It's Raining Men Part VI

BY: Kash

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone...don't care to actually...I'm just so not into the whole slavery thing...sides you all know who belongs to whom, and all that jazz.

I looked up at the woman glaring at me. I wasn't sure why she was so hostile...but she obviously was. Her companion didn't seem nearly as antagonistic. Looking over at Chrys she shrugged. "It is for Kash..." she said placing the ball firmly in my court. Wonderful, now I had to make the decision. We'd just arrived in St. Louis last night, very very late last night. Chrys had had about half an hour to get ready for 'bed' before sunrise. Aren't flight delays the greatest? Of course by flying Concord we'd been able to avoid the "aren't you arms tired" jokes. Those jokes get old so quickly.

I'd gotten the phone call at around noon. I had been sleeping, but after being told in no uncertain terms that Chrys and I would need to put in an appearance at the Bachelorette party I hadn't been able to go back to sleep. I'd debated calling Kash and telling her that we would not be attending, that her 'friends' were very rude and we would be returning to Washington. I do not appreciate being told what I "WILL" do...especially not by someone who's so overtly hostile towards me for no apparent reason.

I looked down at the outfit on the hanger and back up into amused green eyes. She'd said to call her Tamara...and she seemed friendly enough. The other one...Gigs..didn't seem friendly at all and I was tempted to behave badly...but I restrained myself. Sharing a psyche with Fata can be difficult at times. She...meaning Fata...felt we should wipe the smug look of Ms. Giggles face and then use her as a doormat. I was inclined to disagree; it isn't polite to treat people like that no matter how much they dislike you.

I sighed and looked back at Chrys. "I suppose." I replied very reluctantly. Gigs didn't' look exactly pleased but she left us. Tamara grinned. "You don't have to put it on now...wait till we're ready to do the guys can change in here." She said leading us to a dressing room. It wasn't' very large, but then Chrys and I have lived together for almost three years now...we could manage. I nodded and hung the 'costume' up.

I shook my head as I looked over at Chrys. "Remember you are the one who insisted we leave early...we could have just waited and missed all of this." Chrys smiled sweetly at me. "But then we would have missed all the fun." I glared, "Fun, yeah riiight." I rolled my eyes and left the little room. Time enough to worry about that later...or not at all. I'd just deal with it, do it and forget about it...or try to at least. "You coming?" I called over my shoulder. I didn't get a reply. Looking back I groaned.

Perfect, she'd
finally found Jason. As she hugged him and started exchanging pleasantries, Chrys likes to talk...a lot. I wandered off. She could find me when she was done. That to would be easy enough. If I wanted to I could listen in on their conversation...the same way she could with me. We aren't a triumvirate and she isn't my master. We just share an unwanted power...namely Fata. It had its benefits...and its drawbacks. Sometimes it would be nice to be alone with my own thoughts rather then trying to figure out if they were my thoughts, Chrys' thoughts, or Fata's thoughts. People wonder why schizophrenics can be so violent...its the constant bickering in their heads.

I wondered out to the front of the club. It'd been a few years since I'd seen the place. It didn't look the same but it was still beautiful. Right now the only people inside were those who were either in the show, setting up for the show or the other staff. It wasn't quiet exactly, but give it an hour and the place would be a mad house. I walked down the steps and across the room to the bar. A familiar head popped up and I smiled. "Richard." I said by way of greeting.

He grinned at me. "Seri, I didn't realize you'd be here." He said wiping out a glass. I shrugged. "Chrys insisted we come for the wedding and now it seems we have to BE in the bachelorette Party entertainment. I see you didn't escape Gigs and Tamara either." I said nodding to his outfit. He looked like something straight from a Chippendale's club. 'Wouldn't you just love to take a bite out of that?' a voice whispered in my mind.

I wondered
who exactly Fata was talking about Richard or Chrys about Jason. A sudden image of startling blue eyes, cool as ice and a rusty smile flashed in my head. My eyes widened in shock and Richard asked what was wrong. "Nothing." I mumbled glancing over my shoulder in Chrys' direction. She wasn't talking to Jason anymore she was talking to Edward. Fata wanted to bite Edward? Can you say eww? came Chrys' disgusted response. I had to stifle a laugh. Edward wasn't that bad, but I'd sleep with a crocodile before I crawled into bed with Edward. A croc would probably have warmer blood then Death. Looking back up at Richard I smiled. "Sorry what were you saying?"

