And We Have Lift-Off...

BY: Chrysanthemum

Disclaimer: So far PG-13...if it changes I'll let ya know. Ohh its rated that for language.
Description: This is Chrys Introducing our first Dancer...okay so its a little more then that...but everyone remember...Chrys will be introducing all the before you post let me know so she can introduce you.
Rating: So far PG-13...if it changes I'll let ya know. Ohh its rated that for language.

Waking up is strange since I don't really dream anymore, well I wouldn't since I don't really sleep. I miss sleeping. Now though, well I'm used to it...its been three years, five months and 23 days. Okay so maybe I haven't exactly 'coped' yet but I'm working on it. Least I don't have it down to the minutes any longer.

I could hear Seri moving around in the other room when I...woke. I've come to know the sounds of her moving about. She walks very softly, like she's not really in contact with the ground most the time.

I grinned as I pushed the lid of the coffin back. I was so glad to be back in St. Louis. I'd never admit that out loud, but I actually missed most everyone.

There were a few exceptions of course, Zane for instance...Zane and I don't get along...and as a result Cherry and I don't really care for each other either. Its not a major conflict...just that we rub each other wrong. Okay truly...I can be a sanctimonious bitch if given half a chance, and when Zane and I met, I made a few choice comments about wasting your life. Jason had laughed...Zane hadn't. Maybe I hit too close to home?

I hopped out of the coffin...and I mean that pretty much literally...getting out of a coffin can be 'undignified' unless you can fly like some vamps I know. That thought was one I'd sorta been avoiding. I'd be seeing Jean-Claude and Asher soon...and the others of course.

They had asked me to stay before, but at the time, it'd been impossible. Seri and I had things to take care of.

Now we were back for Kash's wedding...still haven't figured out how she managed that one...and there were new things to take care of. Top of the list...Seri and Asher. Okay so maybe I should leave that one alone...and I am going to try...really I promise I am. I had some business with Dear old Dad as well.

No I'm not bitter. Okay so I am bitter, but not at wasn't his fault. No, I'd made the right choice...didn't mean it was the easy one though. The right choices rarely are.

I sighed as I walked over to the dresser where my case lay, and took out a brush. You've heard of bed head? Try coffin one rises emmaculate...I don't care what Jean-Claude says.

I was halfway through combing out my hair when I remembered what tonight was...groaning I sat the comb down. I needed a shower. I couldn't very well host a stag party smelling of death and decay now could I? Okay so maybe I didn't smell that bad...but

I was gonna be under hot lights and at the center of attention. The undead don't sweat...but I'm not taking any chances.

I rushed through the shower. It was already eight and the party was supposed to get underway at ten. Which meant I needed to be there by nine. I still couldn't figure out HOW this set of events had come about...I'm not the emceeing kind...I completely choked during my last oral presentation at the this was like a nightmare come true...funny the way mine have a tendency to do that.

I shook my head, no point in being morbid...besides all I had to do was introduce the acts. Its not like I was actually dancing...there wasn't much I could do that would really ruin the show...nothing really that I could think of. All the girls had specially designed dances sure to keep the guys panting, drooling and other bodily functions I'd really rather not even think about.

I looked at the clock when I hopped out of the shower...8:15...woo hoo...and who says girls take forever in the bathroom? I combed some mousse into my hair and then ran my fingers through it a couple times...quick and easy...just the way I like my hair.

Now all I had to do was gather my courage and open up the box that had been sitting on my dresser for over a week now. I hadn't even news is good news after all...but now it was the moment of truth. I'd taken to wearing black leather since I'd come back to town...but leather pants and a skimpy top are one thing...Jean- Claude's idea's about formal dress are another. I soo didn't want to know.

I reached over and pulled the end of the ribbon, slowly undoing the cute little bow. Then took a step back before stopping myself. It wasn't like it was a snake or something, it wasn't going to bite me, I assured myself...the other half of my brain...the dismal side snickered. It was probably worse.

