The Wedding Preparations

BY: Nuyourican

Disclaimer: Here is the first meeting Kash and I had for the wedding. You all know who belongs to whom so I won’t go into all of that. Of course there is no action here this is just to keep everyone on the up and up of the plans. Thanks to Kash for the brainstorming and the beta.

I was basking in the after glow of a sensual session with Damien, who 
I had just realized was no longer in the bed. I was almost asleep 
when the phone disturbed me. Now on its third ring, I decided to pick 
it up. 

"Hello!" I was a little bothered at the interruption and I think my 
voice reflected so. "Hey Kash. No, no, I was just falling asleep 
that’s all. What’s up?" She proceeded to tell me that Luce had 
proposed to her and how. I asked what everybody thought about the 
news and she told me they were all pretty much there when he 
proposed. I could think of a couple of people that may not have been 
too happy about them getting married. "So have you set a date? Well 
it isn’t like you two need to rush. You have. You haven’t even set a 
date but you are making plans." Leave it to Kash to do things 
backwards. She asked me about my wedding and if I would help her plan 
hers. I was no longer married, but this was one of my best 
girlfriends, how could I turn her down? We set it up to meet at 
Mabel’s the following afternoon.

I hung up the phone and lay there for a moment. I was a little 
disappointed that Damien hadn’t let me know he was leaving but oh 
well, I guess I‘ll just see him tomorrow. I rolled out of bed to grab 
a quick shower before going back to sleep and low and behold there 
was my beauty standing in the doorway looking scrumptious as ever. He 
wore nothing but a towel and droplets of water that made me thirsty. 
I stood and walked over to him, putting my arms around his 
waist. "You didn’t wait for me. Shame on you."

"You were sleeping. I did not want to disturb you while you looked so 

"I thought you left without saying goodbye."

He leaned in close brushing his soft, supple lips against mine. "I 
will never leave you without telling you and I will never say 
goodbye, only that I will see you soon." He closed the distance 
between us and kissed me gently. I thought I was going to melt right 
where I stood until he pulled way. "So I see Kash has told you the 

It took me a minute to regain my focus and when I did I said, "You 
knew and you didn’t tell me."

"It wasn’t my place to tell you and yes I knew. So you are helping 
her with the plans I assume."

"Yeah. I’m meeting her at Mabel’s tomorrow afternoon."

"Then I will let you rest. I need to get back to the Circus as the 
sun will be rising soon and I am not in the mood for a Bar-B-Que." I 
poked my lip out in a mock pout and he grabbed it between his teeth 
lightly nicking it and sucking in return. I wrapped my arms around 
his neck and walked him backward into the bathroom. He could wait a 
little longer before heading back; beside if it got late he could 
just stay here.


I didn’t wake up until about noon and I still had to shower, dress 
and make it over to Mabel’s…I was going to be late. After showering I 
grabbed a pair of black jeans, a red polo shirt and my black Nikes…I 
think I’ve been hanging around Anita to long. I kissed Damien, who 
was sprawled across the bed and whispered that I would see him later. 
Yeah I know he couldn’t hear me, but love will make you do some crazy 
things. I grabbed the carrying file that contained all my wedding 
stuff and headed out the door.

An hour later I was walking into Mabel’s and immediately spotted Kash 
because she was headed my way. "Your late, you know that right?" 

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I had a busy night and over slept…what can I say. 
You ready for me to drive you crazy?"

"Why would you do that? I think this is going to be fun." 

Poor thing, she was still ‘happy go lucky’ over the proposal. I hated 
that I had to be the one to bust her bubble, but who better to do it, 
besides I was good at it. I just laughed at her as we made our way 
back to the table she was sitting at. She had never planned a wedding 
and probably had no idea what was involved. "Now that the proposal is 
out of the way, here comes the hard part."

"It shouldn’t be that hard, I've found a wedding dress, and Gig's 
dress, now I just need to find everyone else’s. And I need to compile 
a guest list, not to mention a menu and so forth...I've never planned 
a wedding though. That is why you are here. What did I leave out? 
What will I need?"

I laughed. "All that and then some. Lets start with the basics 
though. Do you want some type of theme or is this going to be 

"I was sorta favoring a themed wedding. Period garb and the elements 
for the brides’ maids; Gigs’ dress is medireview and we were talking 
about making her element Fire."

"Why is that? Cause she is filled with a lot of hot air?"