He gave me a puzzled look then repeated himself. "It was either tend bar or dance." I nodded. "Easy choice." He grinned. "Oh yeah." I shook my head laughing, "Mind getting started a tad early?" I asked after a moment.

He gave me a look "Sure you're old enough?" I rolled my eyes. "Just orange juice thanks." He smiled and set a glass down in front of me then went to get the orange juice.
A hand was suddenly on my shoulder and I turned to look up in to midnight blue eyes. "Jean-Claude, its been too long." I said very softly. He inclined his head in a gesture of assent then sat down on the stool next to me. "How have you and the fair Chrysanthemum been?" He asked. I felt a small grimace at the use of Chrys' full name. She was obviously keeping an ear out. I shrugged. "So far so good, we've managed to get Fata under some degree...and as you can hear...I got my voice back." He smiled. "I am pleased to hear it. It would have been a pity to lose such a lovely tone." I rolled my eyes. "Maybe." was all I said. I still don't sing, I hoped I never needed to again.

Richard returned with the orange juice and nodded at Jean-Claude. "How's everything backstage?" He asked pouring my drink. Jean-Claude sighed heavily. "I fear we shall have to keep a close eye on Mademoiselle Esther. She is not pleased with her ensemble." I listened with half an ear to their conversation. The one Chrys was having was so much more interesting. She'd left Edward and was now talking to one of the other girls...Lyza. I looked over in their direction.

Jean-Claude must have seen me because he spoke almost directly in my ear. "Lyza is Damien's new 'friend' she's also the wedding planner." I nodded and looked back at Richard. He had a funny look on his face. Glancing at Jean-Claude I asked, "Did I miss something?" He nodded but didn't continue. I looked at Richard. "What?" He looked down at the bar. Jean-Claude touched my arm. "It was nothing Cherie, I hope you enjoy the evenings entertainment." He rose gracefully and walked away after one last very pointed look at Richard.

"What's going on?" I asked fixing Richard with a look of my own. He looked back down at the bar. "Stuff has changed since you were here." He said after a long silence. I nodded. Of course things had changed...I didn't expect St. Louis to be in a time warp. "You might be surprised at some of the stuff." He continued. I watched him puzzled...there was obviously something important he wanted to tell me, and Jean-Claude must have told him not to. Of course Richard rarely listened to Jean-Claude.

"And??" I asked waiting expectantly. He looked up suddenly and his eyes locked on something. I twisted around and froze. Asher was walking towards us. I suddenly wanted to transform and fly away...quickly. I had told Chrys I'd try to talk to him, but I couldn't. I was back to being the tongue-tied idiot. for god sakes get a grip Chrys whispered. I glanced over at her and glared pointedly. I know what I'd like to get a grip on Fata chimed in. One day I was going to find a way to muzzle her. I rose taking my glass and nodded at Richard.

for the drink." I said and fled. Oh that was brave both of them whispered in my head. Just
shut up I whispered back. I transferred all my attention back to pleading with every god I knew of that he wouldn't follow me. When I was out of the building I leaned against the wall and sighed in relief. Thank God for small favors...or not.

"Seri, it is a pleasure to see you again." A soft French voice whispered in my ear. I jumped at least a foot in the air. "Asher." I squeaked, turning to smile weakly up at him. "What are you doing out here?" He asked waving one hand to indicate the back of the club. I looked around then smiled back up at him again. "Uhmm...I wanted some air?" I offered, then went back to looking at my feet. His eyes narrowed as he looked down at me. "I need to speak..." He said but was interrupted...I silently offered up a prayer of thanks as Edward appeared down at the other end of the alley.

I moved towards him. "Edward." I said warmly...gratefully. One of his eyebrows climbed up his forehead. "Seri." He said it very casually. The last time we'd seen each other he'd promised his services whenever I decided to go after Padma. We weren't exactly allies but we weren't enemies either. Asher didn't look all that happy to see him. "I need to speak with Seri alone." He said giving Edward a look. It didn't work. Edward just shrugged and didn't leave.

