Tales of the Bartender - Part IV

BY: Gigs

Disclaimer: ya'll know who's characters are LKH's by now and who's not, right? As usual, there's no money for this...unles you count the money going to the doctors for cracked funny bones.

Kash is taking a bit of a holiday at least until Monday, so I get the pleasure of intro-ing Maggie's section. I tried to do a little bit of that at the end of my section without messing up anybody else's character. Hope this is ok.

Maggie said she'd try to get her section up sometime today. We also have Luna joining us for the stag party fun. Then we'll have the grand finale in preparation for the Wedding...which is next Thursday, by the way. "grins"
Rating: R

I stumbled my way out of the tent and towards the ladies room. Every inch of my skin was on fire. My eyes watered from the radiated lycanthrope heat amplified by the Tears. The air was thick and heavy with tension and arousal. I practically drooled with the need to jump somebody. Tamara was right. The faster I got this stuff washed off, the better. If I could just concentrate on where I was going.

I noticed Chrys backing Nathaniel into a dark corner as I walked past. His sweet fragerance spiced with his anticipation, anxiety, and desire almost floored me, but I managed to keep my feet. Bathroom. That was where I was going. What did my boob hurt so much? I touched the tender spot and came away with blood. Vaguely my memory dredged up a vision of Lyza on top of me; her hips grinding into my pelvic bones as she fed from my body. The odd thing is that while it was painful, it was also very stimulating. I shook my head, but my eyesight only obscured even more. I don't DO women, though right now a few dozen men sucking on various parts of my anatomy would be just what the fat kitty ordered. Must be some kind of drug-induced nightmare. Where was that damn bathroom anyway?

My legs gave out and I crashed to my knees, crawling forward. Focus. Bathroom. One knee in front of the other. My nostrils caught the scent of a very familiar male causing my beast to surge forth with an anticipatory growl. Gideon. At the same time, his hands came up from behind me to grasp under my armpits and around my waist. Uh, oh.

"Gigs, what's the matter? Are you alright?" I turned in his embrace and crushed him to my body in a blazing kiss, trying earnestly to devour every succulent inch of him. My Paudun. My mate in the pride. MINE! I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist and grinding his groin into the apex of my thighs, growling and scratching to rip his clothes off. 'Please,' my senses screamed. 'Fuck me now!'

Gideon walked us over to a darkened wall of the circus out of public notice. Although most everyone around here would know where we were just from scent, still the illusion can be nice. "Gigs, what have you done? I can feel my blood starting to boil when I touch you. Did you spill the Tears?" He asked huskily. Feathering his face and neck with desperate kisses and nibbles, I spoke haltingly between breaths. "Caleb....he poured a drink....on my belly....with the tears in it. Oh God, Gideon. I'm on fire! Help me!" I begged.

With a mighty thrust, Gideon gathered together the presence of his beast and pushed it into me. My own bounded up out of my gut to meet him in a clash of the titans impact. Our beasts mated with electrifying intensity, practially shaking the foundations of the Circus. Certainly fracturing the foundation of my sanity. It was a maddening rhythm that the lips and hips of our human forms couldn't keep up with. I grew aggitated that our jeans kept us apart. I could feel the swell of him rubbing hard against me. His fingers lenghtened and his claws pierced through my jeans to scratch my bottom, holding me tighter to him. My own claws appeared and rent his shirt right off his back, lending the smell of fresh blood to the air. My heart thudded hysterically from my chest against his. His jaws clenched down on my shoulder as our beasts climaxed and I roared/screamed with the magnitude of the release.

I gradually came back to myself, my head a little clearer, to find myself thrown over Gideon's shoulder as he stalked towards the restrooms with lightening speed. I was damp with sweat and other bodily fluids. "We've got to get this stuff off...NOW!" He determined. Once in the bathroom, he stripped off my clothes and practially drown me in water, leaving only my hair dry.

The cold water caused me to squeal, but also eased the aching heat burning my eyes. After a few minutes, I was scrubbed down thoroughly, though his hands on my body still held a promise of excitement. I watched as he turned and began to scrub himself in a similiar fashion.