She laughed at the joke, "No, and I am going to tell her you said 
that. Anyway, Tamara wants to be Grecian and air. Kylie is Water and 
Anita is Earth but style wise I'm not sure where to go with those 

"Well you have mythology to choose from, which could be interesting." 
I took out a note pad to jot down some notes.

"Ohhhhh now there is a thought. We can have them all dressed as 
different heroines from various myths and fables. We could use the 
various mythological regions. Like Egyptian, Grecian, Norse, Celtic 
and uhm...what’s another one, I ran out."

"Aztec, Mayan, Hindu, roman...."

"Ohh Chinese? I like this. See this is fun. Now to pick. I definitely 
want Greek. Hindu I like as well, Norse I'm not sure about the 
costuming. Aztec would be cool or Mayan. And Celtic I rather 
like...that's five right? That's how many we need I think."

"This is only fun because we just started Hun. It will remain fun but 
increase in stress…but that is what I am here for, so try not to 
worry about it. Now, I thought you only had three Bridesmaids and the 
Matron of Honor, besides the fact that there are only 4 
elements...well main ones anyway."

"Yeah, but the bride gets to be in period kinda garb as 
well...doesn't she? Well I just want to have a sari...but then I'm 

"Pretty but kind of plain for a bride don't you think"

"Yeah, I suppose some of them are but some are really pretty."

"Some of them can be beautiful, but standing next to the elements, it 
may not be enough. You want to look better then them, not the other 
way around."

"This is a good point. Just destroy my illusions why don't you! Okay 
then scratch that idea of the Sari. What do you have in mind?"

"I’m good at destroying things, especially people ideas." I laughed 
and wriggled my eyebrows in an evil way. She just shook her head and 
I continued. "How about a gown that will reflects all of the 
elements. I think that will be elaborate enough."

"For the bride, but how would you do that?" I could see the lines 
beginning to form on her forehead and knew I was doing my job…I felt 
so proud. "Maybe I could just wear bubble wrap." She paused looking 
at the comment that was about to exit my lips and felt the need to 
add, "I’m kidding Lyza."

I just smiled and replied, "You know me too well don’t you…that means 
I am slipping. Back to your real attire though. You could pull off an 
ensemble like that with the colors and material you use. You have a 
designer right?"

"Not really. Sorta. Should I find one?"

"Well which is it and no you don’t have to. I am pretty sure we can 
find something off the rack that you like and find someone to tweak 
it a little to make it perfect…that’s what I did anyway. Besides, 
push come to shove, Jean-Claude has got some bomb ass seamstresses 
that I am sure he would make available to you. I brought a few 
catalogs and stuff we can look at here and see what we come up with." 

As I started pulling out books she commented, "Maybe I should just 

I shook my head. We were just getting started and already she was 
talking about eloping. She flipped through some of the catalogs and I 
did the same. She commented here and there about liking this one or 
that. I agreed or disagreed, with reason of course. "Oh, I meant to 
show you this." She reached for a folder that she had brought along 
with her and pulled out a hand-sketched drawing. "What do you think 
about this dress for me."

It was a floor length gown that wasn’t to revealing but very sexy and 
flowing nonetheless. "Oh yeah that is sweet."

"That's what Asher said."

"Really? I can't see him seeing that as a wedding gown. I like it as 
a wedding gown, but I just didn't think he would..."

"Okay, maybe not as a wedding gown, but he liked it. Why do you think 
he wouldn’t like it as a wedding gown?" 

"I don’t know, I just see Asher a little more modern. I can see him 
liking some modern Cinderella type dress as a wedding gown. You know 
with the Long ass train and the big bell skirt." 

"That makes sense. I guess you have a point there. Oh look at this 
one. I like this one for Gigs. That Guinevere kind of look. She's a 
mythical character right? Celtic in origin. Not in white of course, 
but I do like the style."

"Yeah I like that. I guess it would work, but I don't think she 
should have the cape thingy unless everyone does. Oh I have an idea. 
How about having all of them in a VERY similar if not the same dress 
and they all where a cape in their perspective elemental colors."

"That sounds cool, but it’s a little difficult for one reason. 
Concealed carrying. You really think anyone is going to agree to go 
without their weapons?"