Asher took a step forward. "Seri if you would please." Another voice interrupted. " is time for us to go." I looked over his shoulders into another pair of eyes, gray this time. I smiled wryly. "Luce, so you finally convinced her to marry you. Hurt her and I'll make sure you suffer." I said very sweetly. He looked down at me, running his eyes up and down my length. "I do not doubt it." Was all he said and then looked at Asher, "We have to go now." It sound like it was important they leave. I had a perverse desire to keep them there. Just to foil whatever plans Luce had.

Asher nodded sighing. "I shall speak with you latter mon doux petit oiseau." I nodded absently, still glaring at Luce. Kash could do so much better. I wondered what the hell Dare thought about all this. He better show up or I was going to have to skin him alive. Oh yes lets Fata entreated. I rolled my eyes and started walking back to the club with a nasty look painted on my face. Edward made a small noise and I spun round on one heel. "What?!" I demanded before realizing it was just him and not someone else. He gave me one of those know the kind I'm sure. I took a deep breath.
"Sorry." I
said and waited as he walked to me. "Nice to see ya again." He said in Ted's lazy drawl. I shook my head and laughed. He watched me quietly for a minute and I explained. He'd never ask for an explanation, however much he wanted one. "You go from Edward to Ted at an alarmingly fast rate." I said simply. His statement stayed neutral as we walked back inside together. I nodded at him and walked back to where Chrys stood talking to Nathaniel. Edward disappeared, much the same way he'd appeared, without a word.

Chrys looked up as I approached. "Close call there." She said. Nathaniel gave her a puzzled look, but I just smiled telling her silently that I was well aware of the fact that she was the one who had told him where I'd gone. I'd get even later. She grinned Sure you will. I just tilted my head to one side and smiled then shrugged. Nathaniel was watching us confused. I looked at him. "Sorry dear, I'll leave you two to your conversation, I'm going to go change." Chrys stared after me for a moment before continuing her conversation with Nathaniel. Some people could find someone to talk to in a monastery where all the monks have taken a vow of silence. Chrys could even out talk those people. It worked to my advantage though, when she was around I didn't have to do much talking at all.

I'd rather keep my mouth shut anyways. I wondered back stage. We'd brought our clothes with us. I changed quickly. It was a pants suit in a deep rich purple. The top cut tight where it was supposed to and flared at the sleeves, draping down my arms in loose folds. Done entirely in silk it was wonderful to wear, soft against my skin and it made my skin look almost translucent. I had heels as well. Once I'd learned to walk in them I'd began wearing them quite often...but nothing over three inches. I might be able to fly...but I'd rather not break my neck while walking in a pair of heels.

I was fastening my amethyst bracelet in place and not looking where I was going when I ran into something...or rather someone. I looked up into dark eyes and had to take a deep steadying breath. "Sorry." I said about to take a step back when I realized his hands were on my arms steadying me. He was a vampire. Just my luck...its always vampires. I smiled. He frowned down at me. "What is one so young doing in a place like this?" He asked in a deep and very nice voice. I was lost for a minute. "Oh...I'm not as young as I look." I said and grinned. I may look twelve but I'm not. I wasn't that young when I was cursed either. I just look like a child that's all. He frowned again. " aren't." I tried smiling again. This was a rather peculiar situation. He hadn't moved his hands yet either. "No." I said simply. We stood staring at each other for a rather long time. I didn't want to be rude, and I didn't have a clue what he was thinking.

"Ramses, I see you've met Seri." Jason said breaking the silence sometime later. I looked over at Jason. He was grinning very widely. I didn't have a clue why. I was obviously missing something. Ramses released me suddenly and turned to look at Jason. "I...yes." He said still looking a tad confused. Jason took pity. "She's a nightingale. Smells funny doesn't she." He said amused. I glared at him. "I do not smell funny." Ramses interrupted whatever Jason was going to say. "She isn't a lycanthrope." It was a simple straightforward remark and correct, but explaining what I was always proved bothersome. "I was cursed.... in around 500 B.C. as far as Chrys and I have been able to tell."

Ramses looked again at me and nodded. "No you aren't too young." I smiled. No I certainly wasn't. I just smiled. "I better go, it sounds like the show is beginning." I said moving around him. Jason nodded. "Yeah I was sent to find you actually, Chrys says get your ass in gear." I looked at him and laughed. "I'll just bet she did." I nodded to him and then to Ramses and walked out to the front of the club. Chrys was busy talking...again. She never shuts up. She even talks in her sleep. I wondered if she was like that before Fata...or if it was a side effect. Nope I've always been this way she replied looking over her shoulder at me and smiling.

