.  Seri glanced over her shoulder.  Gili had found her at last.   She wondered how long her sister had been looking this time.  She stood up slowly.  She really should know better then to sit in a snow bank for hours on end just trying to cajole one bird out of its tree.   She smiled as she picked up the cape she’d been sitting on.  It was damp and covered in snow, and the Priestess would scold, but the hours of silence had been worth it.   She turned at the sound of footsteps. 

“Oh there you are silly.  Tonight the solstice feasting starts…don’t you remember?”  Gili asked her voice lightly scolding.  She was the younger…but she didn’t look it.  Gili was beautiful, with long curling hair the color of wheat, and pretty blue eyes.  Seri always felt drab standing next to her…and something like the child.   She wasn’t…she was older by eight years…but you would never guess by appearances.   She loved Gili though, she was her only family, her only tie…otherwise she would have run away years ago.  

“I remember, who could forget with her Highness running around reminding everyone constantly.”  Seri replied rolling her eyes.   Gili giggled and sent her an admonishing look.  “High Priestess would take away your rations if she heard you speak so.”  Seri shrugged.  “They’ve done that before, and it hasn’t reformed me.”  Gili smiled and shook her head.  “I know, I think they’ve almost decided to wash their hands of you.”  Seri grimaced.  “Don’t I wish…” Gili hugged her.  “Oh Seri, you know they do actually care for you…its not just you’re singing.”    

Seri sighed.  Gili always saw the best in everyone, and she knew that the priestesses at the temple adored her sister, whatever threats they had once made…that was why this was going to be the last year…the last feast…she wouldn’t sing again…she wouldn’t…not ever, she hated it.  “I know,” was all she said to her sister.  Gili was old enough and pretty enough to bring the temple a handsome dower when one of the men asked her hand, she even had a lovely singing voice, and she could play, a skill Seri had refused to learn.  Gili would make a wonderful priestess, or a wonderful wife and mother, whichever path she choose, and the High Priestess…even if she was a dragon, would let her choose for herself.  Gili didn’t need her anymore.   So this spring, when the weather was fine she would tell Gili goodbye and go.  Her sister would understand, but there was no reason to spoil her fun now.  

Reaching out she clasped her sister’s hand. “Well come on then, you don’t want to be late do you?”  Seri asked grinning as she dragged her sister through the woods.   Gili giggled as they both ran back towards the village. 


“You’re sister…ah well that does explain a lot doesn’t it.” A cold voice cut in shattering the memory.  Seri jerked back to reality her eyes flashing open, as she looked open at Anita.  “What happened?”  Anita asked after a minute of silence.   Seri shook her head.  “I was thinking…about my sister…” Anita just watched her silently waiting for her to continue.  “I…didn’t you hear her?”  Seri asked looking up at her.   Anita frowned.  “Hear who?”  Seri swallowed.  “Fata.” 

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