The Boy is Mine

BY: Chrysanthemum

Disclaimer: Nope don't own nobody, and by now you guys should be used to this mumbo jumbo...Anyways...enjoy. Our next act should be appearing very promptly "pulls aside a curtain and yells backstage" TAM??????
Rating: PG-13...

I don't know if it was fortunate or not that Nathaniel was waiting as we came off stage. He didn't look happy...angry maybe but deffinitely not happy. Fata practically cooed in delight. She was pleased with this development. I was...uncomfortable. I'd never really considered what Fata was doing when Nathaniel and I were together and she wasn't making remarks about the 'poor widdle putty tat'. Putty-tat...that's what you get for letting a demi god watch saturday morning cartoons with your nightingale room mate. The two of them were addicted.

I hadn't really considered the issue of Fata having her own libido...or the fact that she ENJOYED inflicting pain...or that Nathaniel might like her better then me. She was more his type anyway...the perfect Mistress for a man who liked his bondage to go on and on for hours. She knew all the tricks...I was a mere novice. Now she had free run of the body and there was Nathaniel with his great violet eyes, and their wounded look. I wanted to offer him comfort...I wanted to apologize for the spectacle with Daniel, I wanted to bury my face in his hair and see if I couldn't smother myself with his sweet vanilla scent.

Fata wanted something a little kinkier. Okay so that is a huge understatement. Fata wanted to chain him to a wall, beat him til he bled, lick up the blood and clean out his wounds with a mixture of holy water and silver nitrate. Of course she'd have to wear gloves she reasoned and that'd limit the pleasure, because there is really nothing like the touch of flesh. I wanted to recoil in disgust from her thoughts...but how, there's no hiding when the thoughts are in your own head.

I watched with rising fear as she reached out and grasped a lock of his hair, rolling it between our fingers before letting it slid slowly through them as it fell back to his side. His hair was like silk, as always. It tickled across our flesh and I couldn't help but recall other places it had tickled.

Fata smiled wickedly, tilting her head to one side and giving him a look that should have said very clearly 'come hither'. I was almost jealous, I still haven't mastered the art of the sensual stare. Hello I'm a novice here, leave me and my ineptitude out of this.

He frowned confused, I had been giving him the cold shoulder for months, and now suddenly I was acting and smelling for all the world like a woman in heat. It had to be a little puzzling. "Hello kitten," I heard us purr as she took a step closer to him, reducing the space between to a mere half-inch.

He took a step back. I wanted to cheer...he knew it wasn't me...didn't he?

"" He was stuttering and suddenly cut off his eyes locking with ours. He stood there silently...swaying. It was almost as if we had him transfixed. Fata giggled. "We do." I could have cursed. Sometimes I forget...I'm a vampire...penetrating hypnotic stare and all. I was having a blonde momement so sue me.

Fata reached out and pushed against his chest...he moved back a little bit but didn't say anything, he just continued to stare. I wanted to scream at her to stop...but that's kinda hard to do when you aren't in charge of your own vocal chords. She giggled. "Ohh now this is fun, I can make him do anything..he's mine...he'd slay dragons for me, walk into a burning building and never flinch...what a lovely power this is, I should have gotten it years ago."

Anger poured through me...she wasn't allowed to do this, especially not to Nathaniel. I wouldn't let her. I tried battling my way up, out of my little corner...but it was like I was nothing more then a fly to her...she shoved me back down still laughing. "Oh now my dear sweet Santhemum, tonight its my turn to play...your gonna stay right there and watch." I cringed at the 'pet' name.

I was still fuming as she told Nathaniel to go sit down and wait. I was surprised at that til I realised that it was time to go back on stage...and she didn't want to alert anyone to the fact that SHE was in control, and that she was intent on having someone.

I'd been stupid I should have known better. At the first sign I should have found Jean-Claude or Asher...hell someone...anyone...but nooo I thought I was a big girl that I could handle this...and now...well Nathaniel sat staring off into space, hidden in the shadows....and I was cowering in my own mind...while Fata drank it all up, enjoying every last drop.

I watched on in silence as she strolled out on stage ou r they were hers now...HER hips swaying in the oldest of feminine invitations. "Well Gents, I don't know about you...but I could certainly use something...wet." She let the world roll off her tongue, performing with such ease all those vampiric voice tricks that I couldn't be bothered to employ. This was me...and not me...I could do these things...I could make the heart beats of men race with a single was my voice she was hips that taunted, hinting at hidden pleasures...I could do these things...why didn't I?

She laughed a deep throaty sound and running her hands up her thighs in a caress to rest on her hips settled her weight on the balls of her feet, in a posse that said very clearly, 'I need a man, care to audition'.

"Now why don't you all take a deep breath and try to relax...our next act is sure have you up again in no time." She let her eyes slide to one gentleman in particular...and I am NOT naming any names..."And don't worry sugar we'll get you a towel and clean that right up."

I wondered if duing mulitplication in my head would block out the image of his moritfied expression...there'd been no need for her to call attention to his...uhm...predicament. She just laughed again and strolled back off the stage as the music started up again. It was gonna be a long night.

"LONG indeed" She said throatily as she headed back to Nathaniel...ahhh hell she'd been watching.

INDEXor To Be Continued