I rolled my eyes and
walked to the head table. Kash had already arrived and smiled widely at me when I approached. "How goes it?" I asked sitting down in a chair across from her. She rolled her eyes. "I've been informed I can't leave my chair, and that I'm in for a treat. When Gigs said treat she had a definite gleam in her eyes. It has me worried." I laughed. "From what I have seen of the preparations you should be worried." I replied as Richard appeared at my shoulder and offered me a drink.

I looked down at it. "What is it?" He grinned. "Ohh just a little something special." I shook my head at him. "What's in it?" He gave me a long look. "Nothing you won't need before the end of the night." I stared into his eyes for a long time silently then nodded and took a sip of the drink and gasped. "What is this kerosene?" He just grinned and walked away. I held the drink up to the light looking through it, it was a nice golden color like brandy...but whatever it was it wasn't brandy.

I sat it back down on the table. Chrys had disappeared. <i>Where are you?</i> I asked. For a long empty moment I thought she wasn't going to reply. Busy...I'm very busy right now she responded in a rather rushed tone. I frowned and was going to ask another question when the shields slammed into place. Whatever she was up to, she wasn't in danger...she was into mischief...that I could sense. I shook my head and turned to watch the show. Gigs and Tamara, the tyrants who'd bullied me into participating, were announced by Jean-Claude, and they came out singing a song I'd never heard before. They did an excellent job and sang with great enthusiasm. It almost made me jealous. I'd never be able to do that...of course I never would have wanted to so it was a moot point.

The women in the crowd soon got very wrapped up in the show. I was enjoying it as well. When Damien danced, Lyza seemed barely able to remain in her chair. I had to smile a little at that. It was always nice to see someone in love. When the cake appeared I cheered along with the rest of the crowd as Jason made his appearance. However when I saw how everyone at the table was licking him, I almost panicked.

I was going to get up and flee when I felt a hand on my arm. I looked up at Jean-Claude. "It is all in fun petit oiseau." He said softly. I glared up at him. Licking cake off of Jason was not my idea of fun. I couldn't get up though...not without making a very big scene. Fata was laughing silently in the back of my mind. When Jason stopped in front of me and looked down wiggling eyebrows I shot him a dirty look. He took a step closer. There was no way I was going to get out of this. Wonderful just wonderful. I considered for a moment. What was the most innocent place I could lick him I wondered. Then I had an idea. Leaning forward I took his hand in mine, turning it over; glancing up at him I gently licked his palm and then released him. Jean-Claude's hand moved up my arm to rest on my shoulder. "Well done." He said very softly. Jason winked at me and moved on.

The girl sitting next to
me was Kylie Everett. I'd never met her, but obviously Jason had. The heat they generated could have singed my eyebrows. When he got to Anita and offered up his hiney I about died laughing, and when she took him up on the offer I almost fell out of my seat. That was about the time I decided I should ease off on Richard's little lighter fluid drinks. When Gigs got up to go backstage Jean-Claude released my shoulder and helped me rise. I was a tad unsteady on my feet. Drinking for courage...who me? I made my way back to the little dressing room and began putting on my outfit. Typically I favor garments that actually involve fabric of some kind...but it seemed that I was going to be the proverbial knight in shinning armor. Okay there was a tiny leather thong for the bottom and a matching bra that went under all the chain mail. Chrys appeared just in time to laugh at the horrified statement on my face. "Where the devil have you been?" I demanded.

A sudden image of the devil flashed. "You were helping could you." I asked horrified. She rolled her eyes. "She loves him duhhh...come on we both know it, hell everyone knows it." She said turning away to grab her costume...fishnet and not just the stockings. I looked at her stunned. "Has Fata been messing with your mind?" She laughed but didn't turn around. "What exactly where you helping him with?" I demanded after a few minuets of watching her wiggle and squirm in her outfit. Chrys can be a major perfectionist, and she was having one hell of a time getting her seams exactly to her liking. She rolled her eyes at my tone and sat down on the one chair in the room to pull on her boots. They came to mid thigh and zipped up the inside. She looked up at me after a minute. "It's a surprise for Kash, don't worry about it." I knew I wasn't going to get any more information from her. That's right she replied mocking me. I glared, but what was I supposed to do, strip the information from her mind? Fata could have done it but it wasn't my style. Besides I knew she wouldn't be helping Luce do anything that would hurt Kash.

