Decorations Committee

BY: Pug

Disclaimer: I own NO ONE...and I have NO money. Description: Prequel to the Stag party.
Rating: Uhm...mild language and half naked girl...with kissing.

I looked around the tent and grinned.

"Ya like?" A voice inquired from behind me.

I turned and flashed Kash my best impish grin. "It's like a dream come true."

She laughed up at me. "I'll bet it is." Her eyes lit up with wicked delight. "It gets better though."

"Really," I asked swaggering towards her. "And what exactly is gonna MAKE it better?"

She laughed...actually it sounded more like a cackle to me. "Oh you'll see."

I knew I wasn't going to get anymore out of her. She and Tanya had been tormenting me for the past few weeks with the secret. You'd think THEY were the demons.

I turned and walked to a pile of cushions, dropping down on them and assuming an idolent pose.

Kash looked at me and one eyebrow inched up. "Are you auditioning for the position of Sultan?" She asked very sweetly.

I was immediately on guard. Its never a good sign when women start acting sweet. I smiled. "I didn't know the position needed filling." She was mid pounce when I blinked. I watched from a few feet aways as she ate pillow. "Oh that was very elegant." I drawled smirking at her.

She didn't miss a beat and the pillow caught me upside the head. I could hear her chortling as I picked it up and took aim. A voice cut int our games.

"Jean-Claude is going to be upset if you two destroy all his lovely pillows." Dathan crooned as he walked over to Kash's side and stretched out on the pillows next to her. I glanced at her and had to stiffle laughter. She was spitting out feathers.

She just glared at me. "One day I'm gonna catch you unawares...and then...ohh yeah..."

I burst out laughing. "When pigs fly." I replied after controling myself.

She did her best impression of innocent wide eyes. "But I've SEEN you fly Pug."

Dathan and she exchanged a look and both were rolling...well not IN the aisles...but it was close. I watched them in silence for a moment plotting my revenge. Kash was ticklish...common knowledge. I looked at her assessingly. She must have seen something in my eyes...her own widened and she started scrambling away through a feild of garnet, sapphire and emerald pillows. I let her run.

A blink and I was behind her, she whirled glaring fiercly...well it would have been fierce if she'd been able to maintain her footing and hadn't toppled both of us to the ground. I groaned at the impact with the ground and then the sudden crushing of my spleen.

"Children, children remember the pillows." Dathan remarked watching us from his sprawl nearby.

I grinned. "Of course it might upset could we forget."

Kash slid off me and giggled at Dathan. "Oh I'm sure SOMEONE will be on hand to comfort him should the need arise." I bit my tongue at her emphasis of the last two words.

Dathan's eyebrows danced. "Oh it'd be my pleasure," he stated with obvious glee. Kash dissolved into laughter.

"I'm sure." I replied mockingly. Dathan just grinned at me and I had to roll my eyes. I stood up slowly...carefully, most the pillows were silk and satin, which made for some rather slippery footing. When I made it successfully to my feet I turned and extended a hand to Kash. She took it and I pulled her to her feet.

She glance around, eyes trailing across the sumptious layout with great pride and obvious pleasure. "It really does look good doesn't it." She said and her delight was clear. I let my own eyes roam the scene. She was right.

Then tent walls were made of a heavy black suede. When we'd first seen it Kash's eyes had glowed and she'd said "oooh, pettable" in a way only she can do. Scattered throughout it were tiny crystals that had been attached by hand. When the lights went down the black seemed to melt into the darkness, leaving the crystals glittering like stars all around.

We'd closed off the center area of the big top at the Circus of the Damned and added a sea of giant pillows for the seating. Tonight the men would all be lounging at their ease while the women...entertained. I smiled at the thought, Tanya was going to be here...I stopped the was too early in the day for lascivious thoughts...riiight.

The stage was a gleaming black wooden structure...only about two inches off the ground. It had been polished to a very high shine. When the light hit the surface it was reflected up in a strange halo around whoever the spotlight was on. I'd scene the effect as Kash and I went over her number was somewhat creepy in my opinion. Of course with Kash maybe she'd done it on purpose.

We hadn't wanted to ruin the setting with a normal bar so we'd added a wing to the tent. The bar was set up in it's very own annex. The opening between the two areas was masked with strips of the black suede and black silk.

We'd done the back drop of the stage in a gauzey silver fabric after Lyza had pointed out that some of the costumes would disappear against such a dark background. The silver hung in front of the black giving the appearence of smoke.

