The Best Laid Plans

BY: Kash

I don't own nobody...well I do sorta have rights to a few of them. I'm sure you know which ones.

Well here's the finale guys...I'm cutting the timing short...but what do you want from me...I'm a busy girl...okay so maybe not...but well...I'm sorry already quit glaring.

Rating: R or NC-17 has some graphic sexual content and bad language. But it isn't as bad as some.

I heaved a sigh as I hurried backstage. Things never ever work out the way you think they will. I had thought that I would be spending most the night curled up with a nice book in front of the fire sipping a little merlot, trying to ignore my nervous jitters as I waited for the time for me to make my appearance at the Circus. No such luck...and I could really use the alcohol right about now.

First there'd been the little tift with Dathan for blinking me out of the Circus before I was finished with the decorations...then it'd taken me an hour to get him out of my house, then I decided that a shower might be in order...lugging pillows twice your size around until they are perfectly arranged can really work up a sweat. By then I was hungry so I grabbed a sandwich and a glass of tomato juice (Hey I like tomato juice!!). I spent the next four hours in mind numbing stillness, getting dressed...uhm...well maybe that isn't the right word...but getting ready for my own little surprise.

When I got there, it was like a scene out of...uhm...well some disaster movie where the people are running round like chickens with their heads cut off. Chaos...what a lovely word. It wasn't as bad as it looked though, a few words here...a question or two answered there...and it became ORGANIZED Chaos. There is too such a thing.

In any event helping everyone get ready and making sure all the props were in order and doing whatever odd jobs needed to be done (I have never fetched so many pairs of high heels in my life) took up the better part of my attention well into the show. I don't know how we would have managed without Sarai, she probably found each and every persons makeup bag twice. Not to mention that after I was ALL her. I felt frazzled when there were the two of us being "Ms. Run and Fetch and Make bloody well sure everyone has all their props and gets their que". How she managed alone I'll never know.

I had to start my own preparations during Lyza's act, so I missed most of it...though I did catch the rather irate look Asher was sending her...and of course we all heard within three seconds what happened in the bar between Lyza and Gigs...I was just glad I wasn't there to watch it all go down.

I was just getting ready to go take off the soft cotton serape that I'd been draped in most the evening and get the finishing touches of my costume on when Edward showed up. No I wasn't dismayed...or shocked...damn near terrified but otherwise pretty good. No I'm not afraid of Edward...well I mean sure I am...but fascination is so much more entertaining...for me at least. No, what worried me was Luce's reaction...especially if Edward was staying for the was bad enough that Dare was sitting out there in the audience...about to get an eye full...I don't REALLY have to strip in front of EVERY man I've ever had feelings I?

He wasn't there to chit-chat though...imagine that. No he just wanted to tell me that he'd found Esther lying unconscious behind one of the crates the props had arrived in...he'd moved her but wasn't going to babysit. If I tell you that I rolled my eyes...would that be redundant? Edward and babysitting just don't go together. We were both kinda concerned seeing as how Esther was under siege from Or'Gandry. Neither one of us thought it particularly wise to just leave her unattened. Now who says that demons aren't our friends? Dathan can be very friendly...given the right...persuasion. I'm not saying what he demanded but Jean-Claude was not gonna be a happy camper when he found out. "Insert evil laughter"

In any event once we got that straightened out and Esther was safely deposited in the bowels of Hell. (What? Hell can be safe.) I was back to square one...with a whole lot less time to spare. When I arrived with Edward for company, Gigs smirked and waggled her eyebrows suggestively...I'd almost call it a leer...but there was way to much merriment dancing in her eyes for it to be one of those. I just shook my head at her and tried to calm the butterflies in my tummy. Have I mentioned that I was very nervous? Well I was.

