Sings the Nightingale Chapter Eleven

Sings the Nightingale Chapter Twelve
Seek and Ye Shall Find
By: Kash

Rating: Well it'd probably pass for blood or mayhem...bare with me...I'm getting to that I swear.

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone...I'm just sooo not into slavery...less its of a love slave which case I call dibs on (looks over her shoulder at Luce's scowling face) darling sweet Fiance who loves me and would never dream of harming a hair on my head. (eyes wide and innocent as she slowly backs away from him) Have I mentioned how handsome and intelligent he is... (takes off at a dead run) Luce: (Grinning) She forgot to mention fast...I'm very very fast.

P.S. I'm not making any money...and I'm sorry this section is so short...I know I'm a horrible person (glances at the advancing Luce) If it makes you feel better I'm about to be punished (giggles)

Edward nodded silently at the dark haired man. This wasn't the first time they'd spoken, but they'd never exchanged polite niceties, just money and information. It was a relationship that he understood and was extremely comfortable with. Most of his business relationships were like this, very cut and dry. He preferred it that way.

They shook hands, exchanging what each sought, the man gained a number of hundred dollar bills and Edward, in return, received a few sheets of paper with a very non-descript print covering them. He left without looking back.

He was in his car half way across town before he unfolded the pages and read the print outs. It seemed they finally had something resembling a lead. Another body had turned up. Same basic damage, only his people had found it before the police. Not surprising considering it was in the basement of an abandoned warehouse in the really seedy part of the district. Most the police didn't get out of their cars in that area...much less wander into the 'breeding grounds' as they were called. Who said all police were stupid?

He glanced at the glowing numbers of the clock. It was just past four and sunrise was in just over two hours. It would take him at least half an hour to get to the Circus from here, and then another hour for them to get to the warehouse from there. That wasn't counting the time it'd take to convince both Richard and Jean-Claude that he wasn't setting them up. They didn't trust him. It almost made him feel respect for the two monsters...almost.

Of course he could go directly to the warehouse from here and check it out himself. Not precisely the wisest course of action, but if he didn't do it now he'd have to wait until tomorrow night. He wasn't willing to do that. He was sick of waiting.

He turned left and headed for the warehouse. He wasn't planning to go in, but reconnaissance was always a worthwhile endeavor. His Hummer pulled to a halt a few blocks from the address and he cut off the cars engine. Reaching beneath the seat he grabbed an extra clip of ammo and slipped it in his right pocket. He left the extra browning where it rested.

He was already carrying his Seacamp, a Berretta 9mm, and a small derringer tucked in an ankle holster. That wasn't counting the four knives and the garrote tucked in the waist band of his pants. He un- holstered the Seacamp and smiled down at it. He almost hoped there'd be a reason to use it this morning.

Tucking the key to the car in pocket of his trousers he slowly got out of the vehicle. He never carried multiple keys on a ring, they inevitably clinked together at the worst moment. Scanning the street he moved slowly back into the shadows of the alleyway. He heard a commotion up the street to his left. It could have been anything, a group of local were's having a bit of fun with some tourist, or it could be something more interesting.

He waited as the sounds grew closer then watched in interest as a man staggered around the corner and crashed into a parked car. He stayed where he was, thinking how odd it was to find drunks wandering around in this neighborhood. The man straightened after a moment with what seemed to be a great deal of effort, and Edward caught a distinct flash of gold hair. He almost sighed in defeat, it was Asher and no one was even in pursuit. He waited for a moment longer, watching the shadows of the street. It was never wise to act in haste.

Finally he crossed the street to where Asher was staggering wildly around. Edward wasn't sure what he was trying to do exactly but unless it was an impression of the town drunk, he was pretty certain he wasn't succeeding. "Asher" He said as he approached on silent feet. The Vampire looked up with eyes just this side of crazed and lunged at him.

Edward didn't even think. One moment Asher was moving, the next he was on the ground bleeding and the smell of gun fire hung heavy in the air. Edward looked down at him and sighed before holstering the weapon, bending down and tossing the vampire over his shoulder. Asher groaned but didn't wake. Edward placed the unconscious vampire in the passenger seat and closed the door.

The street was silent behind him. He didn't like it, whoever had taken Asher should have sent someone after him if he'd escaped. He climbed behind the wheel and gazed at the limp body. It'd be easy enough to finish him off...he shook the thought away. What was the fun in killing someone in no condition to defend themselves? Where was the sport in that?

He turned the key in the ignition after fishing it out of his pocket and the engine started its gentle purr. He smiled, he liked the sound of a well oiled machine working the way it was supposed to. Asher let out another groan and he cocked the trigger of the Seacamp. If the vampire woke up and got any ideas, well at this range the gun could do sufficient damage to make sure he didn't get a second chance. The drive was long and silent. Edward liked silence. It left time to think about the next move.

When he got to the Circus there'd still be about an hour left till sun up, more then enough time for them to patch up Asher and stuff him in a coffin. They might even get a chance to ask some questions. He grimaced as he pulled to the curb outside the back of the Circus. He'd have to carry the vamp again, which was not an ideal situation. He pulled the dead weight of Asher's body out of the seat and up over his shoulder in one smooth movement, there's a lot to be said for conditioning.

He tapped on the door with the barrel of his gun. There was no way in hell he was holstering it to do something as silly as knock. One of the leopards opened the door...Nathaniel, he thought his name was. The cat's eyes grew wider as he shoved past him and proceeded silently down the stairs. He'd just as soon deposit his 'precious' burden quickly if it was all the same to everyone else.

He walked into what passed for a living room and dumped Asher unceremoniously on the divan. Looking up at Jean-Claude's rather stunned expression he smiled. "Found him"

INDEXor To Be Continued