I took a step forward...and another, looking down at the box I sighed. No time like the pun intended. I reached out and grasped the lid of the box and pulled it back slowly. I almost breathed a sigh of relief. It didn't look that intimidating. It was a wine colored cotton kota sari with black and gold herringbone weave on the borders, gold edging and gold butis on the sari. The blouse was also of tissue kota with a jacquard weave in maroon and gold on the cap sleeves.

I wouldn't be exposing all that much arms...a bit of mid- drift and a tiny bit of cleavage...not that I have any. It could have been worse though...I'd seen what some of the other girls were wearing...not my cup of tea.

I took the sari out of the box and held it up...sheer...very sheer...but there was the went under it...and while not exactly at least hid more then it revealed. I could deal with this. I almost missed the note in the bottom of the box.

It was brief...nothing special just a line or two from Uncle Jean...yes UNCLE JEAN. How I choose to think of the men is my life is no one's business but mine.

I folded the garments back up and put them back in the box...they were pretty but there was no way I was going to wear them on the streets of St. Louis. Instead I slipped into a pair of black vinyl hip huggers and a little black tee shirt that said "I only look sweet" in white writting.

I walked through the door that connected mine and Seri's room and smiled at her. "You sure you don't want to come?"

"Its okay, I'm fine." She replied...with a rather strained smile.

I frowned down at her. She didn't look alright...and she didn't act alright...but I wasn't her mother.

She shrugged, cutting me off before I could start badgering...not that I had been going to...nope not me...I NEVER badger. "There's nothing for it sweet heart, it just takes time."

"Yeah, but I don't like leaving you here all alone to mope." I replied still worried about her.

All this mess with Asher...I could tell it was getting to her...hell it'dalready gotten to her...I don't think she'd had a proper day's sleep in all the time we'd been back.

"Don't worry I have a few books not to mention the giant tub in the bath room, and room service has yogurt, I've got all the bare necessities." I laughed. It wasn't a full belly

laugh...but it was what she wanted to hear.

"Want me to hurt him?" I asked after a moment of silence. She shook her head. "No, its not his fault, none of it is, he didn't know, besides I really am happy for him."

I had to supress a snort at that statement. She was happy for him? Riiight.

"Right Ser...I'll believe that when I see pigs're hurt and you're pissed, play those games with someone else." She was quiet for a long time before she finally smiled...a genuine smile this time.

"Okay so I am...but what do you want me to do about, go out there and seduce him into my bed..."

I grinned and wiggled my eyebrows suggestively. "Sounds like a plan to me."

"Chrrrysss." She gasped and I couldn't help but laugh at her...sometimes she was soo innocent.

"Oh come on why not. Sure Gigs and Tam care about him, but you've been hot for Ash for how long?" I teased and watched as her mouth fell open.

"I have not been 'HOT' for Asher...I've just."

I gave her a pointed look. "Yeaahhh, you were hot for him."

She glared at me. "Okay so maybe I was, but I'm not going to try and seduce him, he's in a relationship and I'm not going to even think about pitching my hat into that arena."

I looked at her...there was something in her voice...something that bothered me. Finally relization dawned. "You prefer it this way don't you. It's one thing to admire Ash from afar knowing you can never have him, and quite another to actually climb into bed with him." I shook my head. Crushes are nice...but this is a little much.

"I don't want to talk about it Chrys, leave it alone." She replied, turning away from me. I could see the tension in her shoulders. What did she expect, for me to be pleased? Asher was my a father...only...well different.

"Whatever you like Ser...but if that's the truth then I'm glad Ash is involved, you playing a number with his heart strings would give me serious loyalty issues." I replied rather cooly.

If she was just playing with him...even if it wasn't on purpose...I shook my head again as I snatched up my jacket and the box with my outfit, before storming out of the room. This soo shouldn't be happening.