I didn't have time to talk though I still needed to apply all the body jewelry and touch up any smears. I rushed through the next hour, worried I'd never be ready...worried I would be ready and then have to go through with it. I'm not normally a coward...but then I'm not normally and exhibitionist either. Going into this I had figured what was good for the Goose was good for the Gander...but right about then I was pretty sure that the Gander could have his fun and keep it, cause I so did not want to prance around in the nude in front of thirty of my closest male friends.

At one point Gigs came back to give me a drink...a greatly appreciated and much needed drink. "Don't think of it as striping...think of it as a rain dance." She offered as she walked away, her laughter trailing behind her. I almost spit the drink all over Cherry...she was safely hunched over laughing hysterically. I had to join in...and I think the laughter helped more then the drink did.

Of course being rolled in a carpet and carried out onto a stage sort revives all the feelings of inadequacy and fear...well it does for me, maybe Cleopatra was made of sterner stuff. All the sound was muffled in my little cocoon, but I know silence when I hear it. I waited for Chrys to do her job, she'd been acting strange all night...well stranger then usual...I mean she's a librarian who also happens to be a vampire and plays host to an was gonna say spirit I swear. In any case she always acts strange...just not usually this strange.

Whe it came Chrys's voice was distant but I could hear her well enough as she purred... "Well boys, it seems the night has come to its...Climax...and well we thought that since it IS a party there should definitely be a present...and some serious unwrapping."

I might have blushed...but you'll never know...that's one of the benefits of being rolled in a one can see your face. Of course as the music began to play...someone gave the rug a push and I began to slowly unroll myself. I always did want to make a dramatic entrance...just once. I finally got my chance.

The lyrics to the song where just starting when I was revealed in all my glory...Did that sound trite? Ohh well. I was lying right at Luce's feet and my eyes locked with his as I tossed my hair...a beautiful curtain of flaming red (so they were extensions so what)...over my shoulder and let the group see my costume...or rather lack there of.

He breaks me down
He builds me up
He fills my cup
I like it rough

I was lying right at his feet, and though I had planned a series of small writhing movements, he extended his hand and I took it, and instead stood in one smooth motion. Somehow I got the feeling, this was another one of those things that wasn't gonna go as I planned.

We fuss, we brawl
We rise, we fall
He comes in vain
But it's okay

I did try to break his hold on my hand but he rose to his own feet and jerked me back to him. The body paint I was wearing, wasn't made for that kind of contact and began to smear. I'd spent hours letting Ramses apply it...I'd been paint to match a flame...that's why I had dyed my hair red (And it was the ONLY hair on my body) and gotten the extensions all for illusion and he was doing a bloody good job of destroying all my hard work. I tried incorporating him...letting him keep my hand while I undulated around him...dropping down in time to the music only to be jerked back up.

We do, I do
He knows the rules
He takes care of home (hey, yeah)
Though he's not alone

I looked up into his eyes...and he didn't look exactly happy to see me. I stopped even trying to pay attention to the music and the routine that Pug and I had practiced for days. While I stood there staring up at him, a slow smile spread across his was exactly a pleasant smile...but it wasn't exactly promised a lot, a smile like that.

I'm on his knee
He keeps me clean
And gives me things
He makes me scream, yeah

He bent me backwards over his arm, the music totally out of sync with our movements, and I thought I could hear a voice raised in outrage, but at that moment his lips closed over mine and his tongue thrust into my mouth...and there at least was the rhythm of the dance might not be much of one, but his kiss sure was.

He's so contagious
He turns my pages (mmm)
He's got me anxious (oh)
He's what I've waited for

He dragged his lips away from mine and I moaned in protest, I would never have enough of his kisses, but that was no reason to give up trying to quench my thirst for them. He dragged them down my neck as my head fell back exposing the length of it to him.

He keeps me guessing (oh)
He's so persuasive
And I'm his lady (oh oh)

He licked and sucked there for a moment before bitting down hard and I gasped out loud. I could feel him smiling against my throat at the sound. The wretched beast. He knew that EVERYONE was watching...okay maybe not everyone...but quite a few people I'd rather not have catch me in flagrante dilecto were watching in wide eyed horror as he mauled me on stage. What was even worse was that I enjoyed every moment of it.

