Momentary Lapse of Reason

BY: Cassy

Disclaimer: All characters other than myself are copyrighted to Laurell K. Hamilton. This is the first part of a three part story. Hope you all enjoy this. This section is rated PG. The next two sections get progressively stronger ratings. (Part II will be R for strong language; Part III will be NC-17 for graphic sexual content, woo-hoo!) Oh, yeah, I first saw this dress in a dream, for real! Also, I had to pass a slow moving limo that matches the description of the one in this story on my way in to work last night. Spooky, ain't it? :)

I found the package on my kitchen table when I came in from work that
morning. A large flat white box with an envelope bearing my name and
a single red rose.  I opened the envelope and removed the card
inside. Hand-lettered in gold ink was the brief message: "For
tonight -- A." A trace of scent wafted up from the card. I recognized
Asher's cologne.  For a moment, I puzzled over how he'd gotten inside
my apartment, then I remembered that he wasn't *renting* it for me,
he OWNED it. So, technically he didn't need an invitation in order to
enter.  I found a bud vase for the rose and took it and the box into
the bedroom. After placing the flower on the nightstand, I opened the
box.  Laying on top of the tissue paper that was wrapped around the
rest of the contents was a beautiful antique, saphhire encrusted
silver comb. Another note was with it. "Wear no other jewelry than
this and your rings. I will have a surprise for you when i pick you
up tonight. --A." I was curious, but grateful as well. I really
didn't have anything that would've gone with the comb.