I flagged down a cab and rode to the Circus in silence. Of course since it was just me and the driver in the car...this wasn't all that odd. When I got to the Circus Jason opened the door and I fairly flew past him. I was still royaly pissed about the scene with Seri. Maybe I had no right to be mad...but hell I'd been lecturing Asher for weeks about hurting her and suddenly I felt like a fool.

Jason must have sensed something was wrong...couldn't have had anything to do with the fact that I was fairly vibrating with tension and hadn't even bothered to say Hi to him. He just raised an eyebrow and stepped out of my way. Smart boy.

Nathaniel wasn't so wise...and I was already pissed with him. "Chrys?" He asked tentatively touching my arm. I didn't even speak, just turned and looked at him. I don't know what he saw in my eyes but he backed away shocked...bully for him.

I'd made it the rest of the way to Jean-Claude's rooms without interruption. Which suited me fine. I flung open the door to find him standing in front of his closet. He didn't so much as flinch, just spoke in that silk smooth voice of his.

"Good evening Chysanthemum." I gritted my teeth at the hated name.

"Jean-Claude" I fairly snarled. There was really no call for this amount of anger, and I was vaguely aware of that fact, but it didn't really seem to matter all that much.

"You seem flustered ma cherie," He said still sorting through his clothing.

I rolled my eyes. "Really, whatever gave you that idea?" I asked in biting tones.

He glanced over his shoulder at me giving me a look that said without words that my ire was quite obvious and even a fool would notice it. I glared at him.

"Why don't you sit and tell me what the problem is?" He said going back to his search for some garment of clothing...with a wardrobe that size it could take years to find just the right shirt. I looked over at the chairs then back at him...and started pacing.

"I don't get it...I mean, really...what is she thinking? She can't just want him and not want him. What is wrong with her?" I stopped to look at him.

He glanced over his shoulder again and gave me a blank look. "Who?"

I rolled my eyes. "Seri...who else?" I replied and began pacing again. "She says she's happy for him...but she's not...I've seen her watch cuts her heart out...but now she says that it doesn't matter...she's not even willing to TRY and fight...and what if it IS just a crush...he deserves better then does she...but neither of them make any sense. She loves him shouldn't she be with him?" I managed to say it all in one breath.

Then turned to look at him expectantly.

Jean-Claude had turned to face me and was holding a shirt and watching me with something like confusion and amusement. I didn't care for the fact I'd have been feeling just peachy if I'd been allowed to rip his throat out. Now it was my turn to look puzzled...where the hell had that thought come from...I didn't rip people's throats out.

Not usually.

"You speak of Asher and Seri?" Jean-Claude asked...but before I could reply he waved his free hand silencing me. "Of course you do." He turned back to the closet. I glared at him...was that all...I come to him for advice and I get 'of course you do'?

I looked at him again and a rather pertinent fact filtered through.

"You're naked." I said slowly.

He looked at me and smiled. "Oui." I looked around puzzled...not sure how I felt about that.

"Hmm." I replied.

He laughed. "Nice of you to finally notice cherie."

I gave an exasperated sigh. "Well?" I asked finally after a long silence...okay so maybe it was all of two seconds...but patience is over rated.

"Well what?" He asked turning back again to the wardrobe. I fought back the urge to scream.

"SO what about Seri?" I asked very slowly.

He extremely elegant movement...especially nude. "What about la petit ossieau?" He asked without even looking at me.

My shoulders drooped and stared at him taken aback...hadn't we just covered this...I swear men. "Does she really love him?" I asked was a simple question...I mean really.

He shook his head replacing the shirt he held and taking another. "This shall have to do...I will never find the blue silk...Kashauna has probably taken it." He mumbled to himself slipping his arms into the shirt.

"Seri's heart isn't your concern." He replied after a moment, walking to the bed were a pair of black trousers lay. He picked them up and began pulling them on. I watched in fascination. He didn't have to struggle or wiggle around to pull them into place...but when they were on he still looked like he had been poured into them. I frowned...mine never did that. I shook my head...that was besides the point.

