Sings the Nightingale

BY: Kash

This is actually the second half of Chap. 4 continued.

Seri frowned she hadn't been expecting that question; Anita could see the confusion in her eyes. She leaned forward expectantly. "What did they forget you?" She asked rather snidely.

Seri's eyes narrowed. "No, they died like most of the old Gods, those who are not worshiped simply fade away with the absence of followers. Times were different then, your God had yet to be born, we worshipped what we felt or saw, the things that were real to us." She paused her eyes becoming distant. "Perhaps they were never Gods, but with the belief of hundreds who so desperately needed to believe in something they became as real as anything else?the power of the will of people." She looked back at Anita. "I do know that they had power, that because of them I have power. Maybe they weren't Gods, but they were real, whatever they were." She had felt their deaths all those years ago, not like some sharp wound, but like a dull ache that just slowly faded away, like the death of a fire that has kept you warm, she had felt cold when they had gone, but again that too could have been her imagination.

She suddenly felt so very old, to have seen so much, to have lost all that she had ever known, even the comfort of her Gods. It made a body ache with loneliness and a desire for the sweetness of death. Even in that though she was denied. Were she to die today she wasn't sure that she would find the elysian fields, but rather the Christian heaven, her Gods were dead, certainly the afterlife promised by her faith was gone as well, so where did that leave her? She looked back up into Anita's eyes. "Ms. Blake believe what you will, I have not harmed Asher, I would not, and I do not serve Padma...I never will." She turned to look at the man, with his cool blank eyes. She did not like what she saw in them, the very absence of all, no anger, fear or pleasure...just eyes. It was eerie. "I will not return to his care, I will kill him first." She said it very simply. He would not be impressed by passion she knew...or by fear, so she told him bluntly her intent, let him make of it what he wished.

Edward looked at Seri, his lips sliding up into a small smile. "I was paid to return you, not to protect him." He replied with the same degree of bluntness. He didn't care if she killed Padma...the way things looked Anita would be helping, and if he had a choice so would he. He'd never met the vampire, but he sounded like fun. Dangerous, centuries old, definitely the kind of prey he preferred, the kind that could fight back. Whoever this girl was, at least she had backbone. He glanced at Anita. "Padma described her as a recalcitrant pet, that needed to be brought to heel." He didn't think she was part of the reason Asher had disappeared. Of course Anita had suspected him as well. She always seemed to question him first when any of her vampires or were creatures went missing, or were found murdered. He couldn't imagine why.

Anita glared at Edward. Whatever he was thinking she was sure she wouldn't like it. At least now she knew why he was in town?or at least why he was claiming he was in town. He could be lying. Edward only ever lied when it suited him. Of course she couldn't figure out why he would lie to her about this. "So you're your just going to take her now and return her to Padma?" she asked after a moment. Watching him carefully, looking for any signs of lying.

Jean-Claude remained silent through this exchange. He could not vouch for Seri, and he had no wish to in fact. Anita would either believe her and extend their help or not believe her and send her back in the care of Death. True he knew what the council was like, and that if she was returned she would suffer greatly, but he owed her nothing, and he would not risk what he had now for someone he did not know and had no reason to trust. Perhaps she needed protecting...but he was not so sure of that. She claimed to have killed a council who could accomplish that was not in need of protecting. Perhaps she just needed to learn her own strength. She was young and old all at once. She had seen so much and experienced so very was an odd combination.

Edward considered that for a minute. He'd told Anita that he would help her find her missing Vampire, and he always kept his word. "There wasn't a time limit, on when I had to return her." He said matter of fact. "Actually finding her is enough. He can do his own collecting." He smiled at Anita. "If he's council they might be offended if we killed as soon as he had his bird back."

Seri's eyes were locked on his strange little smile. She could feel a similar grin pulling at the corners of her mouth. She remembered this...skills she hadn't used in ages were tickling at the back of her mind agreeing with him. "If Padma comes here to collect me, I have the advantage." She considered that. If he could actually get Padma to would work, but what if Padma demanded that he return her himself. She thought she could kill Padma...she hoped she could, and if she couldn't she could retreat again...but this man...she didn't think she could escape him...not if he made up his mind, and she didn't think she could kill him. Something in his eyes, he'd find a way to kill her if that is what he decided to do. Curse or no curse he would find a way. She shivered very delicately.

Jean-Claude watched the tiny tremor run through her. She was frightened of monsieur Edward, how very astute of her. "Please warn us before you inform him...I do not wish to be caught unaware by his arrival a second time." He said looking at Edward. Anita nodded her agreement. She'd love to have a second go at Padma...still, she didn't want to kill Thomas and Gideon, but if push came to shove, she knew what she was capable of. Edward kept his smile in place. "Sure."

Seri shook her head. They'd just decided not to turn her over to Padma...they were giving her a fighting chance. She could have wept in gratitude. Only problem, they still didn't know who had Asher. "The other person who's after me...who exactly have they been killing...I haven't been making friends." She said as a sudden thought occurred to her. Could Fata have taken Asher? Sure she worked for him, but she and he had never traded more then a few words...and all about the club. It didn't make sense if Fata was trying to hurt her...but then why kill anyone at all...well that was ignoring the fact that Fata was a sick twisted bitch who took great delight in wounding, torturing, and killing anything that moved. Mustn't forget that little piece of information.

