The Taking of Fort Pulaski

BY: Cassy

Disclaimer: Asher and the Anitaverse in general are copyrighted to Laurell K. Hamilton. Derik and I are real. I'll let YOU decide about the rest of the cast. ;) If you spot any typos or miswordings, please don't blame my beta. She's got pre-holiday chaos going on right now and hasn't been free to look this over thoroughly. (Enjoy Christmas with your folks, Kimmy. See ya when you get back.)

We made it to Tybee Light, landing on the observation deck, without 
Bart following through on his playful threat. I was glad of that. 
Bart's style of flirting was very similar to Derik's...playfully 
teasing with just enough dangerousness thrown in to make it exciting. 
I didn't need to be distracted right now.  A few hundred yards away 
stood the "Batteries," where the then new rifled cannons had been 
mounted that had breached Fort Pulaski's defenses during the Civil 
War. I gazed out over the waterways towards Cockspur Island 
and wished I had a pair of night-vision binoculars. No lights were 
visible to mark the fort's location. Cockspur Light, a river channel 
lighthouse only a couple of stories high, had been decommissioned 
long ago, no longer necessary due to GPS systems.

"Can *you* see the fort from here?" I asked Bart. "Yes, but there's no sign of movement," he answered. "They may be inside, though." "No," I mused. "I don't think they're in the fort at all, except maybe a few lesser minions for appearances." "What makes you say *that*, darlin'?" Bart seemed puzzled by my statement. "I'm betting that they weren't figuring on us making it to them at all tonight," I explained. "That means they'd want someplace that can be secured for daytime. Unless my memory fails me, there isn't a single room in the fort that sunlight can't reach. I don't think they'd use the bunkers on the demilune, either. Too many tourists and their kids like to poke around in those."
"Well, they wouldn't be in Cockspur Light for the same reason as the fort, sunlight," Bart said. "And they damn sure wouldn't be holed up at the Coast Guard station on the other end of the island." "I think I know where they are," I said. Bart looked at me expectantly. We'd just named every place on the island, or so he apparently thought. I smiled a big Cheshire-cat grin. I knew of one other possibility. "There is one other bunker on the island," I said. "Even though the rangers keep them up, tourists rarely use the nature trails in the woods. On the north shore of the island, there's the rotted out remains of a pier and landing that used to be used for supplying the fort before the bridge was built. The bunker is by the landing. Anyone who discovered it locked up wouldn't question it. It's not visible from the fort, and they'd probably think it was being used for storage...That's where they're at. *Has* to be. There's nowhere else on the island to hide from the sun."
Bart mulled this over a bit. "I didn't know about that one," he said finally. "Of course, it's been over a century since I've been out this way." "Well, don't quote me on this, 'cause it's been a *few* years since I've been out here, too, but I *think* this bunker was built during World War II as a naval observation post to watch the sea approaches to Savannah," I said. "I'm not sure on that, but the bunker did seem more modern than the fort. It's not big, though. Only a couple of rooms, if I remember right." "It sounds like the most likely place for them to be, all right," Bart agreed. "But they're gonna be expecting an attack on the fort itself. I'm sending some of my people to do just that and make a good show of it. It'll draw attention in that direction, and we can make an approach flying close to the water and following the channel to that part of the island."
"I can't ask you to risk your people like that for a diversion, Bart," I protested. "It won't be just a diversion, darlin'," he stated. "I'm making this my territory. A show of force is necessary to send that message." I nodded understanding. Bart surprised me by fishing a tiny cell phone out of his pocket. He flipped it open, punched a quick sequence of numbers, then returned it to his pocket. "The word has been given. We'll give my people a half hour to get into position and begin their offensive," he told me. "That quick?" I asked. "I've been keeping people planted here and there in Gracie's territory for a few decades now," he explained. "The little bitch always was greedy, and I knew she'd wanted to expand into my territory. So, I've been keeping tabs on her."
"My, my, my, aren't *you* prepared," I observed. "Always, darlin', always," Bart grinned. "Meanwhile, we've got a half hour to kill." His grin definitely started looking a bit more like a leer as he let his hunger creep into his gaze. I took a few steps back, holding both hands in front of me. "Don't *even* go there, Bart," I warned. "A husband and one master vamp are quite enough for me to handle. I don't need any more complications in my life, thank you very much." "Hey, you can't blame me for trying," he laughed.
Actually, yes I could, but I wasn't gonna pursue that line. He *was* helping me rescue Derik. I decided to change the subject. "Will there be any backup going with us on the *real* attack?" I asked. "No, it'll just be the two of us. Less chance of discovery that way. It should be just the three you mentioned there with him. Spice is the only master out of the three, and she's not that strong yet." "Yeah, I kinda figured she was a master, just the way she treated the other two," I agreed. "But don't think you'll have to fight them by yourself. I've got a few things in mind for them myself." "Oh, I was counting on it, darlin'" he said.
