Hot and Bothered

BY: Cassy

Disclaimer: Derik and I are real. Gunthor is my creation. All other characters are copyrighted to LKH. Enjoy. Asterix denote italics.

It was 5 a.m. I'd just gotten home from work, and decided I'd take a
walk before going to bed. I used to walk my 3 mile route everyday,
but I'd let myself slack off over the past few months. I really
wanted to get back in the habit. It was a good way to unwind and
maybe sort things out in my head on occasion. Of course, sometimes I
just liked to enjoy the night. (I always tried to take my walk after
dark, even before meeting Asher. In Florida, it was just too hot
during the day for it most of the time.)  

This particular morning, I just had the fidgets and wanted something to do. I'd talked with Asher the night before and knew that he was busy tonight and wouldn't be paying me a visit or need me for anything. So I didn't need to check my e-mail right away. I could enjoy my walk. Maybe some of the neighborhood cats would come out and pay me a visit as I passed by. There were two in particular, near a lake I'd stop at occasionally, that seemed to consider me theirs. (Cats are like vampires in that respect. They seem convinced that everyone exists for *their* convenience.) At least I didn't have to feed 'em. Just give 'em attention if they were about.
I changed out of my work clothes and into a tank top, shorts, and my hikers. Even for Florida, we were having an unusually warm spell for mid-December. In fact it was downright *hot*. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail, grabbed my headset radio and keys, and locked my door on the way out. Then I unlocked the door, went in, and grabbed my cell phone, and re-locked the door on my way back out. (Seems I'm *always* forgetting *something*.) It was a clear night/morning, and Orion rode high in the sky. I smiled up at my old friend and put my headset on, tuned to my favorite country station. Then I set off for my walk.
I was singing along with a Christmas song and enjoying the light displays that had been left on all night, when I sensed that I was being watched. I had reached the halfway point of my route. One of the few areas where the houses were far apart. To my right was a large field with a few shadowy clumps of trees at this end of it. I was always cautious in this section, but I'd never felt quite this creeped out. I stopped and took the radio off my ears, listening for any unusual sounds. At the same time I scanned the shadows under the trees.
A man-shaped shadow detached itself from the deeper shadows. Something in me said "vampire." "Asher?" I asked. But no, this one was broader in the shoulders and a little bit taller. Was this a messenger from him? I had yet to meet any of the local vamps. In a blur, the shadowy vampire vanished from under the trees to reappear directly in front of me. I had an impression of mahogany eyes and coppery brown hair... a hand flashing towards my head. Then everything went black. ~~~~~~~~~ I woke to darkness. I was having trouble getting my bearings. I seemed to be in a small, enclosed space; there was a distinct sensation of being boxed in. Thankfully, I'm not claustrophobic. Feeling around revealed two things to me. Satiny cloth on the sides of my enclosure told me that I was most likely inside a coffin. And, I was *not* alone. Not good. The question was *who* was in here with me? Maybe if I could get the lid open. A quick check of my watch's night light feature let me know that it was just after sunset. So, I didn't have to worry about barbecuing my "host" if they turned out to be one of the good guys -- something I somehow doubted. This just didn't feel like Asher's style.
I'd gotten the lid up and was about to lift myself out, when the mystery vamp woke up. Whoever had put me in here with him had placed me with my back to him, nestled against his chest. His right arm tightened around my waist, pinning my arms, in a grip just this side of painful. "Guten abend, Fraulein," the deep slightly harsh voice intoned. "Leaving so soon?" "Since I wasn't fast enough, I'd have to say no," I quipped. "I don't suppose I could persuade you to let me go?" "But, Fraulein, I have just shared my bed with you," he said in a mocking tone. "Surely you wouldn't deny me the pleasure of getting even better acquainted."
I started to struggle. I still didn't have good control over calling on the extra strength my bond with Asher gave me, though. I couldn't break the strange vamp's grip without opening the marks. I wasn't sure involving Asher at that moment was wise. I knew he was in an important negotiation, and opening the marks would be a distraction to him. Not a good idea, considering the nature of some of the things he applied the term "negotiation" to. "Look, I don't know who you are or why I've been brought here," I growled. "But I'm not particularly *interested* in getting better acquainted with you. Now let me go! -- Oh, and it's *Frau* not Fraulein."