Tonight is waiting (tonight is waiting)
And I ain't complaining (and I ain't complaining)
I'm entertaining (I'm entertaining)
My number one thing and (my number one)

I felt one of his hands smoothing up from my waist to cup my breast and I gasped again as he pinched the nipple before rolling it caressing it more gently. I could feel the heat in his body reaching out to me like a furnace, like he was the flame I pretended to be. Of course if was flame I would be more then willing to play moth any day.

My back is aching (my back is aching)
From all love making (from all love making)
Oh, yes, I'm taken
Ain't no use in faking (oh)

He pumped his hips against mine, and I could feel the bulge there, and it was tempting very very tempting to reach down and take it in my release it and caress it, to do all the things a good lover does....but we weren't private and I wasn't going to do that...not here.

My ups, my downs
My high and my lows
From head to toe
He makes me blow

He was playing all my strings, touching me in just the right spots, to make me beg for more. He did that so well, the only place I've ever been well and truly in his arms. You know what though...surrender can be very rewarding.

He hits the spot
He makes me hot
I'm all that he's got
And he's all that I've got

I gasped again as his hand traveled lower teasing me with feathery caresses across my stomach, but he didn't go any lower. It should have been a clue, but I thought he just didn't want to expose me like that in public.

He's so contagious
He turns my pages
He's got me anxious
He's what I've waited for

Suddenly he thrust me away from him, and it wasn't a gentle push either. I ended up on my knees on the other side of the stage. I came up into a crouch automatically and remained that way for all of two seconds before I realized what EXPOSED really meant. I came to my feet in a burst of speed, wishing I had my gun.

He keeps me guessing (he keeps me guessing)
Spontaneous (spontaneous)

The thought of my gun was barely in my mind when I saw something shiney flying towards me. I reached out instinctively and caught it, my eyes flickering to "insert mortified groan" Edward. I had the gun aimed and cocked in less time then it took to inhale.

He's so persuasive (so persuasive)
And I'm his lady

Luce's eyes were mocking. "Go ahead my bride, shoot me." I looked down at the gun then up at him, realizing suddenly what exactly I was doing. I gave my head a shake. He was my enemy and my love...did I keep the gun aimed? Should I fire wouldn't kill him...or should I put it away. This was no way to start a marriage. I lowered the gun, but I didn't put it down. "What's your game?" I asked, letting my eyes survey the crowd. There weren't that many present. Buzz had left with Sheila, Nathaniel was missing, Richard had carried off Crystal earlier, Stephen had been taken to hell to join Dathan and Esther, Shang-da was gone as well...with Luna I suspected.

Thinking of a master plan You know anything you need, baby, ask your man You was there from a half a gram Now it's kilos to C notes, and high fashion brass He ball like we own the world The only concern is you my only girl And when we sneak into chokes Breathing hard when I'm squeezing you long Keep it strong, but I gotta hit the streets when I'm done It's joy and pain when you try and get ahead of the game It's up, but you never complain You just pray I don't killed when I hit the hood Just another hundred mil' and I'mma quit for good No more drug wars, trips to jail and shoot outs To getting loot out for boys in bail They'll get you boot out Just me and you, hour of sex and twisted You O.G. to D.O.D. addicted

I frowned at the audience. The only local I noticed was Edward...the rest well there were only four. Dare, Saul, Fen'ri and Gray stood in a half circle around the stage. I caught Dare's look and gave a grim smile.He was protecting though he detested Luce, he cared enough about me to shield this spectacle from any unnecessary witnesses. There are benefits to being a being that you're comrades in arms are always there to watch your back. The guys had come at my request, and I don't think I'd ever been happier to see them....okay so maybe that's exaggerating...but I was glad they were there if I needed their help.

