After Party

BY: Esther

Thanks to Tanya, Maggie and Kash for helping me. :)

Disclaimer: The only person I own, is myself. You know who the rest belong to. No money is being made from this, it’s just in the name of fun.

Authors Note: This picks up where the my version of the stag party left off, and a week or two before I ran away to LA.

I had almost reached the stairs to the living quarters
when I realized all I had on was Greg’s button down
shirt, which looked quite large on me, and decided I
needed to go back to the dressing room for some real
There were still a few girls in the dressing area,
waiting to go out and do their thing.  I blushed yet
again at the thought of what I’d just done.  Taking a
deep breath, I pulled myself together a bit more and
headed straight over to my things.  Unzipping the bag
I’d brought with me I rummaged through its contents.

Finally finding what I wanted, I pulled them out.

No time was taken in stepping into the spare pair of
white panties I’d brought with me, or in pulling on
the thick dark grey woollen socks to keep my feet
warm.  Reaching down to take the rest of my clothes
out, I was forced to stop in mid-motion as a sharp
pain raced through my head.  I really did need to lie
down.  Getting dressed could wait.
Slipping out of the dressing room I headed back
towards the steps that led down into the bowels of the
Circus.  I took them steadily, going slowly in a vain
attempt to cease any further pain in my head.  After
what seemed like an eternity, I got to the bottom. 
The cold stone square of a chamber looked more like a
storage room tonight, with crates littering it.  
Lucky for me the bottom door was ajar so I’d manage to
easily slip through into the living room.  The
bedrooms were down a hall on the opposite side of the
I’d gotten just over half way when another splitting
pain raked my brain.  I blindly groped for something
to steady myself on.  My hand hit a solid object onto
which my fingers curled round and dug into.  My other
hand reached up involuntarily to cradle my skull.

The pounding slowly receded, enabling me to loosen my
grip on a spare one of Jean-Claude’s cushions. 
Straightening up I wondered just what it was that was
going on with me?  I’d had headaches before, but never
this bad.  Continuing on my way, even though I still
felt funny, I reached out for the door to the first
room I came across.

Taking a step through the door was apparently the
wrong thing to do.  I stood there motionless as the
room spun around me.  Clutching onto the doorknob I
took big, gulping breaths.  I was in a state of panic.
 I didn’t know what was happening.  The room was
spinning, my vision was going hazy.  I was scared…and
all alone.  Squinting, I tried to focus on a large
crate, deciding that if I could just reach it and sit
 down I would be able to calm down enough for my body
to right whatever was wrong.  I got a few shaky steps
away from the door before I collapsed.

As the dark pit of unconsciousness swirled around me I
distinctly heard a male voice saying,

“It won’t be long now my pretty one.”

The next thing I knew I was vaguely aware of two men
standing over me.  Peeking out from behind my lashes I
wearily identified them as Dathan and Baal.  Dathan
was speaking.

“Kash said to keep an eye on her…I didn’t get a chance
to talk to Luce…he’s busy anyways.  Besides I don’t
know who she belong to and I knew you’d been out with

“What do you propose to do with her?”  Baal

“Hell if I know…Kash said Edward found her unconscious
on the floor…she said to keep her safe…said she’d send
someone else with us too, but he hasn’t turned up…”

Dathan’s words faded out as I once again slipped into

Feeling exhausted, I swam up through the heavy, fog
filled layers of consciousness.  It felt like hands
were gripping my ankles and trying to pull me back
down.  I had to fight my way out of their hold to
reach the surface.  It was a difficult struggle but
eventually voices started to filter through to me.

I stirred.  While I was out someone had placed me the
full length of a large black leather couch, I was
covered by a green/beige/black plaid throw.  My head
rested on a comfortably overstuffed cushion.  I could
feel heat hitting my body in delicious waves.  The
couch was positioned right in front of a large open
fireplace.  It was all very comfortable and cozy…there
was just one problem, I had no idea where I was.