I wandered around to the other side of the observation deck and leaned against the railing, staring out over the ocean. The lighthouse beacon swept out over the waves, causing the breakers to glow pale as they marched to shore on this moonless night. Lights of approaching and departing container ships twinkled on the horizon. I was struck with a bout of melancholia. I was worried for Derik. Hating that he was having to face this kind of shit so soon after his return to the "real" world. I was also wishing that Asher was here with me. Right at that moment, I felt so alone. 'I am with you, ma rose d'acier,' Asher's voice rang warm and comforting in my mind. I wrapped that warmth around my being, wishing that it was his arms around my body. I closed my eyes with a sigh. I could almost feel Asher's arms around me, pulling me back to cradle against his chest.
Coppery-minty breath brushed my face, and soft lips brushed my cheek. I gave a soft moan as the lips moved to my throat. The arms tightened just as fangs sank into my neck. My eyes flew open. This wasn't one of Asher's waking dreams he sent from time to time. This was *real*, and it *wasn't* Asher. Just before panic could take me, my master's presence flooded my being. Another vampire's presence joined and mingled with us, drawn by a power I was only just learning about. I recognized the mental voice accompanying this second presence as Bart's. He was louder this time, the temporary bond strengthened by my blood.
'Relax, darlin', this won't take long,' Bart whispered in my head. 'What is going on? Why are you doing this to me?' I asked them both, a tear sliding down my face. I knew Asher was holding my mind, keeping me from struggling against Bart. We didn't have *time* for these games. I had to go save *Derik*. 'Power and blood have been exchanged. The treaty is sealed,' both vampires said in unison. A surge of power ran through me between Bart and Asher. Bart released my throat and clamped a hand over my mouth. He held me tight as I screamed and bucked against the power ripping at my mind. The surge ebbed, and I felt Asher draw away from me gently, without offering any explanations. Bart had lifted me up, clutching me to him at some point. I was quietly sobbing and shaking all over in the aftershock.
Finally, the tremors subsided. Amazingly, once it was all over, I felt refreshed and energized. Bart lightly kissed my forehead. "It's time to go now," he whispered. Shortly, we were skimming along about a foot above the water, heading towards our target. As we neared the rotted pier, Bart drew his power back into himself. I took the cue and banked my own power. Didn't want to broadcast our approach. We landed on the top of the earthen mound covering the bunker. Through the woods came the muffled sounds of struggles. The attack on the fort was under way. One of the doors of the bunker swung in, spilling light across the small courtyard. A hulking shadow soon eclipsed the light as the giant, Indigo, stepped out the door, looking towards the fort.
Too quick to see, Bart grabbed Indigo by the neck and snatched him up to the top of the mound. In a violent motion, he ripped the giant's throat out, then whispered something in his ear, too low for me to hear. "Indigo? What's going on out there?" Spice called from inside the bunker. Bart flung Indigo's form off the mound to the courtyard. The giant lay in the spill of light, blood pooling beneath him. I could see the throat tissue reforming, but very slowly. He'd be out of the fight for a while. "Spice, get your ass out here...NOW," Bart commanded. The other master vamp flew out the door, stopping in the shadows just beyond the courtyard. Her fangs were bared, and she had drawn down power, preparing to fight. Bart stood at the crest of the mound, starting to glow with his own power, but still looking human.
I crouched low to the ground, more to stay out of the line of any attacks than anything else. "Gracie has been defeated. *I* am the Master of the City of Savannah now," Bart informed her, the power flowing in his voice. "Like hell you are," Spice spat at him. "If she's out of the picture, then Savannah is MINE!" "Is that a challenge?" Bart's voice was low and deadly. "Yes!" she hissed. Bart let his *full* power show. So soon after the extra boost my blood had given him, it was even more impressive than during the battle with Gracie. If Spice was smart, she would back down in the face of that power. She snarled and launched herself at him. He rose from the ground to meet her, and the battle was on. Guess she wasn't smart.
A male voice screaming inside the bunker drew my attention away from the fight. Derik! Quickly, I dropped down to the doorway and stepped inside the bunker. Derik sat handcuffed to a metal chair. I saw his ankles were chained to the chair legs as well. A shallow cut ran the length of his forearm. The brunette vamp I had blinded earlier knelt in front of him. She held a bloody knife in one hand and was licking the wound she'd given him. Derik's face was a mask of fear, revulsion, pain, and blind anger. I could see that the vamp's eyes had reformed, but her cheeks still bore the marks of my psychic attack. Like lightning, I snatched the blade from her and flung it out into the night. She snarled up at me, then recognition registered in her eyes.