"I'm sorry, Gideon. I didn't expect to get dowsed in the stuff. Caleb and I just got carried away I guess." My breast still throbbed, reminding me that my vision of Lyza had been real, and that she hadn't been pleased to see Caleb and I playing together. Looks like my next round served was going to be apologies. 'Here's to Giggles, Mistress of the foot-in-mouth-syndrome.' Gideon stared back at me, his eyes still alight with the passion of our mating. "Well, I did warn you to be careful. That stuff is not to be played around with. Still..." he smiled like a little boy with his hand in the cookie jar, "it wasn't a completely horrible experience." I couldn't help it. I had to blush a smile back at him. My heart belonged to Asher and always would, but this man had a way of stirring my primal instincts like nobody I'd ever met. The power of our mating was intoxicating. It was an attraction I could never explain and wasn't really sure I wanted to.

Grabbing a couple paper towels from the dispenser, I dabbed at the long, bloody scratches down his back, wincing slightly. "Did you bring a change of clothes?" Gideon questioned while continuing to scrubb fiercely. I could tell my touch was still affecting him, and backed off lowering my eyes. "No," I answered. Once he'd finished washing his body, he threw the clothes in the sink and rinsed them off as best he could, before drying them under the dryer. The cotton shirts came dry fairly quickly, their seams only remaining damp. The jeans however, were fairly hopeless. I squinched up my face as I pulled mine on. Ewww. This did NOT feel good. On the other hand, it was keeping my mind off of other things with amazing clarity. More than I'd enjoyed for most of the night.

I kissed Gideon on the cheek, "Thanks," I offered. "I've got to get back before Tamara begins to think I've drowned." Gideon grabbed my hand. "I think you'd better put the tears away when you get back. I think we've had enough trouble for one night. Where are they anyway." I patted my jean pocket and immediately froze. The bottle was gone. I looked up at Gideon in alarm. He pushed me out the door and towards the tent where I could hear loud music thrumming the air waves and smell the overall excitement. "Go find it. FAST! And keep it quiet." He instructed. I nodded and took off in a leap. Bare feet and all.

Just before entering the tent, I recomposed myself, checked my shields, and plastered a pleasant smile on my face. Tamara met with with an approving look and a list of drink orders. Then she snatched up her costume and headed towards the back stage. Unconsciously I made the drinks on the order list, all the while searching desperately for where that bottle could have gotten too. Geez, I hope nobody had seen it and taken off with it. It would be just like Chessire or Sarai to show up right about now. Just my luck anyway.

While I was searching, Luna came in for a drink. Looks like she was catching up on the beverages she'd missed while under Anita's wing. It also appeared that she was one who could hold her liquor. She finally broke down and told me she'd been harboring a little thing for one of the werewolves. I did my best to be sympathic and encouraging. Unbeknownst to her, the very wolf she'd been interested in had stopped by earlier this evening asking my advice on how to best approach her. Needless to say I was a bit shocked. Not only that our favorite stiff-neck actually had a beating heart somewhere in there, but that he'd ask ME how to unleash it for a go at being a softy. I just love watching new love blossom. Makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy. I figured by the end of the evening, they'd figure it out. She left and I noticed Tamara's music on in the other room, so I took a peak through the marks.

I smiled while watching Tamara run through her routine and especially when both Jean and Asher had gotten up to join her. They were my family now. We were a quirky family to say the least, but never boring. And I loved them. Tamara finished up her routine and came back into the bar. I congradulated her on a job well done, smiling mischeviously. In return she told me about Anita being so upset about Jean, she'd grabbed Luce's drink. I bit my lip, but the giggles erupted anyway. Ok, so maybe this tears thing wasn't going to be a complete bust after all. "Bad kitty," Tamara half-scolded, half-laughed with me. That made me bust out even more.

I pushed past her on my way back with Kash's drink. Without the bottle of tears handy, Kash was just going to have to get drunk the old fashioned way. Ah well, maybe Luce had drunk enough for the both of them tonight. I walked past the entrance to the stage as the lights dimmed, signaling Maggie's entrance. Chrys sauntered up on stage to announce her. Whoa. Chrys had never sauntered before to my knowledge. She was a tom-girl type, not a tramp-vamp type. Pardon the expression. Something was going on there.

"And now gentleman, we have a down home dumplin, well versed in 'rolling in the hay.' But be careful boys, this one will definitely toss your pitchfork and saddle your thoroughbred with an expert touch." My eyebrows raised practically right off my head. Double entendres' out of Chrys' mouth. Somebody must have written the script for her. I walked on past with the last comment ringing through my amused ears, "Ride her cowboys. Yehaw!"

Good thing I'd made Maggie's drink before I'd lost the bottle of tears. If she'd heard that intro sober, they'd probably end up having to rope that little dogey down. Good Luck, sister!