Sings the Nightingale

BY: Kash

Disclaimer: Okay all the normal jazz about me not owning the characters from the Anita Blake books. I don't. Wish I did...and they are still on my Christmas list...anyone know where I can get a slightly used werewolf or vampire? Oh and I'm not making any money off this. Well that wraps it up...I think...If I missed anything...ignore it and pretend I covered that to.

"Are you going to do it?" Chrys demanded as soon as he
stirred. He hadn't been unconscious very long but it
had been a sufficient amount of time for her to figure
a few things out. One, she was opposed to dying at
the present time. It would really put a hitch in
getting her doctorate. Two, she owed Reagan and she
always paid what she owed. Three, well there wasn't a
three, but there might be later. She could actually
think of a number of things that would be less
pleasant then letting the vampire she was snuggled up
against nibble on her neck. Not a good reason, no,
but she was rationalizing here and well, she'd never
had a guy, quite as handsome as this one, trapped in a
coffin with her. Okay so she'd never been trapped in
a coffin before...still. Things like this never
happened to her. She was getting a Ph. D. in Library
Sciences focused on Archiving, you do the math. She
wasn't exactly a prom queen, and if a family of them,
it had the effect of making her somewhat, not shy,
just withdrawn. She wasn't shy damn it, she was just
anti-social there was a difference.

Asher blinked his eyes bringing them into
focus, whatever they had injected him with had worked
very well, he had a pounding headache, it was already
fading, but the hunger was growing. He hadn't fed yet
tonight, and his body had healed a good bit of damage
while he slept and was now working off the effects of
those drugs. He was going to be in a tight spot very
soon, depending on how you looked at it. Technically,
he had dinner lying right next to him, but if he feed,
well then Reagan would be winning. Of course the
child had just asked the question of the hour. Was he
going to do it? He answered her with his own
question. "Do you want me to"

She didn't even pause, she nodded firmly
then spoke, "Yes, I'm dying, you heard Reagan." She
took a long labored breath. "I know that its part of
her plans, having me be a vampire, I don't know why
that's important, but obviously it is." She'd thought
this speech out but it wasn't going as she had
planned. "If I'm dead I can't fight her, I can't stop
her, and I refuse, I refuse to let this be the end."
She growled. She felt defensive, he hadn't said a
word but she felt defensive, maybe because she was
Christian and her family was going to disown her for
this, but to hell with morality, she refused to let
that...witch with a capital B, get away with poisoning
her and making her watch...her thoughts broke off and
she rubbed her temples.

Asher had felt her anger radiating from
her in hot waves, but it had stopped suddenly. She
wasn't angry anymore. She'd just stopped. Very few
things can just make a person stop being mad,
laughter, intense pain, and intense sorrow. It had to
be one of the last two, because she certainly wasn't
laughing. "What's wrong?" He asked with polite
concern. He wasn't sure how to handle the situation.
He wasn't called on very often to comfort females.

She shook her head. How could she explain
to him. She didn't want to die, that was true, and
she did want to get revenge, but there was more to it.
She'd watched while those people had been tortured,
she'd watched and hadn't helped them. Sure you could
argue that she hadn't been in any position to, but she
hadn't even tried, and for that she didn't believe she
deserved the peace of death. She should have helped
them. She should have tried. Maybe Reagan would have
killed her, but to sit and watch injustice without
offering any help, well that was an evil all its own.

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