"Hello, Cherise," I smiled, doing my best Hannibal Lechter voice. Hey, "Cherise" sounded close enough to "Clarice" to pull it off. She scuttled back against the wall in a crab-like fashion. Here eyes were wild with the memory of what I'd done to her before. She looked like a trapped animal but more dangerous. I realized I was standing between her and the door. I stepped to the side, silently offering her the choice of facing me or fleeing. She saw the opening and took it, flying out the door. I let her go. A quick glance around didn't reveal the handcuff key. Luckily, the cuffs were loose enough for me to slip a couple of fingers between them and Derik's wrists. Drawing on my marks with Asher, I snapped the cuffs then the chains on his legs.
Once free of his bonds, Derik embraced me, crushing me to him. I returned the hug, being careful not to squeeze *too* hard. "Pookie, are you okay? How did you get away from them?" he asked. "I'm *fine*," I told him. "They didn't take *me*, just you. All they did to me was drug me and leave me behind. I see you've been cut. Did any of them *bite* you?" "No, that redhead wouldn't let them touch me," he said. "Once she left was when the other one cut me." Just then, Bart stuck his head in the door. "Spice had the key to some handcuffs on her. Though you might need 'em," he offered. His gaze traveled to the snapped handcuffs and chain on the floor. "Or not."
We all moved out of the bunker. Once outside, another vamp showed up and bowed to Bart. "Master, the fort has been taken,' the new vamp reported. "Good work, Marius. I'm trusting you to take care of the cleaning," Bart told him. "No sign that anyone was here is to remain. Be quick about it. Sunrise is in two hours." "As you wish, master." Marius bowed again and disappeared in the direction of the fort. "Fort?" Derik asked. "Just where are we? I woke up in that chair." "Bart's people just took Fort Pulaski," I grinned at him. He'd had a fascination with the place for years, wanting to use it as the setting for a terrorist/thriller novel ever since the events at Waco and Ruby Ridge. "Just what all has been going on? Why has this been done to us?" he asked. "It's a complicated story," I said. "I'll tell you about it on the way back to your Mom's.
Bart, have any of your people spotted Vladimir anywhere around here?" "No, my watchers confirmed that he headed on to Jacksonville before we got to Savannah," Bart answered. "You think he had something to do with this?" "It wouldn't surprise me. He deliberately misled Gracie, causing her to initiate this attack," I told him. "As a result, a territory once controlled by the line of Morte d'Amour is now in the hands of one from Belle Morte's line...his mistress. He *is* here as her representative." "Damn, girl, you *think* like a vampire, and you've only been around out kind for a few months!" Bart exclaimed. "Yeah, I really scare myself sometimes," I grumbled. "But, since he's not around to see, it should be safe to reveal a little secret now."
I moved to stand in front of Derik with my back to him. "What?" Derik was puzzled by my behavior. "Climb on my back like for a piggyback ride," I instructed. "I can walk, Tammy," he was indignant. "We're not *walking* back to Statesboro; we're flying," I stated. Bart spoke up, "Whoa, darlin'. I can carry one of ya but not *both* of ya. Let me get one of my people to help." "That won't be necessary, Bart," I said. "You don't have to carry either of us. *I'm* carrying my husband back." "Are you saying that YOU can *fly*?" Derik was incredulous. In response, I flew straight up about five feet and hovered there. Derik's jaw dropped in amazement. Bart stood there with an expressionless face and blinked at me once. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the flight back, I filled Derik in on everything that had happened since his abduction, omitting some of the details of my dream conversation with Asher while I was drugged and the sealing of the treaty between him and Bart. He seemed to accept everything well enough. Secretly I breathed a sigh of relief. It was bad enough that I was scaring myself. I don't think I could've handled it if Derik had begun to fear me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On our way back into Orlando, I spotted a billboard advertising the Black Bear Insurance Agency in Longwood, a small town that was part of the metro-Orlando area. I was betting that Evie or some of her sleuth had their paws in *that* venture. I made a mental note to check into it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next day, I was back at work at Dark Mirror. I'd just finished checking some invoices and looked over the sales figures. The place was finally starting to show a profit. I was impressed. Usually took at least a year or more for a new business to start flourishing. I headed down one of the back corridors on my way to the parking lot.
Kimmy stepped out of the room Asher had given her for her shadow theater props and production shop. I caught a brief glimpse of some brightly colored toys and what looked like pink fake fur, before she spotted me and quickly closed the door. She wore her best Disney- smile, bright as a klieg light and meaning absolutely nothing. I also noticed that the door was of heavy oak bound in silver. *That* was new.
"Hi, Kimmy, what's up? Watcha got in there?" I greeted her. "Nothing," she claimed. She was *really* overdoing the innocent blue-eyes routine. 'Uh-huh. We believe you,' I thought. 'Of course we do.'