Learning to Fly

BY: Cassy

Disclaimer: All characters, other than Kimmy and myself (we're real) and Gigs (I'm pretty sure she's real, too), are copyrighted to LKH. And So It Goes by Billy Joel is copyrighted 1983 JoelSongs (BMI), used without permission but with good intentions. Although all places mentioned in this fan fic are real, this IS fiction (or is it?) and written strictly for entertainment purposes. Enjoy. :) ----

"Tub Toy?" Asher said questioningly.  "It's a parody fan fiction
Kimmy wrote recently, well actually is still writing. I'm pretty
sure Jean-Claude will find it amusing. I know Jason will get a kick
out of it. I just hope Anita is in a good humor tonight," I explained.
"I will have to look for the story when it is posted," Asher said.
We were at the end of the building, and I stopped short, forcing him
to stop with me. "You read the fan posts?"  "Oui," he smiled
mischievously. "I've found your posts to be quite intriguing,
Tamara." Uh oh.  "My posts. You've read my posts," I blinked. "Which
ones?"  "Why, all of them I could find." He stepped in close to me,
his hands lightly gripping my arms. Suddenly, I wasn't so sure being
out here alone with him was such a good idea. And I knew he wouldn't
let go unless he wanted to. 

"Jean-Claude doesn't care much for computers, but I've found the internet quite useful, and a wonderful source of amusement." "Um, Asher, you do realize that those were written for entertainment and under the impression that you were fictional?" I said. He gave a knowing smile as he pulled me into the shadows between buildings, where we wouldn't be easily seen from the parking lot. Then he pulled me close to him, one arm around my back, the other hand cupping my chin, forcing my face up towards his. I became aware of the fact that I'd been meeting his eyes frequently without hi trying to bespell me. I was suddenly afraid to meet his gaze. "Oui, ma cherie," his voice puored over me like warm honey. "But didn't you secretly wish that we were real?" He had me there. Teach me to be more careful what I wish for. "Will you not even look at me now?" he asked softly.
I really wanted to look at him. "I'm afraid," I stated. I felt a cool October breeze pick up around us and strengthen quickly to a wind. Then I heard his voice in my mind. Tamara, Tamara, don't be frightened. I will never hurt you, cherie. I opened my eyes to find his face just inches from mine. His expression was tender, yet triumphant. I watched as his eyes frosted over to a solid glowing blue-white. Oh no! He was trying to merely bespell me! NO!! I couldn't help myself. As futile as I knew it would be, I started to struggle. Asher's arm tightened around me, and he transferred his other hand from my chin to the base of my skull, holding me firmly but gently. He lowered his face the remaining cuple of inches to mine. "Trust me," he whispered into my mouth as that blue fire slammed into me.
For just a second, the night lit up with an icy clarity. Then he was crushing me to him in a fierce kiss. I stiffened in shock, and then my eyes shut, and I was trying to wrap myself around him. It was as if I couldn't get close enough. He broke the kiss off, his lips moving across my cheek and down my throat. I sighed in pleasure then gasped when I felt the sweet sharp pain of his fangs piercing my flesh. My fingers dug into his back as his tongue stroked and teased the new wounds, increasing the blood flow. A warmth flooded through my body from the touch of his mouth. I arched against him, spasming as the orgasm hit, wave upon wave of pleasure washing over me, threatening to drag me down like an undertow. Time lost all meaning.
I opened my eyes to find myself lying on the roof. Asher stretched next to me propped on opne elbow. His free hand caressed my face using only fingertips. A satisfied look on his face, like a cat full of cream. "How did we get up here?" I asked. At least my voice didn't slur on me. I felt drunk. "I flew us up." "The third mark. That was what that was, wasn't it?" I asked. "Oui." "You gave me the first mark while we were still inside, didn't you? That's why Jean-Claude asked you if you were sure about this," I said. I couldn't quite work up the energy to sound accusing or demanding. I was consumed by a bone-numbing lethargy. At least Asher appeared to be suffering from a similar state of relaxation. "You don't sound like you're upset about this, cherie," he said warily, as if he'd expected me to be pissed off. "Waste of energy," I said. "It's a bit too late to get bitchy about it now. The process can't be reversed. But you could have asked first. I bet Anita will be pissed about that."
"Only if you tell her, cherie. The plan had been for me to discuss this with you when I brought you outside before starting. But, Tamera, if you only knew how long I've waited for this, for YOU. I never thought I could even feel like this again after losing Julianna. I just couldn't risk you rejecting me, I couldn't," he told me. I just couldn't bring myself to really be mad at him. "Why were you so sure I would reject you?" "Look at me, cherie. Who would want to be tied to a scarred creature such as myself?" "Whoa. Back up there. I thought we had already established that I think you are beautiful. Besides, Asher, some may not be as obvious as yours, but we all carry scars. I don't look at them as disfigurements but as badges of honor, because you have to survive stuff to carry scars from it."
I let what was happening sink in for a bit. "I'm not ready for the fourth mark, Asher. It's just too much too fast." "There is no rush, cherie," he said, then leaned over me for a gentler kiss. As he pulled away, I thought of a potential problem. "Won't the local master be pissed at you for taking a servant in his or her territory?" "This area currently has no Master of the City," Asher simply stated. "Oh... really? How... convenient," I arched an eyebrow at him. "Yes, it is. The JC Corporation currently owns quite a bit of valuable property in the Orlando area. I will remain to administrate Jean- laude's interests and investments when he and Anita return to St. Louis," he told me smugly. "Oh."
Then I thought of something else. "Asher, the way I understand it, in a relationship like this, the servant gains some of the master's powers and vice versa. I have no idea what you hope to gain from me, but I was wondering... will I be able to fly?" "Let's find out," he smiled. "Can you stand?" "I think so." I stood without falling back down. "Now what?" "Simply imagine yourself flying." "Just like that?" I was skeptical. "Oui." What the hell, I thought, it was worth a shot. "I don't have to step off the roof or anything like that do I?" "No, cherie. You will not need to. Just stand there and picture yourself in the air," he said patiently. "Here goes." I shut my eyes and did as he'd instructed.
"Open your eyes, Tamra," Asher's voice came from below me. I looked and found myself hovering about ten feet or so above the roof. I was so surprised that I lost my concentration. I dropped like a rock. Instantly, Asher was there lifting me in his arms. He gave me a look of pride and admiration. "Don't worry, cherie. That was an excellent first attempt. In time I will teach you to control the ability. For now, just let me take you for a short flight." I hugged him as he held me. We had a glorious flight before returning the the coffee house. Going back in, I knew Kimmy and I were going to have a lot to talk about after that night.