I looked up to find his eyes locked on my face. He looked puzzled by something. "What?" I asked abruptly.

He shook his head. "I don't believe I've had such a passive audience to my dressing before." I shrugged. What was I supposed to say to that...he was handsome as hell even...but he just didn't do it for me.

I went back to the matter at hand. "It does concern me, she's my friend...I want her to be happy." I said moving to one of the chairs and collapsing with a huff. He smiled condescendingly...I got lots of those kind of smiles lately....just cause everyone around the damn place was old enough to have sired my great great great grandparents...that didn't mean I was a naive little child.

"If you wish for her happiness you will let her find it herself." He said smoothly.

My eyes narrowed. "You know she's been spending time with that Ramses character don't you." I don't like him...I don't care if he is the MAGI...big whoop. He's too...quiet. He doesn't move properly...and that...patronizing look he always's enough to make a Saint curse.

I gave my head a shake and rolled my neck...this isn't me...I don't dislike Ramses...I don't even know him. I've met him twice...he seems okay. I guess.

Jean-Claude looked at me silently as he began tucking the shirt into the waist band of his trousers. "Yes, I am aware of that fact." He said rather cooly. He didn't sound too pleased. That was just fine...someone else around here should be displeased WITH me. I smiled nastily, then shook my head again, something is wrong.

Jean-Claude's _expression changed from calm polite mask to concerned. "Chrys?" He asked carefully, reaching out a hand towards me. I snarled at him. "Don't touch me." It didn't even sound like me. I jerked back. "I'm sorry." I said standing up abruptly.

His eyes locked with mine suddenly and I felt like I was falling into them...When I opened my eyes he was leaning over me. "Chrys?" It was the same question from earlier...this time I swallowed and sat up.

"What happened?" I asked, relatively certain I wasn't going to like the answer. One of his eyebrows rose.

"Nothing of much import cherie...Fata merely wished to come out and play." He said soothingly. I groaned and then really looked at him. His was white...or had it was stained in splotches with blood. I sighed. This is why I don't get angry. I get angry and Fata finds holes in my shields, then all hell breaks loose.

"Whose?" I asked looking pointedly at his shirt.

He shrugged. "Does it matter."

I looked up and met his eyes. "Yes...yes it does." I said forcefully. He seemed to consider that for a moment.

"A little of it is mine...more of it is yours." I swallowed and nodded. That I could deal with.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up. "I'm sorry."

He nodded without speaking. I looked down at the ground...obviously we hadn't done as good a job as we thought we had, Fata had spilled someone's blood...that would only make her stronger...I shivered at the thought.

"We have to hurry it is almost nine now." Jean-Claude said breaking the silence.

I looked at him and smiled. "I have to change." He smiled. "So do I...use the bathroom?" He nodded. I'd left the package on the table next to the door. I picked it up and walked to the bathroom.

I was finished changing in just a few minutes. I like to dispell all those myths about women taking forever to get ready. I borrowed some of Jean-Claude's gel and now my hair lay flat against my head...good thing too after our My hair had been sticking up at all angles. I walked out into the room. He was just slipping into another white shirt. I whistled. "Aren't you the looker." I said grinning.

It was a lame attempt at getting back to a friendly tone...but hey...lame works sometimes. He smiled and gave me a once over. "It suits you." I looked down and wrinkled my nose. Sure it looked nice...but it wasn't pants and a tee shirt. I shrugged at him. "I guess."

He shook his head. "You should learn to take a compliment cherie." I rolled my eyes...then grabbed the sides of the skirts and did a little curtsy and in my best southern accent replied. "Why kind sir I do thank ya." He laughed and offered his arm...which I took naturally.

We left the room in a stately fashion and walked with the utmost dignity up the stairs and out into the big top. I turned to him and smiled. "Guess this is it."