He gave a short bark of laughter, still grasping me to him in his coffin. He was *really* starting to irritate me. "Then allow me to introduce myself. I am Gunthor," he pronounced it *Goon-tore*. "But you puzzle me, woman. You only bear *three* marks. It is not as if *that's* permanently binding. Why would you insist on *Frau*?" Not permanently binding? I wondered what he meant by that. Was he thinking of superimposing *his* marks over Asher's? I could sense he was a master, but either very young or very weak. His power just didn't have that *resonance* to it. I didn't think he'd be strong enough to actually do it, but I didn't really want to give him the opportunity to try, either.
He tightened his grip briefly, eliciting an involuntary gasp of pain from me. "Answer me, woman!" he demanded. "I wasn't referring to my master," I wheezed. "I meant my *husband* of the past 11 years! Ease up! Dammit! You're making it hard to breathe!" He loosened up his hold, but not enough for me to escape it. He grabbed my left wrist, bringing it up to his face. "A ring! You really *are* married," he sounded surprised. "Well of *course* I am, GOONtore," I replied acidly. "Why would I lie about something like that?" Gunthor gave an irritated growl. Oh gee, was I getting on his nerves? Good. 'Cause he was definitely getting on *mine*.
He twisted my hand around painfully, making me wince. The position he had my arm in was already uncomfortable. "Enough of this. You will call your master here to me, woman," he commanded. "I will have done with this tonight. I had thought to steal you from him, but you irritate me too much. Now *call* him." He gave another little twist to my wrist. "Ow! Fuck *you*!" Damned if I was going to cooperate with this brute. "If I thought that would make you open the marks," he chortled cruelly. Shit! He probably *would*, too.
"But that would take too long, I think. I've a feeling it might take *days* to break you that way. As much fun as it would be, I don't have that kind of time," he mused. I held back on the sigh of relief. I had a feeling something else unpleasant was coming up. Turns out I was right. "No, I think I'll just drain you," he decided. "You'll either break and call him, or you'll die. That will either cripple him or kill him and save me the trouble." "Hey! Wait a minute! I thought human servants were sacrosanct according to Council law!"
"Who's going to tell them?" Gunthor didn't seem too worried. I screamed when he bit into my wrist, savaging it. He was serious about draining me and made sure the blood flow would be swift. I writhed, pitched, and kicked against him as best I could, panic nibbling at the edges of my mind. He tightened his grip once again and wrapped one leg over mine, effectively immobilizing me. God, but it hurt as he sucked greedily on the wound. My whole body started tingling after a while. My vision went snowy and colors faded to shades of gray. If I passed out, I was dead. I had not choice. I opened the marks, mentally screaming out, *help me*!
"Good!" Gunthor sounded triumphant as he pulled away from my wrist. "I *knew* you would call my enemy to me. But, oh, you are so deliciously *sweet*! I think I'll finish you off before our duel." "No!" I screamed as he fastened onto the wound again. I was fighting to stay conscious. The marks were still open. I didn't have the strength left to block them off again, to spare Asher my agony. Then I felt Asher answer me along the link. He was already nearby and closing the remaining distance rapidly. But I knew he wouldn't arrive in time. My eyes had fluttered shut, impotent tears running from them. I couldn't even open them.
*Join with me, cherie*, Asher called through the marks. I felt a sudden jolt of raw energy tear through me and into Gunthor. We both screamed simultaneously, and he flung me out of the coffin. I landed bonelessly in deep shag carpet. Hey, at least it wasn't stone or concrete as I'd half expected. All I could do was lay there. I didn't even have enough strength to sob. But I didn't lose consciousness, at least. I heard a door shatter and felt Asher's presence boil into the room. "Gunthor! I should have *known* you wouldn't give up so easily," Asher's voice was pure acid. Remind me never to piss him off. "Of course not, Asher!" Gunthor snarled back. "I will *not* give up such a rich hunting ground as Central Florida. The very transience of the population makes it ideal."