I nodded my head and gave a low whistle. "It looks good." I said nonchalantly. Obviously not the answer Kash had been looking for.

The pleased light in her eyes faded and she began chewing on her lower lip."You don't think its too cramped do you?" She asked, real worry in her voice. "I want everything to be perfect."

I wrapped on arm around her shoulder and squeezed her. "It's perfect."

Dathan had finally risen and stood on her other side. Nodding. "I'm impressed." She gave him a withering look. He grinned cheekily. "I couldn't have done better myself"

She shook her head the laughter returning. "You're just saying that cause Jean-Claude helped." He nodded honestly and she started laughing.

Nathaniel found us in the midst of another round of teasing when he walked in carrying a package. "Kash, Jean-Claude asked that you deliver this to Tanya."

My eyes narrowed. What the hell was going on?

Kash looked over at Nathaniel and frowned. "Oh...okay...I'll take it to her as soon as I'm finished here."

I looked at her...she had that vague look in her eyes...which meant she was silently measuring...going over the details AGAIN to make sure everything was perfect...anal...very very anal.

I took the package...snatched it might be a more truthful description..."I'll take it to her."

Kash looked up at me for a minute then nodded. "See ya tonight." She muttered before picking up the clip board she'd discarded earlier. I shook my head,

"Dathan...take her home...she's gonna drive someone crazy if we leave her here." He grinned and walked over to Kash, tapping her lightly on the shoulder all I heard was. "Wha.." and they were gone.

Now on to my own concerns. Why was Jean-Claude sending my presents? I was tempted to open it right there and find out just exactly what it was...but I might upset her if I went through her packages without permission. Sighing I blinked to her house...not inside...I'd gotten scolded the last time I did that. I rang the doorbell and waited.

She opened the door still in her towel. Lucky me. I wanted to see if I couldn't convince her to drop it...but my hands were full...which reminded me. I walked in and closed the door behind me and stopped. It was much too cartoons, no silly sounds of something breaking.

"Where's Ashley?"

Tanya smiled. "She went on vacation with my parents to Disney World...again. She'll be back in a week. Is that for me?" She asked pointing to the box I'd brought.

She was alone...and practically naked. Lucky lucky me. "It?um...oh, I was at the Circus helping Kash with some last minute decorations when it arrived. It's addressed to you care of Jean Claude. Is there something going on I should know about?" I asked, moving to open the box when she smacked my hand I jerked it back properly contrite...sure...contrite, that's me.

"No nothings going on between me and JC. He has enough things to worry with right now to add me into the mix. I was having some trouble finding a costume for tonight and I asked Jean Claude for some help. This is a result of that help."

"Why won't you tell me what you're gonna be doing tonight?" I asked giving her a pouting look.

She just grinned at me and took the box, laying it on the couch. "Cause it?s a surprise." She replied and I could hear the wicked glee in her voice.

"I know you're not dancing, so what else could you be doing?" I asked hoping I might worm SOME information out of her.

"You'll just have to wait and see." Hateful woman...she still wouldn't gave me hope. It meant the surprise was gonna be good...I could hardly wait.

I let my eyes roam up and down her body. "I don't want to wait and see." I said with just a hint of sulkiness and put my arms around her hips pulling her to me. Then I leaned down for a kiss, it was long and hot...and I think I might have actually felt her tonsils...but kissing just made me hungry for more. When she pulled away and gasped for air I grinned down at her letting her see just how much I wanted her. I could have given her more solid proof but she turned away taking that damn box with her into the bedroom.

I followed her...I like bedrooms. Coming up behind her, I let my fingers begin to trail up her thigh towards the towel. She turned towards me and pushed me away...I supressed a sigh...I was pushing my luck and I knew it...but I'm an imp...seduction is what I do.

"I told you we can't do that yet."

"I don?t understand why though? Is it something about me you don't like?" I asked trying to keep my insecurities to myself. She is a good woman...I'm a's NOT a likely match.

"You know how hot I think you are." I could her hear sincerity. She reached around and pinched me right on my's very sensitive. I leaned into her and whispered, "Oh do it again!" Then grinned down at her.

"Pug! Go home before I forget myself and ravage you." She said while pushing me away. My eyes lit up. Ohh that sounded like lots of fun.

"I wish" I mumbled as I disappeared....maybe tonight I might be able to convince her I truly was worth ravaging...maybe.

INDEXor To Be Continued