He's so contagious
He turns my pages
He's got me anxious
He's what I've waited for

Luce was watching me. "Did you think I wouldn't recognize Brawyn's Tears when I tasted them?" He snapped eyes still burning like coals. I was at a loss. I didn't know what the hell he was even talking about. "You KNOW that I've taken a vow...and yet you would DRUG me and force me to break it? Perhaps we truly are well matched Kashauna." He continued in a voice like ice.

He keeps me guessing
He's so persuasive (so persuasive)
And I'm his lady (and I'm his lady)

I shook my head. "I would never drug you...sure I thought I'd dance and maybe....ohhh." I trailed off on the ohh. "I'm sorry...I planned this weeks ago...I didn't know then." I looked down at the ground. Talk about had I just done a stupid stupid thing. He didn't seem to be impressed with my apology.

He's so contagious
He turns my pages
He's got me anxious
He's what I've waited for

"Luce...this wasn't really about seducing you...yeah it crossed my know I miss you...and I don't just mean the're never home anymore...and everyday I fall asleep alone...I miss listening to the sound of you breathing. But that isn't what it was" I smiled and smiled sadly but hopefully. "Revenge....but good revenge...and you know I NEVER do this kind of thing...I wanted once to...well you know...just be outrageous." He was watching me intently...and I could tell he was still upset...but he was getting past it...I hoped. "I'm sorry."

He keeps me guessing
He's so persuasive
And I'm his lady

He nodded finally, after what seemed like eternity...but he didn't hang around. I reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and gave a small sniff. Dare was watching me from where he stood, but he never moved. I think he knew that if he were the one to try and console me he'd get a serious fight. It was his fault Luce had ever made the stupid vow in the first place...and if he thought for one minute that I was gonna forget that just cause he'd thrown up a shield of darkness around the stage just to protect me...he had another think coming.

Edward watched impassively. His eyes staying carefully on my face. I met his stare for a moment. He knew and understood a lot that I still hadn't figured out yet...but right then I knew that we WERE friends, and that was good enough...for both of us. I gave him a small grin, before he nodded almost imperceptibly and turned and walked away into the darkness.

I was looking down at the stage when Saul touched me lightly on the shoulder. I looked up at him and forced a smile before straightening my shoulders. "I certainly made a hash of this didn't I?" I quipped half heartedly. He smiled gently. "You'll survive."

I shook my head and laughed. "Hey that's MY line." I said feeling a bit better. He nodded as he reached out and ruffled my hair.

"We've missed ya kiddo...Chirval just ain't as lively without you." Gray offered as he closed in on me before picking me up and giving me a bear hug. I gasped out "You're crushing me." He laughed. "You deserve...not one single letter in all these months, Phyra is about to go crazy with worry and Chelane says if you don't come back soon she's gonna start reclaiming your pets starting with Morgan."

I laughed. "She wouldn't want him the old lay about, all he's good for is soaking up sunlight and tearing up my curtains." I should explain. Morgan is my cat....well he thinks I'm HIS pet. I sighed as he set me down.

"Why don't we let Kash go get dressed", said the voice of reason. I looked over at Fen. He had his hands shoved in his trouser pockets and his glasses were about to slip off his nose. I could have cried. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed them all. I've been gone longer stretches...but never like this...never with the intention of not returning.

"Yeah I'm in favor of clothing." I offered looking down at the smeared paint and the ragged looking body'd be so pretty before. I blinked back tears. Okay so maybe tonight wasn't the night for a reunion...not if I was gonna be fighting tears the whole night. Saul seemed to recognize this..."She needs more then clothes...a bath, some food and a bed would probably be more welcome wouldn't it?" He made it a question looking at me. I nodded eagerly.

After that it was just a matter of getting me home and tucked in. The guys hung around long enough to make sure I was okay...well to inquire if I was okay about fifty times and then left. I was grateful to be alone. I did manage to get that bath finally. And I did have a small bite to eat...but I'm just sitting here in my window seat, starring up at the stars, and hoping...that this doesn't mean the end...

INDEXor To Be Continued