"Precisely why *you* are not fit to be master here,' Asher hissed. "You would allow indiscriminate hunting, which would draw the worst kind of attention to vampires. We have worked too hard for our current position in this culture to allow that." While they were arguing, I felt two pairs of hands turn me onto my back. They made a quick examination of me and proceeded to bind up my wrist. Then I was gently lifted and set back down propped against a wall. "Tamara, can you hear me?" a female voice asked. I couldn't hear Asher or Gunthor anymore, but I felt roiling surges of power from both of them. I managed to open my eyes a little. I found myself looking into the face of Vivian. I remembered that she and Stephen had come down here a few days ago on "vacation." "Y-y-yes," I stammered weakly. I felt myself start to shiver, whether from blood loss or the incredible amount of power unleashed so close, I couldn't tell. Stephen spoke up. "We need to get her out of this room," he told Vivian. "This much wild power can't be good for her in her condition." The werewolf seemed as agitated as I felt. Vivian nodded in agreement, and Stephen picked me up and carried me into a stone hallway. A few doors down, he took me into another room. This room had stone walls like the hallway. But, apparently, the whole place was carpeted.
I was still shivering as Stephen put me down. The carpet and even the stones felt warm, but I was freezing. "The marks must be helping you," Vivian told me, as she rubbed my arms to aid circulation. "Your wrist had almost stopped bleeding by the time we got to you." "Y-you s-sure I haven't j-just lost t-too much b-b-blood?" I asked as the shaking got worse. "That may have been part of it," she answered. "But I saw the wound begin to seal itself even as I was binding it up." A look of worry crossed her face. "Your color is improving, but your body temperature is way too low, even for a human. Stephen...." "Say no more, sweety," he smiled and moved away from us a few feet. I was still too numb to really register shock as he quickly stripped out of his clothes. I stared in fascination as his body contorted and shifted, fur flowing like a fast forward film of a plant blooming.
Once he was in full wolf form, he trotted back over to us, curling up beside me. Warmth radiated off him in waves. I snuggled into that warmth almost instinctively. My eyes closed as my body relaxed and quit shivering. I hardly noticed Vivian moving away from my side. Soon, a huge black leopard settled on my other side, her tail wrapping around my feet and lower legs. I chuckled tiredly. "I don't bother anyone. Just go about minding my own business. Is it too much to ask that people not bother me?" My only answer was a rough lick on the cheek from Stephen and a rumbling purr from Vivian.
I think I dozed off for a bit. The layers of stone in between muted the blasts of power from Asher's duel. I lost track of time. The next thing I knew, I felt Stephen and Vivian's warmth move away from me. I opened my eyes to Asher kneeling over me. "Well, you look like you came through this better than I did," I observed. "What the hell was that all about anyway?" "Gunthor was an old rival from my time at court with the Council," he explained. He traced a finger down my cheek. "I almost lost you, cherie. Why didn't you call me sooner?" "Didn't want to distract you from your negotiations." "Oh, Tamara, don't you realize how precious you are to me? The business can wait."
A wry smile spread across his face. "Besides, I don't think *Derik* would not be as easy to deal with as Gunthor was if harm were to befall you. He puts me much in mind of Edward." I had to laugh. "I know what you mean. The training is lacking, but he does have a similar mentality at times." Asher still wouldn't tell me what all was involved in the agreement that he and my husband had come to. Derik was equally taciturn on the subject. The only obvious changes were the cell phone Asher had given me, and the fact that he'd toned down the seductiveness. He still flirted with me, but not as aggressively. That was both a relief and a bit of a disappointment. I *had* been getting close to giving in. Given Derik's mercurial temperament, it was just as well that I hadn't. Still, knowing Derik the way I do, he could actually suggest I give in to Asher's advances. I wouldn't put it past him. Then my thoughts returned to more immediate events. I latched onto the fact that Asher had distinctly used the past tense referring to Gunthor. "Asher, that bastard tried to kill me. If you haven't destroyed him, I *will* kill him," I stated. "I have never been that scared in my life." "Do not worry, cherie," Asher soothed. "He is well and truly dead. Gunthor was a thorn in my side for over a century. This was the final insult. His attack on you classified this as a Council-sanctioned kill for me. There will be no reprisals. I have sent our furry friends to handle clean up." Ew.
"Thank you so much for *that* visual," I winced. I knew, or at least had a good idea what he meant by *clean up*. "Can I go hope now?" "Oui, ma cherie," Asher said as he helped me to my feet. "I shall escort you to your room. Perhaps you will require some...comforting...after tonight's ordeal." That warm, rich purr had crept back into his voice. I smiled and took his arm. "You never give up, do you?" "Non, cherie. I am very patient... and persistent." "That you are, Asher. That you are."