A hand landed on my clammy forehead, making me visibly
jump.  Pushing myself up into a sitting position I
batted the hand away, starting to cry in my panic. 
Dathan tried to calm me down but to no avail.  Then
Baal said something and I recognized his voice. 
Looking up I located him and threw my arms around him,
calling his name.  He may have been reluctant to go
out with me, but Kash had told me the only reason he
was was because he wasn’t a social creature and I’d
been his first date in at least a couple of centuries.
Besides, he didn’t like to leave his implements of

It slightly surprised me when his hand started to rub
my back.  My face was buried in the Grand Torture’s
chest and I was hanging onto him like my life depended
on it.  He was the only familiar thing to me in a
foreign place.  Then calming down a little,
remembering Baal was a demon,  I spontaneously said,

“You can’t take my soul.”

To which Dathan replied,  “We’re not after your soul. 
Kash wouldn’t like that, which would infuriate

Baal added, “Besides, maybe we want to keep you…” 
Then carrying on like he’d never said it, “You passed
out so we brought you here.”    

“Oh…where is here?”  I questioned.

“Hell,” was his reply, “they tried waking you,  but
couldn’t so we brought you here.  You’ve been here all

Turning to Baal, Dathan said, “Do you think it’s safe
to get Luce now?”

I wasn’t all that interested in the answer, I was too
busy detaching myself from Baal and looking around the
magnificent apartment.

I hadn’t noticed Dathan pop out but he must have as he
and Luce materialized in the middle of the room. 
Shocked, I just gapped at them.  Luce came over to me
and said,

“Dathan said he couldn’t revive you… Are you ok?”

Still a little weak, I nodded my head, “I had a really
bad headache so I went to lie down but everything
started to spin and then a voice echoed in my head
that it wouldn’t be long…”

He traded looks with Dathan and said, “Take her back
to the Circus.”
Dathan nodded and came over to me.  I repeated,

“You can’t have my soul.”

Luce’s reply was, “If Or’Gandry takes you over, me
stealing your soul will be the least of your

Dathan put a hand on my arm and I flinched away.  Who
wants to be touched by the Devil?  After explaining
that he needed to touch me to transport us back to the
Circus and getting Baal’s reassurance, I allowed him
to and within no time we were in the company of,
Jean-Claude, Anita, Richard, Asher, Tamara, Gigs,
Kash, Kylie and Ramses.

Through the door came Micah and a frantically worried
Greg, who smothered me with kisses.

“Baby, I was so worried about you.”  
Turning to Luce he said, “Thank whoever it was for
taking care of my girl.”

“I’m fine.”  I told him, to be contradicted by Gigs,

“You’re not fine at all.  Or’Gandry has an even
stronger hold over you than we first feared.  The
sooner you let the banshee ward you the better for all
of us.”

Seeing the scared look on my face Tamara said, “When
was the last time you ate?”
I shook my head, “Yesterday, but I don’t want to. I’m
not hungry.”

As if on cue my stomach rumbled.
“Esther, you have to eat.  You must keep your strength
up if you’re to fight Or’Gandry.”

Gigs scolded and went off to prepare something for me
to eat.

Huddled in Greg’s arms as he fussed over me I asked
Kash what she thought the warding would involve.

“Uhm…well I’ve never had one done to me…but I’d
bet…that pain…and blood will probably play a part.”

“Whose blood?”  I asked, crossing my fingers and
hoping that it wasn’t mine.

“Uhm…yours will definitely be required…maybe not a
lot…but some…probably some of the banshee’s as
well…I’d bet on a slice across the palm at the very
least though…well I guess it’s possible that the
banshee would require you to cut above your chakra
points…but I rather doubt it…of course your aura will
have to be cleaned first…but that’s not usually
painful…however Or’Gandry obviously has one foot in
the door…that means he must be connecting to you
somehow…and breaking that kind of connection is
typically painful…very, very painful…depending on the
strength of the connection…it’s kinda like the one
that JC, Anita and RAZ have…only less for the

Well that reassured me!  I clung onto Greg even
tighter than before.  Gigs brought my food in.  When
she noticed tears in my eyes she said, 

“Esther.  A woman’s body is made to endure pain. 
That’s why we’re the ones who go through labor and
delivery.  This can’t be much worse than that.  And
just think…when it’s done you won’t unwillingly become
a weapon this council member can use against those you
love…against Greg.”