Edward looked back at Seri. "Everyone who had information about anyone resembling your description...the count is at about thirty now." She paled at the high body count. He supposed it was rather hard on a girl to know that she'd been the cause of so many deaths. Course she had killed once upon a time too?so why did it matter.

Seri felt her color wash away. Thirty people...thirty more innocents...more blood on her hands. She had lost count over the centuries, but it still hurt. To many deaths in her past, to much blood...she'd seen so much of much death and pain...screams and tears...that was all she ever dreamed of. There had to be a way, some way to end it all. It was a wonder that Fata even cared anymore. How much of this did she have to go She'd seen enough blood spilled to fill the much until Fata's thirst for revenge was fulfilled.

Jean-Claude watched the girl. She was upset...very upset. Thirty wasn't even all that high, not for someone who had lived with the council for centuries on end. Yet grief seemed to hover in a cloud around her. It was not something that could be faked. She truly mourned for those who had died on her account. Peculiar, yet she also seemed to have been upset for Asher, very peculiar, it was odd though that one who had lived so long still had compassion. "Had they made their way to St. Louis yet?" He asked Edward.

Edward looked at Jean-Claude his face a mask, for a long time. "No, but they didn't have all the information I did." Jean- Claude simply nodded. Of course they had not had the same access to information, Edward was an enigma, but he was a very resourceful one. He glanced up at Anita, who had suddenly turned to face him. "Yes Ma Petit?" He asked at her glare.

Anita couldn't believe they were just continuing with business, this girl Seri could be a spy and he was discussing everything in front of her. It was bad politics. "Don't you think Seri, should get back to her job now?" She asked with bite in her voice. Damn him didn't he think. Edward at least should have said something...oh yeah but Edward had been hunting this girl...and now of course since she intended to kill Padma...a big baddie, he was all smiles. She wondered for a moment if she was that he was looking forward to killing with someone else...a role generally reserved for her. Naaay.

Seri looked back and forth between them all. She wanted to help them find Asher...she didn't want to go back to just watching him when he moved around the club, quiet as a shadow. Of course even if...when...they would find him they had to find him, that didn't mean anything would change...except that now they knew what she was, and so would he. Maybe it would be?something?or maybe it would just make him hate know that she had seen what he was...then what he became...and she hadn't said a word...yes he would probably hate her. Besides if Fata was after her as well...if she knew that she had feelings for Asher...she would destroy him. "I...I would like to stay Ms. Blake...and help if I can." She met Anita's eyes. She could see the distrust and dislike in them. She wasn't sure why Anita disliked her...only that it was very obvious that she did...of course maybe that was how she felt about anybody new...or maybe that was part of being a siren. She'd read that when a man heard the voice of a siren it made him mad with desire, but the effect was the opposite on a female. Maybe that was all this was.

Anita looked at Seri. Help...she'd like to help? She looked like a fragile little porcelain doll, highly breakable. Not much help. Of course she was also over...what two thousand years old? She could feel her power too...and it wasn't anything to shake a stick at. Whatever this woman was, she wasn't weak. Not if what she'd heard in the past hour was true. She wasn't exactly a fighter though either, and they had no clue what kind of damage this woman had suffered from years of watching the council torture each other and those they had power over. She was about to say thanks but no thanks in no uncertain terms when Jean-Claude interrupted.

Jean-Claude was sure Anita had been about to say no, and that was probably the right thing to do. He wasn't so sure however. Here was a creature who knew all about Asher, his past, his pain?she knew those things and she had suffered as well, but she seemed fond of him. Asher needed someone to love him. Seri might not be that person, but at the same time she might very well be perfect for him. He would rather watch and find out, then turn her away. If she helped them, they would have a better idea of what she was, and what she was capable of. Julianna had been a helpless flower...for all that she was a human servant. Her death had scared Asher worse then the holy water had. He needed someone strong, not someone to protect. They would know if Seri was such a person before all this was through. "We would be happy to accept your assistance."

Edward watched the by play. He wasn't sure why Jean-Claude was including Seri, and he wasn't sure why Anita seemed so pissed. It was like a female protecting her territory...but it wasn't something he expected of Anita. That wasn't strictly true. She would protect those she considered hers to the death, but usually she didn't get fighting mad, until she had a reason. Like when he'd sprung Donna on her. She'd been well and truly pissed then. It still amazed him that it hadn't come to weapons drawn over that one. Part of him had wished it would, that part still wished it had, and was waiting anxiously for the day that it did come to that. Another part of him would miss her if he killed her. Course he didn't let either part make his decisions. He wasn't sure about the girl...but there was something there...something worth investigating. Maybe she was soft...maybe not...from what he saw he thought it could go either she hadn't made the decision what to be yet. He remembered that moment. He wondered if Anita did.

Seri felt the man's eyes on her, and she resisted the urge to meet them, but in the end she gave in. He looked...interested, in something about her. Like he knew what her future held and couldn't wait to see what she was going to do about it. It unnerved her. It was okay though...she wasn't being turned out, and she was going to be able to help find Asher. Something inside her loosened. They would find him and then...then she would face Padma...and if she managed to kill him...then she'd find Fata and see what she could do about ending that witch's existence...of course it might mean the end of her own as well. Oh well, what was it Shakespeare had written?to sleep to dream no more...she'd had enough of dreams anyway.