I turned and left the room. She could keep her secrets. I'd just wait around back here until it was time to present the `gift'. I was really mad and not watching were I was going. I walked into another someone...I have a tendency to run into things...they're usually inanimate...but hey maybe vampires qualify. "We've got to stop meeting like this." I said looking up at Ramses. Once again he had his hands on my arms keeping me from falling flat on my face, this time though I wasn't wearing long sleeves and our skin made definite contact. My heart did a little hop skip and a jump...strange I didn't think hearts did that. He was frowning again. I wondered if he always frowned or if I just had that effect on him. "Seri," he said it like he was testing the way it felt on his tongue. "Ramses." I replied smiling benignly. I didn't know what his deal was, but as a rule I don't trust vamps. I've had way too much experience with them to ever truly trust them. Something nagged at the back of my mind.

Maybe I'd met him before, I've met lots of vampires, living with the council for over a thousand years will do that. Of course I was never formally introduced. It didn't really matter, if I'd met him while I was with the council that was just another reason not to trust him. I wanted to There was just one problem, he still had hold of me and I couldn't think of a polite way to get him to let go. I could have pointed it out, but I didn't want to offend him. Besides I rather liked the feel of his hands on my skin. I looked up into his eyes...I know you aren't supposed to met a vampires gaze, but I had some immunity and besides why would he want to roll me? He looked faintly appalled...I didn't know what to make of it until I realized he was looking at my costume. "What don't you like it?" I asked sarcastically. His eyes flashed to mine aghast. I felt a little imp rise in my heart...Chrys was listening again. "Don't I look like Joan of Arc?" I asked before I could keep the words in my mouth...I was going to kill her later. He looked down his nose at me in disdain. "Frankly no." I took firm control of my mouth back from my `friend' and I use the term loosely. Hey, you know you love me. I smiled at him.

"No, I guess not, she had
better sense then to be seen in public like this...I look more like a little girl playing dress up in her father's armor." I said with a tiny grin. He was silent. I let my eyes fall away from his. Why were we still standing here I wondered. I glanced back up, he had his eyes closed and looked like he was concentration on something. "Is something wrong?" I asked very softly. His eyes remained closed for a moment longer then he looked down at me and he looked concerned. I frowned...well it was my turn after all. "What?" I asked. He smiled...he really shouldn't do that, it was as bad Jean-Claude's or Asher's. Enough to turn even the most sensible girl's head.

"I am sorry to have detained you." He said finally releasing me. I took an unsteady step back from him. " is fine." I said in a rather shaky voice. I stood staring at him, not moving and totally confused. Why did everyone keep giving me that look? You know the one I'm talking about the one that says that everyone knew something that I didn't...something I wouldn't like? "I believe it is your turn." He said nodding in the direction of the stage. I didn't understand what he was talking about for a minute, then I snapped to attention. "Oh!" I said and began moving towards the stage, a hand on my shoulder restrained me. "You will need this I think." He said holding out the chastity belt. I almost died of mortification. At least they weren't having me model it. I took it and smiled raggedly. "Yes…thank you." I said staring at him again, Get a move on Chrys whispered frantically in my head and I jumped. Goddess I hate it when she catches me unawares like that.

I smiled one last time at him and hurried to the stage. He was certainly an odd fellow...even if he was too attractive by half. I pushed the encounter to the back of my mind. Now it was time for me to go out there and strut my stuff. Now that was a thought worthy of laughter. I've never strutted in my life. I squared my shoulders and stepped through the curtains right on cue. I heard a shout from the darkened audience. "Isn't that a little like locking the stable AFTER the horse has already gotten out?" There was a round of laughter following it. I blushed…but maybe they couldn't tell through the chain mail. Come on girl, its no biggie came Chrys' encouraging words. Pathetic was Fata's comment. I walked to the mannequin they'd conveniently set up on the stage.