I'd take *that* with me to my hair appointment that afternoon. Asher had said something about having to look glorious for tonight's gala grand opening ceremony at Dark Mirror. I pulled back the tissue paper to see what else he'd left for me. I lifted out a swath of midnight blue lace. It took me a moment to realize it was to be worn as a wrap. It was starred with tiny crystals that flashed and glittered with each shift of the cloth. Under it was something in a matching shade in velvet. It was a two-piece evening gown. The top was sleeveless with a rather low-cut square scoop neckline. I was going to have to wear the strapless bra with this or go without. I opted for the bra. At 35, soon to be 36, gravity was starting to win. The skirt had a wide waistband. It would go from my rib cage to my hips when worn and came to a V-point in front. The skirt itself was floor-length with a modest train. I noticed the train even sported a finger-loop to hold it up while dancing.
On closer inspection, I saw that the waistband was designed to act as a girdle. Asher knew I was still a bit self-concious about my weight when I had to wear dressy or clingy clothes. This dress qualified as both. I smiled. I found hangers for the new outfit so the folds from being in the box could fall out. Then I had a quick shower and went to bed. Wanted to be well rested for the busy evening ahead. ~~~ I was just applying the finishing touches to my make up when the knock came. "Be right there!" I hollered, then finished putting on the dark burgundy lipstick. I checked the peephole as I prepared to open the door. I was rewarded with a distorted image of Asher...alone. So, I went ahead and opened the door. The full vision was *much* better. He was as radiant as the Sun King himself. His ensemble was *very* Louis XIV. The white linen shirt had a high collar that was tied close on his throat with a cravat, spilling a waterfall of antique lace down his chest. More lace graced the cuffs of the shirt. His tight vest was made of cloth-of-gold. His knee- breeches were of white satin with gold bows and lace at the cuffs. White silk hose covered his lower legs. His shoes were of white leather, heavily embroidered in gold, with high tongues, two-inch heels, and topped off with gold bows. His frock coat fell nearly to his knees. It, too, was of white satin. The stiff collar was high, and the cuffs at least five inches wide. The coat practically *dripped* with gold brocade and embroidery.
The way he wore his hair went perfectly with the costume, but surprised me, nonetheless. The top part was pulled back in a tight braid with a white ribbon worked into it, leaving his entire face bared. The rest of his hair hung in ringlets that spilled over his shoulders and down his back, almost matching the gold brocade of the coat in brilliance and color. If he could've stood in the sunlight, he would've been blinding to gaze upon. He was breathtakingly beautiful. Apparently I'd stood there too long in stunned admiration. Asher gave a half-smile and said, "May I come in?" "Sure," I said, moving to the side but continuing to stare in amazement.
"Ah, I see you found my present. The color suits you beautifully," he said as he began to stalk around me. I stood there and let him do his little inspection. He completed his circuit and stood in front of me again. He cupped his elbow with one hand, the other hand gripping his chin in an expression of mock consternation. "Something is missing, though." I crossed my arms, shifting my weight to one leg, and cocked an eyebrow at him. "Ah, I have it!" he exclaimed. "Some jewelry is needed to complete the ensemble." He must've put on the attitude of an elegant fop when he'd donned the rest of his outfit. "As I recall, your note said no jewelry other than my rings and the comb," I smiled at him. "It is gorgeous, by the way. I've always loved intricate patterns on jewelry." "It *does* become you, cherie," he replied. There was a sadness to his smile that I didn't understand.
He handed me a small box he had produced from inside his coat. I opened it to find two pairs of earrings. One pair were diamond studs, at lest a half carat each, set in silver. The other pair were silver filigree and sapphire drop earrings. "They're lovely," I said as I put in the sapphire pair first. The diamonds went in my second set of pierces. With one graceful finger, Asher traced my jaw, lightly lifting my chin. He eyed my exposed throat and the cleavage revealed by my low-cut neckline in a most lascivious manner. "Now for a necklace worthy of gracing your lovely neck," he purred. He placed another box on the table and opened it, revealing one of the most beautifully elegant necklaces I've ever seen. It was seven oval, faceted sapphires connected by double drapes of diamonds. The three center sapphires had drops of diamonds ending in briolette-cut sapphires. All the settings and the fastening chain were of silver. it was well cared for, but obviously antique.
"Allow me," he said as he lifted the necklace from its box and stepped behind me. His hands reached around in front of me holding either end of the necklace. He made sure the drops of it brushed against my cleavage as he lifted it into place and fastened the clasp. The necklace draped just across my collar bone. His hands, now resting on my shoulders, holding me to him, were warm. He'd fed, and fed well, before coming for me. He walked back around to face me. Again, that sad smile crossed his face. "Ah, ma rose d'acier, you are magnifique!" I smiled and ducked my head in acknowledgement. "Thank you, Asher. But, why do you seem so...melancholy all of a sudden?" "It has been a long time since this jewelry has graced such beauty," he explained. I merely looked the question at him, hoping he would elaborate. He did.
"It was Julianna's. The necklace had been a gift from me; the comb, from Jean-Claude. He agreed with me that *you* should have them now." A single tear bagan to trickle down his scarred cheek, the old loss still obviously painful to him. He rarely ever spoke of her around me. I reached a hand up to cup that side of his face. Gently, I wiped the tear away with my thumb. "Asher, don't," I soothed. The look in his eyes at that hurt, so needy,...and so vulnerable.... I don't know if he was more surprised or if I was when I wrapped my arms around him in a fierce hug. He recovered quickly enough, enfolding me in his embrace. I felt him give a great, shuddering sigh. Then he pulled back from me some, one arm still around my shoulders. He lifted my hand to his face and rubbed his scarred cheek against it like a cat. When he pressed my palm to his lips, my legs gave out and heat rushed through my body. He clasped me to him, keeping me from falling. His free hand had clutched in my hair, as he engaged me in a deep and burning kiss, his tongue probing and exploring me. I returned the kiss with equal fervor, clinging to him.
At that moment, I don't think I'd have uttered a single protest if he'd scooped me up and headed towards the bedroom. My desire was all- consuming. Finally, we parted. He was chuckling as he released me. "I'm afraid your coiffure will have to be rearranged, cherie," he said, noting my now-mussed hairdo. "If I may?" I nodded my assent. He could do anything he wanted to right then, as far as I was concerned. At least I'd used the smudge-proof color-last lipstick, so I didn't have to re-do *that*. He removed the comb, allowing the rest of the do to fall. Using the comb, he pulled back the upper portion of my hair into a loose twist. "These modern hairdressers mean well, but they lack certain skills," he commented as he secured the twist in place with the antique comb. Then he arranged the curls my hair had been set in to drape down my back, pulling loose a few fine strands to frame my face.
"Just out of curiosity, who did *your* hair tonight?" I asked, when he'd finished. "Jean-Claude." "Cool." Asher retrieved the lace wrap from the chair I'd draped it over. He placed it around my shoulders and offered me his arm. "Shall we?" he asked. I smiled and took the proffered arm. I placed my fingers on his wrist, like he'd taught me. We stopped outside the door long enough for me to lock it. Then, resuming our positions, we proceeded to the grey stretch limo he had waiting on us.
I was mildly surprised to see that Jean-Claude, Anita, and Richard were sharing the ride with us. It made sense, though. I knew that they wre rooming at Asher's "lair" for security reasons while they were down here. Maybe I could finally get him to show *me* where it was tonight after the show. Jean-Claude and Anita were color- coordinated tonight. She was in a screaming-red minidress with a black velvet bolero jacket. (I thought I could detect a slight bulge under one arm...her Browning, perhaps? I knew she'd feel underdressed without the damn thing.) The silver chain of her cross disappeared into the top of her dress. Black pumps and sheer black hose with crystal accents up the sides completed the outfit.
Jean-Claude was like a dark twin of Asher. They wore the same shirt and lace cravat. He had the addition of a *huge* ruby brooch at the throat. His pants were black satin, without the lace or bows. Instead, he wore the same boots he had at the job fair, but this time fastened all the way up to mid-thigh. He had forgone the vest. His coat was a scarlet velvet version of Asher's white satin one, equally dripping in gold. He wore his hair completely loose and styled into the same kind of ringlets that Asher sported. Richard had opted for the black-tie look with a black, tailed tux, a high-collared shirtfront, white waistcoat, and a black silk cravat with a gold and onyx tie tack. Downright conservative compared to the rest of us.
As we approached the car, a sly grin flitted across Jean-Claude's face. Richard gave me a censorious scowl. I realized that they had both scented the desire Asher had triggered in me back in the apartment. A glance at Asher confirmed it. He wore a self-satisfied, extremely smug expression. I narrowed my eyes at all three of them. Hmmph! Men! Only Anita seemed oblivious to the silent exchange. She was lost in her own thoughts on something or other.