That hit home.
“It does sound a little scary, but you can do this.  I
know you can.  We’ll be right there with you all the

With that, I allowed Greg to feed me.  When I was done
Jean-Claude showed us to a guest room and stayed long
enough to see Greg settle me down in the bed.  It was
only now that we were alone, that I remembered I was
still just wearing Greg’s shirt, my panties and thick
socks.  I blushed at the realization, but snuggled
into Greg’s hold as soon as he touched me, making me
forget anything that was on my mind.  Smoothing my
hair back he whispered,

“Shh now baby, just rest.  Try to get some sleep.”

It didn’t take long before I was fast asleep in his
secure embrace.

As the next few days unfolded I found out that Greg
wouldn’t be allowed to stay with me during the
warding.  I also found out that if I ran away, Tam and
Kash were both willing to kill me, since if the
ouncil member took me over, which would be inevitable
without the warding and further training from
Marianne, then he’d use my body and voice to cause a
great deal of pain and destruction to all my

I got so upset and scared about everything that Kash
eventually said,

“It may be painful but it won’t go on and on for an
eternity.  Are you’re willing to save yourself a
little pain now…only to later watch Or’Gandry go after
your friends and loved ones slaughtering them one by
one in manners you can’t possibly imagine…watching him
use YOUR body to lap up every drop spilled…hearing
your own voice laughing at the pain of others…taunting
those you love…watching your own hands wield the whips
used to break the spirits of friends and enemies
alike?  Are you’re willing to do that…’cause that is
what WILL happen…the warding is the only way to
prevent that…but hey if you’d rather watch him use you
to exact revenge on the world at large, and feed his
blood lust…well…we can always kill you both…that IS
the only other option.”

“Well I wasn’t going to mention the possibility of
having to kill her, Kash…at least until it became
clear that the hysterics weren’t going to stop. We’re
trying to calm the girl down and get her to
cooperate…not terrorize her.”  Tam turned to me,
“But…since Kash brought it up.  Esther, if you REFUSE
to cooperate in the warding, which is REALLY the best
path to take, then I WILL kill you before I will let
you be used to harm any of us.  I won’t enjoy doing
it, but I won’t hesitate either.  I have my daughter’s
safety to think of as well as the safety of Gigs’

Kash chipped in with, “That’s not necessary…I’d
consider it a mercy killing…’cause that’s a fate I
wouldn’t wish even on my worst enemy.”

In an almost inaudible voice I said, “I think I’m
gonna be sick.”

With that I made a dash for the bathroom.  As I
retched I felt someone placing a cool, damp washcloth
on the back of my neck, and a hand holding my
forehead, to support me.  Tam’s voice rang out,

“Calm down…nobody WANTS to kill you, silly.  Just
because I said I would if it came down to it, doesn’t
mean I WANT to…I DON’T.”

She started to hum to me softly while rubbing my back
soothingly.  Gradually my body relaxed and I could
think clearly.

I had to go through with the warding, I had no choice.
At least a suitable substitute had been made for
Greg’s life.  The banshee having a soul other than his
made the thought of the ritual a little easier to

I was scared about all the pain involved in the
ceremony, but I wasn’t ready to die and I wasn’t
willing to sacrifice my friends.  The idea that
someone was going to purposefully cut me open with a
knife made me want to run.  Then Jean-Claude talked to

“Esther, look at me…you will be strong…you will
cooperate in the warding without fear…” 

I could see a sad look flickering through his eyes as
he continued.

“and once you are warded, you will be free of my
influences as well.  You are MINE Esther, but I will
give you up to save you…to save us all.  Or’Gandry
must NOT be allowed to use you, cherie.”

His mesmerizing midnight blue eyes held no power over
me this time and his words upset me.  I didn’t want to
be rid of him.  I like him being in my head, being
able to control me, of course I wouldn’t admit that to
him.  Having to rid me of Jean-Claude would also
surely make the warding more painful for me.

So the idea of running away from St. Louis was planted
in my mind.  A little push and I’d be off,