The Wedding Preparations

BY: Nuyourican

With everything that has happen since we had these talks, I feel kind of stupid sending them out, but i was told to do so, so here is the next one. Sorry it is so late LOL This is a remake of an AIM convo Kash and I had regarding the up and coming nuptials. The normal disclaim is valid here. You know who belongs to whom. I think we have seen that disclaimer enough to know it by heart. Also, those of you that are in the wedding loop with us, keep in mind that I am behind and things may have been changed since this conversation. LOL So, without further ado…

Preparations – part 2

The following day, around the same time, Kash and I meet up at Mabel’s again; we will probably do this several times till the wedding. We each ordered a drink and something light to munch on while we talked. "Okay, so I think we left off at what the girls are wearing. Now that that is out of the way, I think we should work on a dress for me…what do you think?" Kash asked.

I laughed. "Yeah I would say the bride needs something to wear, though I am sure jeans and a T-shirt would be comfortable." We both laughed that time.

She shook her head. "No really, I can't go naked. I told Luce there was to be no ritual sacrifice...coming naked might make him break that promise. And there is NO way I am wearing jeans and a T-shirt, especially if the girls get to wear dresses like those." She pointed to the book that I pulled out that we picked the girls dresses from.

"I got a new one the other day and I forgot to bring it with me last time, but look at this dress. I think this is just gorgeous and would look so good on you."1 Her only reply to it was "Cool," which told me it was out. So I moved right along. "Okay, what about this little red number. We can make it with or without the wings I am sure. I just think the wings would be cute with Luce being a demon and all" 2

"An angel? Me? Oh I think not Hun." Now how did I know she would say that? I laughed as she added; "I have more then a little touch of evil in me." I smiled and at that she felt the need to add, "No pun intended." She laughed and shook her head.

"Of course you do. You are not only obsessed with Edward, which is cause for a bit of insanity itself, but you are also marring a demon. I should say you have a little demon in you…I know I know, no pun intended."

She looked at me with an open mouth and retorted, "I'm not obsessed, just unhealthily fascinated."

"Yeah…Okay. Anyway," I continued, "Look at this one. Sexy yet elegant. And red is such a nice color to get married in. Talk a bout a statement." 3

"Oh look at all of those, I sorta like the Jewel Collection for the bridesmaids, can you say wishy washy?"

"Yep...wishy washy." I KIND of laugh at her, hoping she was seriously joking at changing the girls dresses after all that we went through yesterday. I had to remind myself that she is the bride and even reminded myself of what I was like when I was getting married. She is definitely entitled. "I like the Jewel Collection and what makes it even better is that there are four of them, just what you need."

"And to top it off, they are colored appropriately for the elements." She laughed to herself as if she had a thought that wasn’t spoken yet.


"You know, I never played with Barbie as a child and now here I am looking at the catalogs for my wedding attire, it almost makes me wish I had. Can't you just see it, everyone dressed from the Barbie Fall catalog"

I laughed at her. "I told you I collected Barbie’s right? And would you believe I hated her growing up. Mainly because I was a tomboy, but also because she had everything a girl could ever want and would NEVER have." Making that statement made me stop and think for a minute. Once I did, I realized that I in fact had everything I wanted. All that I was missing was the mansion that I didn't have a desire for and the 50 cars that I would never drive anyway. I wasn’t doing too bad. "Oh," I snapped as I was looking through the catalogs while thinking. "I remember you saying you liked these and it may work, but with a different fabric." 4

"Ohhhh a sari…I can go with that."

"Yeah I though you might like that."

"Oh look at this, someone just has to wear this. Think I could get away with it?" 5

"Yeah that is sweet. I was going to pick that for me but thought it was a bit much for the planner. But you could definitely get away with it. I think Luce would like it too." I smiled and wriggled my eyebrows at her.

She giggled like the blushing bride that she is and said, "I like it, but it isn't exactly bride-y if you ask me."

"I think the first one I showed you would look better. It’s so elaborate and will definitely turn heads when you walk in the room. You know which one I am talking about?" She looked a little confused, so I ruffled through the catalogs and found the one that contained the first dress. "This one," 1 I said placing the book in front of her.

"Nah, I couldn't deal with the big head thingy. I really like the way they did her hair though."

"Since you can’t very well have the Barbie dress, you can always have the tailor make the head piece smaller."

"Still, can it be my traveling dress for after the ceremony? We definitely should have looooow neck lines."

"SO as I said, have it made low for you. Or better yet, have them make it in a sheer material, that way your view is not obstructed, cause I know that’s what you are thinking. But I REALLY like that dress for you." I could tell she was SO over that dress cause she moved on to the next one.

"Now I like this one. Black and sheik, but I'm not sure its right for a wedding, though I do find it oddly appropriate. Though I could always make it my attire for the reception. Oh I sorta like this one too." 6 & 7

I looked at picture. "Really!" Needless to say I was a little surprised. "Now that one I like for a wedding gown, but I just didn't think you would like the bell skirt."

"For wedding purposes, a belle skirt is okay, though it may be kind of hard to run in. I could just make sure it’s a tear away in case a fight ensues."

"I think I may have a solution for that. How about a straight dress with a split in the back allowing room to run and a detachable bell skirt that kind of just wraps around. That way if need be you can just pull it off, but you can still have the elegant look of a bell skirt."

She raised her eyebrows and said, "That’ll work. I see the problem you find the solution…great minds and all that. Strange wedding. Planning for weapons and running...go figure."

We both laughed which we’ve been doing a lot of today and I said, "Hey, gotta do what ya gotta do. I think I have created a monster with the Barbie attire here."

"This is too true and yeah ya did. But at least I think I have found my dress. I really like that silver one, the one the criss-crosses over the stomach." As she was talking I ruffled through papers and books and pulled out the one she was referring to. "Yeah that one. And I think I’ll make silver and blue my colors. I don't care if it’s traditional or not. Its preeetttyy and I like it." 5

"And that is all that matters really, you are the bride." I said and winked at her. Then I looked at my watch. "Okay Hun, you want to stop here or keep going?"

"Nah, lets stop here. I know what I am wearing and we know that we are going to use the design of the Jewels Collection for the bridesmaids. Even though I was a bit wish washy, at least we accomplished something and it is still kind of early. I am supposed to be meeting Edward for a little one on one ‘practice’ before I meet up with Luce." She ended with a wriggle of her eyebrows.

I just shook my head at her and her obsession. "We actually accomplished a huge something today…even with your wishy washiness. Now…all you have to do is not change you mind on it and we may be making some head way." I rolled my eyes at her while packing my stuff up and finished off my Frapachino.

“I won't, those are my choice. Beside, My dress is too sexy to pass up. I want to drive Luce insane; otherwise what is the point? Plus, I like the fact that it is silver not white, but close enough. I like silver."

"Well I think that dress will help in driving Luce crazy…as if you don’t do that already. I mean look at you…sneaking out to meet up with Edward. Shame." I think it was the evil smile that I added that portrayed my sincerity in that comment…oh well. We both stood and said our good-byes and headed our separate ways…mine was to go home and take a nap, for some reason I was starting to get a headache.