I rolled my eyes. These people and the weapons; I mean I carry but 
nowhere near as much as them. Then again, I didn’t seem to attract 
issues like them either. Come to think of it, I didn’t even need to 
carry till I met them…I wouldn’t trade any of ‘em for the world 
though. "Okay. I think I may have a solution. How do you think 
everyone would feel about carrying a sword? You could even 
incorporate it in the ceremony."

"I like swords. Personally I intended to have a knife buried in my 
hairdo, not to mention the derringer in the ankle holster."

I laughed at her. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing…then again, 
maybe I could. "At your own wedding? Don’t you think that by being 
the bride you will be well covered by everyone that surrounds you? 
You know we wouldn’t let anything to happen to you on your special 
day girl." 

"Yeah I know, but better safe then sorry. Sides with a gathering that 
large and full of preternatural beings, HAV is bound to show and I’d 
like to be armed." 

She had a point there...moving right along. "Okay. Here’s an idea for 
the girls. They can wear a floor length dress in a solid color of 
your choice...all the same. Each dress will have a split up the thigh 
of their perspective trigger hand...this will allow them to have a 
thigh holster at an easy access. The cloaks will conceal that. As for 
the cloaks, in their perspective colors corresponding with the 
elements, the swords can be down their back with the hilt hidden by 
their hair. That is at least two weapons each. If you want to 
incorporate the swords, you can do the military thing at the end of 
the ceremony and you and Luce can walk under them. What cha think?" 

"Sounds like a good idea to me except for the thigh holster...they 
chafe. How about slits ALL the way up with a bellyband. The slits can 
be hidden with folds of it won't be noticeable and 
there is no risk of flashing." I just looked at her and she knew 
exactly what I was thinking. "I know. I know, I’m no fun. There can 
be flashing...I just don't want Anita angry with me."

"Honey with Anita belonging to Jean-Claude, I’m sure she has been in 
worse situations not to mention more revealing attire. Besides, this 
is YOUR wedding, not theirs."

"True, but I would still prefer to live through it."

"Awe, I thought you were a little more daring then that." I rummaged 
through my catalogs and came across one that I was sure was going to 
get a laugh out of her. "Okay, don't laugh at me, but I am about to 
throw you some ideas from a place that most people wouldn’t think to 
look for wedding attire." I flopped the Barbie catalog in front of 
her and could tell she was trying to stifle a laugh.

She started flipping through the book and seemed to actually be 
looking at some of the pictures like some of them may be a 
possibility. She stopped, "Personally I like the goddess line."

I thought she was teasing but the more she looked the more I could 
tell she wasn’t. "So do I but there are only three, just like the 
element line. Keep flipping, you’ll see it."

She kept flipping and stopped again. "What about the Morgan dress to 
complement the goddess series?" 

"I saw that one, but I like the look of the goddess’s better. My 
favorite is the Goddess of Spring. You could use that design in the 
corresponding colors for all the dresses." 

"I like the goddess series, but we need a fourth. I'd rather use four 
different ones…but then I'm difficult."

"That’s not being difficult, that is being a bride. Like I said, It’s 
your should be able to be as difficult as you like, but 
I am sure you didn’t need an excuse for that. You only do this 
once...well your supposed to only do it once. So, you like the 
goddess line but we need to find a forth."

"How about this one?" She turned the book towards me and showed me a 
Barbie called Princess of the Nile. "Isis for Kylie. Ramses might get 
a kick out of it."

"I like. I like. We would need to change the color though if you 
still want to do the elements or are you just going for goddess’s?

"I'm not sure. Do you think it’s worth messing with the color 

"That depends on you. If you leave them the way they are then you 
have to 86 the elements."

"I think we'll just have to 86 the elements. They are too pretty to 
mess with. So the line up looks like Kylie as the Isis, Gigs as 
Athena, Anita as Venus and Tamara as Goddess of Spring. "Sounds good 
to me. That’s one hurdle down. Now back to you." 

"Actually, I didn’t think all of this would have taken this long. I 
need to get back to the Circus. Luce and I have plans."

"I bet you do. Did you think we were going to get everything done 
today? Honey please, you have a long way to go. We could hook up 
later though, that is fine with me." We agreed to meet the following 
day and pick up where we left off. I had some errands to run before I 
headed back home. I wanted to be there when Damien woke up. He was 
one of the reasons I was such good friends with everyone. I will 
never forget the first day we met, but that is a whole other story 
unto itself.

Here are the links to some of the dresses we were talking about in the conversation above.

Venus Dress


Barbie Dress one

Barbie Dress two