I felt like a prize display girl from one of those game shows. Carefully I unlocked the device and placed it on the dummy, relocking it. Showing it off from different angles (since the model was on wheels it was easy enough to do). As I was unlocking it Gigs voice rang out over the crowd. "For those nights when you just don't feel like faking a headache". I closed my eyes in mortification. Goddess give me strength had just become my new mantra. I walked down off the stage and to the main table. Kash looked almost as embarrassed as I felt. I wondered what exactly I was supposed to say…'hope you enjoy it' seemed inappropriate, so I just smiled and walked away very quickly.

"You did very well." Ramses said as I rushed back through the curtains and towards the dressing room. I froze. "I…thank you." I said my eyes on my shoes. I didn't hear him move but suddenly his hand was on my chin tilting my face up to look at him. "There is no need to be embarrassed." He said it so simply. I smiled tightly. "Easy for you to say, you aren't half naked." As soon as the words were out of my mouth my eyes widened in horror. I couldn't believe I'd said that. There was no need to call attention to my nudity. It wasn't as if I wanted him to be aware of the fact. "I have to change." I said in a strangled voice and fled. When I was back in my nicely sedate pantsuit I felt much better. Chrys burst in flushed, excited and laughing. "That was so funny. Gigs certainly has an interesting turn of phrase." I looked at her blankly. She rolled her eyes. "You are absolutely no fun…weren't you listening." I shook my head and began rubbing my temples. I was developing a headache. "Enlighten me." I said as she started changing. "Oh no! You missed it, your loss." I gave her a look.

She just grinned and jumped back up. "Listen I gotta jet. I met this girl Cassie…actually Kash introduced us. I'm going to hang with her for a while, kay?" She asked wriggling into a pair of vinyl pants. She looked like she'd been poured into them when she finally got them on, and the top was one I hadn't seen before. She was behaving oddly. Chrys wasn't a party animal but tonight she looked like the proverbial club hopper. I shook my head; I'd get the details later. "I'll see you later then." I said opening the door. She breezed past me. "Yeah, catch ya later." I stared after her for a minute, then walked back to the main floor of the club and sat back
down in my seat.

Kylie looked up at me as I resumed my seat. "Hey." She said it very carefully. I was getting about sick of everyone acting like they had to walk on eggshells around me. "What is it?" I asked, maybe she'd give me a straight answer, no one else had, of course I hadn't thought to ask…oh my god Edward. My mouth about fell to the floor. Edward was stripping. I glanced over at Kash. Tamara was sitting on her lap and Gigs was holding onto her shoulders and she was still able to squirm. Her hands were clawing into the arms of the seat.

Yeah she certainly was in love with Luce. Hey just cause she wants to jump Edward's bones… Chrys thoughts trailed off into a giggle. I had a small glimpse of a laughing face, with blue eyes and lots of blonde hair. The infamous Cassie I guessed. Fata didn't keep quiet either though and directed my attention back to Edward. Oh he's certainly a fine specimen, do say we can have him I gasped out loud. "NO!" Kylie looked at me strangely. "Sorry" I said and tried to relax in my chair.

Kylie looked at me for a long moment as I nursed my drink and kept my eyes safely away from Edward's dancing form. After this I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to look at him the same again. Oh but I'll look at him and see that splendid chest and those lovely calves…yum Fata laughed huskily. I closed my eyes trying hard not to think about that. I could feel Chrys wrinkling her nose in disgust.

Kylie touched my hand gently. "I think there's something you should know." I looked up at her. "Yes?" I asked grateful for the distraction. "Its about Asher." She said softly. My face froze and I carefully removed all the statement from it. "Yes?" She paused for a moment looking past me at Gigs and Tamara. I frowned. Suddenly I had a very bad feeling. "Yes?" I asked again. She took a breath. "You may have noticed that Gigs doesn't exactly like you." I nodded in reply.

"She and Asher…" My heart stopped beating…but I smiled. "Oh?" I asked when she didn't go on. "She's a were-tiger…" she started again. "It turns out that she's his animal to call…and Tamara is his human servant." I nodded almost ready to bolt, just then the music changed. I hadn't been paying attention to the show. Glancing back up at the stage I saw him appear. He was dressed to the nines. I remembered seeing him clothed thus many times before but he still looked wonderful.