He smiled. "You shall do will be a" He took a moment to think "piece of pie."

I laughed at him then gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks." He nodded then turned and left.

I sighed before picking up the corner of my skirt and continuing into the smaller tent where the festivities were to be held. Steeling my nerves I walked to the front of the looked good I'd give Kash that...all arabic and stuff. I so didn't want to do this.

Unfortunately Kash took the opportunity to scare me half out of my mind, and before you even comment on the supper natural hearing, may I just say that it doesn't do you any good if you aren't paying attention.

I jumped when she touched my shoulder and said my name. I spun to look at her with wide eyes and asked "What?" She had been frowning but a slow smile slid across her face and she started laughing.

Just what I needed. I siighed and waited for her to get a grip. It took a few minutes but finally she got it together. "I just wanted to tell you I'm about to go, and make sure that you knew where everything was and had everything you needed. I nodded. Yes I knew...we'd been over it all about fifteen million times in the past two weeks. I had to supress the mad desire to roll my eyes.

She was frowning, obviously I'd done something wrong...again. I heaved a sigh and was about to ask what when she grabbed my wrist and started dragging me towards the stage...then across it and through the silver gauze backdrop. I stopped when she headed for the dressing room. I put my foot down...literally. She turned to look at me inquiringly.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked.

She grinned. "Ohh you need accessories...but if you ever tell anyone I said those words I'll deny it. I looked at her funny and she giggled. "The only accessories I'm supposed to take any interest in are those that are more than a little dangerous." I nodded eyes wide with a big phoney smile. Oookay. She smiled and shook her head.

"Anyways you need a tattoo." My eyes widened and I jerked free of her. "I don't think so."

She laughed. "Not a real one silly...I mean a henna a mehndi'll look great with the outfit...and it'll wear off in a few days.

I almost sighed in relief. She gave me another once over. "You also need some jewelry." I groaned. I was gonna end up looking like a barbie doll. "And..." I cut her off. "If you say rouge, lipstick, mascara or eyeshadow I'm leaving now." She laughed.

"No, I was gonna say some body jewlery...a few rhinestones maybe some crystals." I sighed. I knew that meant I had no real choice in the matter and things would go easier for me if I just capitulated now.

She grinned evilly and headed to one of the dressing room. I followed meekly. What's a girl to do? I was already in over my head...maybe I'd survive if I just floated with the current.

About a half hour later I came out of the room dusted with silver and sporting patterns up and down my arms and neck...not to mention the small fortune in jewels pasted to my collar bones, and forehead. It looked good though. No Kash hadn't been the artist...she'd delivered me into Lyza's capable hands and now I was suitably 'festive'. And it was about ten minutes til show time.

The backstage area had gotten progessively busier with people talking...searching frantically for misplaced props and even shoes. I could also hear the men moving around out front...getting settled in...while Gigs tended bar, Kylie and Tamara served drinks...and the Pomme de sangs of the evening offered up something a tad bit richer then wine.

I felt a small flare of blood lust and wondered just how much blood I had lost earlier. I rolled my shoulders trying to release the tension in my neck. I jumped again when Gigs appeared next to me with a smile.

"You look like you could use a drink" She said holding up a glass of something dark, thick, and red. I gave her a puzzled look. She shrugged "We have O negative on tap tonight". Now I knew I was back in St. Louis.

I reached out and took the glass. Grimacing I shrugged. "Bottoms up." I tipped back the glass and downed the contents. Gigs was watching me intently. I gave her a puzzled look.

"Yummy?" She gave her head a little shake and walked away...I turned around and headed back towards the stage. I did feel a little better fact a nice cozy warmth had settled in my stomach and seemed to be slowly expanding...almost like alcohol. It had a mild quick to it, some exotic blood type probably.

