Tales of the Bartender - Part III

BY: Gigs

Disclaimer: Here's the next section of the stag party. Some of them I own, some I don't as usual. Ya'll know the drill by now. Ya'll heard of 'hair of the dog that bit ya', right? You should try 'Hair of the Tiger that's bit ya'. "blanche"
Rating: PG-13 (headed towards R in a hurry)

Caleb grinned mischeviously at me, "I'll have a Sex with the Bartender, pretty pussy." Dimly it dawned on me that I should be knocking his lights out for that comment, but instead I raised a seductive eyebrow and smiled. "You're shittin me. They actually have a drink called that?" His eyes and smile brightened considerably. "Yep, lemme show ya." He pounced over the bar and proceeded to pull the coconut rum, grenadine, lime juice, irish cream, and 7-up from various ends of the bar. Twisting and turning with lycanthrope speed and Caleb flair, he threw one bottle up in the air and caught it with his feet as he bench pressed his weight against the bar.

He finished the drink with a lemon and lime garnish as well as the irish cream splashed down the middle before taking a bow. There were a few couples in the bar that cheered and whistled. Even Nat was standing there, clapping, but for some reason he would periodically look over and give Daniel Zeeman a dirty glare. His 'presence' rippled with something I rarely felt off of Nathaniel, but turned my attention back to Caleb and said kept my mouth shut. "Awww, that ain't nothing" I teased Caleb, mock pissawhing him. I proceeded to make Maggie's Marguerita for Nat to carry back to her by rolling the gold tequila down my arm, across my shoulder blades, and down the other arm to spill into the glass at my finger tips licking my tongue over my teeth and winking as I went. Then I threw the two tequila bottles along with the lime juice and orange curacao into a four-bottle juggle, each pouring a splash into the mixer as it hit my right hand. I was rather pleased that the control over my own preternatural speed was getting better by the day.

I finished the drink by rimming the glass with a lime wedge and salting it before pouring the mixture in from between my breasts while my butt wiggled against Caleb's crotch as he watched over my shoulder in close proximity. The cheers grew louder and so did the crowd while Caleb and I enjoyed a real cocktail brawl, trading trick for trick behind the bar to our audience's amusement. I barely noticed Kylie and Cherry's music go by on the other side of the curtain until Kylie streaked through the bar tent with nothing but a red riding hood and latex g-string on carrying a red whip in her hand. Jason came bounding through close on her heels, his fur beginning to ripple over his flesh and a look of stark hunger crossing his boyish features.

Caleb and I exchanged looks for a moment and laughed. "Bottoms up," he roared jovially, "Literally!" The bar was getting increasingly hot and stuffy, but I felt really alive. My skin tingled. I was very aware of how close Caleb was to my body. I could almost feel his hot breath on my neck and my nipples ached.

At one point he was making a drink while standing behind me and slipping his arms around my body. I couldn't resist. I ran my hands down his buttocks and thighs, pulling him closer. I was rewarded with a nibble on my earlobe.

Then all at once, Greg appeared before the bar, looking somewhat concerned. "Gigs, have you seen Esther? She ran off stage after her act, but I haven't been able to find her since?" It took me a second to focus on his face. "No babe, she hasn't been through here. Did you check the dressing rooms? Maybe she's cooling off before she joins you." Greg blushed a beautiful rose color along his cheeks. Caleb's teeth ground a little harder into my neck as the humidity level rose. Wow, another beautiful cat.

"No, I wouldn't dare invade the ladies privacy. Do you think someone could go check for me? I'm kinda worried. She should have come out by now."

I nodded, still very aware of Caleb's hands as they had finished the drink he was preparing and were now freely caressing my arms, hips, and any other region he felt he could safely push the limit with. Problem with Caleb is he has a very limited understanding of the term, safe. Problem with me was, at this moment in time I was having a real hard time caring. "I'll send Tamara to check when she gets back. Why don't you check outside the tents. It's a little cooler out there." Greg nodded and wandered off.

Caleb leaned down, pulling me into the circle of his body, and whispered hotly into my ear. "I think I'm ready for another drink myself, sweetheart, but I need a container to put it in." I smiled and bit my lip in invitation. "Oh, and what might that be?" He lapped his tongue slowly down my neck and shoulder. "A Tiger paw."

He mixed a citrus vodka, lemon juice, and sugar in a mixer along with a splash of orange soda. Then without warning, he lifted me off my feet and lay me on the bar, exposing my belly button. I started to sit up, laughing when he poured the mixer onto my belly and instantly my blood stream streaked with fire as the liquid touched my flesh. My head slammed back down on the bar and my back bowed. Somewhere deep in my mind, a warning screamed, "TOO MUCH TEARS!" but it was too late. Distantly I heard voices of a crowd, music, laughter, and glasses. I smelled the thick musty scent of sex. And one other thing that should have alarmed me, a tinkling of glass falling out of my pocket followed shortly by a splash.

Then Caleb's mouth was on my stomach, lapping seductively at the drink, his tongue delving into my belly button. He was making my body writhe and my senses scream with agonizing desire. My fingers tangled themselves into his hair, pulling him closer to me as I moaned in ecstacy and complete abandon. I was so hot, my thighs shook. He was just about to undo the knot in my shirt at my bust line with his teeth when a hand slammed into his head and dragged him over the bar and threw him onto the floor. My eyes slowly focused on Lyza's face. She did NOT look amused.