My heart dropped
and shattered into pieces as I watched him slowly remove each piece of clothing, I couldn't even hear the music, there was just him, all my attention was focused. When in a small shimmer of power his scars faded away, every muscle in my body clenched and froze. I'd seen him like that before. Once upon a time when he was young, before everything had happened, he'd been an Adonis. Not that his status as a god had ever changed for me.

It was my turn to put claw marks in the arms of my chair. I barely remained seated, but in just a few seconds time, when his women got up and draped themselves all over him. <i>What happened?</i> Chrys asked concerned, another down side to sharing Fata is our emotions tend to bleed. Nothing I said unclenching my hands and folding them in my lap. Nothing had happened I hadn't just watched...I refused to think about it. I turned my head to smile at Kylie. "I understand." I said very softly. She looked genuinely sorry and I was sure she was but right now that didn't matter. All that mattered was< that I needed to leave, immediately.

I couldn't leave though. If I left then everyone would know I was upset. Screw it. I stood up and in doing that I knocked over my chair. "Sorry." I said to whoever was listening. Richard caught my arm. "Seri." He said. I looked up into his eyes. He'd known and he hadn't said anything. I blinked back tears. "NOT NOW." I said through tightly clenched teeth and jerked out of his grasp. I turned and walked very slowly from the room, with my head held high and my shoulders straight. Buzz stopped me at the door. "I'm sorry Ms. Seri. I saw what happened." He said I nodded at him and walked past and out the door. I hadn't gotten far when I heard a voice beside me. "It is not wise to walk these streets alone at night." I turned and looked up into Ramses dark eyes.

He stood
at his ease watching my face. "I'll be fine." I said finally and started walking again. He fell into step beside me. "I'm not really looking for company." I said harshly. I knew it was rude but at the moment I wasn't up to polite niceties. He remained silent. I glanced over at him. He was watching me. I stopped walking. "Why are you here?" He gave me a long look before replying. "I do not let ladies walk unaccompanied at night." I stared at him for a long time. "You're of Belle Morte's line aren't you?" I asked suddenly. He inclined his head in acknowledgement. I shook my head. What was it Anita had once said? I believe it was "Where does she find you guys…Studs-R-Us?" Chrys supplied.

I blushed. "I shall never understand why such women fall for Asher. He is not deserving." He said very softly. I blushed harder. "I don't know," was the only thing I could think of to say to him. He smiled. There really ought to be a law. Another smile flashed in my head and I bit my lip. He was sweet and handsome and I felt a strange fluttering sensation in my stomach when he touched me, but he wasn't Asher. I'd been in love with Asher for how much of this was really attraction and how much of it was me wanting to lash out at Asher? We hadn't even been together, I had no call to be so upset. I smiled again at him. "I'm going back to my hotel if you'd like to walk with me. I wouldn't mind the company." I said and paled. Where had that come from? I'd been about to tell him that I was fine and wanted to be alone. He nodded and we started walking again. I let my thoughts wander and they had a very predictable path, Asher. He'd been on my mind ever since I'd left St. Louis. Now, though the future looked a lot less bright then it had on the flight here when I'd been having romantic visions of running into his welcoming arms and…well so on and so forth. I sighed heavily.

"Perhaps we could go for coffee first and talk?" Ramses asked suddenly breaking the silence. I glanced at him. "I don't drink coffee and neither do you." I pointed out flatly. He fell silent again. "Tea?" He asked after a minute. I stopped and looked at him. "Why do you care?" "A lady should not cry alone." He said solemnly. I knew he meant it. I shook my head. "I'm no lady, I was born a peasant and I've never been anything but." I shrugged, we hadn't really had ladies in my time. There'd been the priestesses but I hadn't ever wanted to be one of those. I'd wanted to run wild in the woods. He interrupted my trip down memory lane. "A lady is not born, she simply is." I looked into his eyes, a sincere vampire. It was enough to make a girl cry. I smiled at him. "Thank you." I didn't know what to say beyond that. Looking down at the ground I had to blink back tears, equal parts touched by his comments and misery over the spectacle I had seen so recently. "It is not a sin to cry." He said gently reaching out a hand to touch my shoulder. I looked up at him tears in my eyes and smiled. "Maybe not, but I'm not going to do that in front of a total stranger…please excuse me." I said and transformed. Let him think whatever he liked but I couldn't deal with this right now. I flew away as the fabric that had been clothing me feel in a pool at his feet.