It took another five minutes for the stuff to catch up with me...after that I felt like I was flying...woo hoo. I tried to shake away the feeling...which was pleasant and not at the same time. My skin felt all tingely and too tight for my body...and my mind seemed to fuzz just along the very edges and crystalize in the center. I've never done drugs but I was begining to wish I'd tried some.

I was standing next to one of the props, a rolled up carpet actually, when Sarai touched me on my arm. I turned to her and smiled happily. "Uhm...Chrys..." She said looking at me with a worried _expression. I continued to smile...I was happy...very very happy. "Yessss." I drew the word out. She called Tamara over and then left us alone. I opened my eyes wide and blinked them owlishly. "Hi." I said.

Tamara smiled, giving me the look you only ever give people who are extremely drunk...or deranged. "Having a good time dear?" She asked.

I wrinkled my nose at her. "No...where's Nathaniel?" I asked the thought suddenly occuring to me that I'd really really like to see him right about now. See him and maybe let my tongue follow his happy trail...and then I could...Tamara interrupted my little daydream. "He's out front with the rest of the men." I frowned, I wanted him to be HERE. She smiled again, then turned and called to someone to go get Gigs.

Gigs showed up...ohh a while later...I was getting a little fuzzy on time and how it related to me. She gave me a once over and started laughing. Tamara didn't look all that pleased...but I'm not to clear on why. She straightened my outfit and smiled at me. "Don't worry love you'll see Natty-Cat after the show" the after came out rather cajoling.

Now would have been better...much much better. My mind started wandering again to that delightful little purring noise he made when he was excited...and the way he stretched sometimes. I gave my head a shake...I so needed to get a grip. Gigs steered me towards the stage. "Come on dear its time for you to get out there and welcome our guests." I met her eyes for a minute and nodded. That's right I had a job to do.

I straightened my shoulders, started to glide gracefully forward...and tripped. Gigs was there luckily and caught me before I fell flat on my face.

"You sure she can do this?" Tamara asked somewhere behind me.

Gigs laughed. "I don't think she could do it otherwise."

I turned and glared fiercly. "I'm fine...and I can do anything."

She gave me a condescendingly ADULT look. "I'm sure you go on out there and knock 'em dead". I was pretty sure she intended the pun but I had to focus on walking so I couldn't snap at her.

I managed to get back most of my motor skills after the first few steps and did in fact glide onto the stage. I had a mic in my hand...I'm not sure where I'd gotten it...but I had one. Go figure.

"Evenin gents" I purred in a voice I didn't recognize. Shit. A voice whisphered back at me. 'Don't worry love...let me handle is my...ah...area of expertise.' I wanted to roll my eyes...but they didn't feel like my eyes at present. I'd have to wait...try to find Seri...something...Fata couldn't just be free could she? Not just like that? I mean it was just one little argument...all our hard work couldn't be for nothing.

I stood center stage now, and I didn't remember moving. Words were flowing from me like this was second nature. I had no choice but to sit back and watch.

"It's so nice to have you all here...I do hope you enjoy our little...." Fata paused to lick our lips. "Entertainment." I froze at that word and suddenly felt like laughing. She sounded like Dr. Frank-n-Furter from the Rocky Horror Picture show...this was certainly the place for it. She just ignored me but by now I was too amused to really care.

"Well, now I'm sure you boys didn't come to hear me talk so why don't we let the games begin." She let her eyes trail purposefully up towards the ceiling where the roof parted, then she looked back at the crowd and purred...I didn't even know my voice COULD purr. "Appearences can be decieving." Funny I thought...very funny. I could hear her laughing at me.

I took a step back as the music started, then stepped off the stage as eyes darted back up to the woman descending from the roof. I could hear the utter silence from the audience.

Breaths were being held, muscles were tensing and there were at least make that three men who broke out in a cold sweat...and one in a not so cold sweat. This time I paid attention. Fata manuevered us into a dark corner where we could argue while the music played and the men panted. That was just fine with me. I had a few choice expletives for the Bitch.

INDEXor To Be Continued