
BY: Chrysanthemum

Disclaimer: I own no one...and if I did who'd have time to write?
Rating: PG-13....language...and kissy faces.

I was in the midst of giving the Bitch a royal setdown...okay so maybe not...but I was in the midst of thinking furiously of a good put down when "I'm a Genie in a Bottle" stopped suddenly and Richard came stomping backstage with Crystal in tow. My eyes widened in shock as I listened to him exchange words with Gigs.

"Bastard".I'm not sure which of us said it, I know we thought it in unsion. Ever had thoughts in stereo? It's weird.

If she'd had a physical body this would have been a moment of shared arm crossing and foot tapping. I hadn't realised that Fata was a figured, but I hadn't ever given it much thought. "We could turn him into a toad," her voice slipped through my lips as I nodded in agreement.

That little manuever brought us both up short. I blinked and her...or was it "our"...mouth fell open. "This is creepy" I whispered. Our lips curled into a smile...her doing not mine. "Interesting." Some of the girls standing near by gave me/us a few strange looks, but no one said anything.

"We need a drink...maybe a few" I muttered and she nodded as we headed for the bar.

Gigs gave us a slightly dazed look and I suddenly became aware of the rather intense scent of sexual arousal. When I say intense I mean it smelled like a mass orgy was liable to breakout at any moment. I hadn't been near this bad at the batchlorette party. I wondered what was goin on. Fata seemed only vaguely interested in the question. She was busy using our eyes to scope out all the eye-candy.

A hand touched my shoulder and I turned slowly a smile spreading across my face. "Daniel." I looked up at him. "I didn't know you were coming...thought big brother had expressly forbidden it."

Daniel shrugged. "He did...but Richard isn't my keeper and besides I knew you'd be here." I laughed. "You just missed no play acting for tonight...he marched out of here with Crystal over his some me half a mind to..." I was interupted at his laughter. "What?" I demanded. He shook his head laughing.

"You just looked so fierce when you said that...I almost feel bad for him." I gave him a withering look. "Don't you go all MALE on me now." He smiled. "Scouts honor." I rolled my eyes at him.

Gigs interrupted our conversation. "Time for the next act." I looked at her and tried to supress my groan." "Yeah yeah...well I guess it's back to the grind." I muttered to Daniel as I turned to go. He reached out and took my hand drawing me back. "What no hug?" Fata who'd been behaving for five seconds surged to the fore and reaching up, drawing his face down before pressing my lips to his...and then parting his with a swift manuever of the tongue. I jerked back...okay so maybe I didn't end it as quickly as I could have...which was evidenced by Gig's rather large grin and the fact that Daniel's hands had found a way inside my dress. I managed to extricate them without becomeing unwrapped...and with one backward glance ran from the room. "That was soooo not right." I accused, but Fata seemed higly pleased with herself. "Come now child, didn't you enjoy the taste of him...all warm male...and such passion...his girlfriend must truly enjoy his kisses." I shook my head in dismay...I didn't feel that way about Daniel...he was my don't play tonsil hockey with your friends you just don't.

I took a deep breath before stepping onto the stage, the images of what had just happened still taunting me...and it didn't help that I could still smell and taste Daniel...not to mention that the flesh that he touched was on fire for more...I gave a small shiver...his fingers had been rough...calloused from hard work..and they'd felt very nice.

"Well it seems that act two of the evenings entertainments has come to a..." I grinned suddenly..."Premature finish." I couldn't help was Richard...I don't like insulting him, even if he wasn't present to hear the insult and be pissed...was still fun. "However as they say the show must go up we have a special dancer...she's sure to make a purrfect addition." I walked off the stage...not exactly steady...but hey I didn't fall over from shock.

INDEXor To Be Continued