The Morning After

BY: Luna

Well this was something that I was tooling around with after having finished my stag party section. And while I'm not sure anyone would care to read it I needed to get it out of my system before I blow up. Just as a warning I rated this an NC-17 so Please if you're underage don't read this. There is some sexual content but strangely enough no bad language. Personally I feel that if you're old enough to read the books than anything I write will be fairly tame but hey I've been wrong before. But I was only the one time. What! Okay, okay it was twice. LOL. Now without further ado.....

Disclaimer: All the characters that you recognize belong to the esteemed LKH all those that you do not belong to either myself or the other authors here. I'm doing this for the enjoyment of other and not for monetary gain.
Rating: Well I think that I would say that this section is NC-17

I woke up to the feel of a warm hard body pressed against my back. That wasn't unusual however the fact that I was nude was and it seemed we were alone. Then the events of the previous evening came flooding back to me. I looked over my shoulder just to make sure I hadn't dreamed the whole thing up.

Shang-Da's eyes were still closed and his mouth was open slightly and he was snoring softly. I could still smell his cologne it was faint but there nonetheless. I turned in his arms. He stirred slightly and tightened his arms around me but continued to sleep on. I knew he was still asleep because his heart rate hadn't changed neither had his breathing.

I ran a hand over his back and the feel of his skin under my hand was hot to the touch. I imagine that mine was in much the same condition we only had a few more day before the full moon. I leaned in and kissed that place where the neck meets the shoulder and Shang- Da moved against me but otherwise he showed no signs of waking up. I was luxuriating in the feel of his body pressed so close to mine. The heat from his body was lulling me back to sleep. I kissed his lips softly and threw my leg over his hip curling my leg over his thigh. I give a little squeeze and started to drift off to sleep.

None of my other ministrations had awakened him but the fact that I threw my leg over him had. Sheesh! Men go figure. He nibbled on my earlobe and sent shivers racing down my spine and made things low in my body tighten. He ran his hands down over my back and teasingly over my buttocks. I squirmed and writhed as he continued to tease me. Well if this is the way he wants to be two can play at this game. I shifted my hips and felt him hard and ready. After a few attempts I had him positioned just brushing my entrance. I heard his quick indrawn breath as I sheathed him, and then he groaned, "Don't you ever get tired?"

I rolled him over onto his back and swiveled my hips and said breathlessly, "Of this? Never!" He chuckled and kissed me like he was trying to crawl into my body through my mouth. I forced him to lie back down and was riding him. From this angle it seemed that he was somehow larger and the pleasure was sharper. I leaned down to kiss his forehead. I was lost in a haze of passion. Well to be honest I was just looking to get my fix, if he got his it was all good, if not he should have been faster. Sad but true!

I felt Shang-Da's mouth close over my nipple and couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips. He licked and sucked and nipped first one then the other until I couldn't think. And in that moment I realized that I didn't have too. Then I felt it the first stirrings of a mind numbing orgasm. As it got closer I could hear myself mewling and whining which of course was just what Shang-Da was waiting for. He rolled us so that he was on top and thrusting furiously. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled his mouth down for a no holds barred kiss. When I finally broke it we were both breathless. I was at the edge of the cliff and had a moment to decide whether or not I wanted to take that plunge and then I felt myself shatter into a million glittering pieces. I called out Shang-Da's name and felt him stiffen and then he collapsed on top of me.

It felt like we floated for hours but it was probably only minutes as we became aware of our own separate bodies. I was tracing idle designs on his back when he leaned up and looked me in the eye and said, "Dibs on the shower!" And just like that he was up and off me. I didn't know whether to be offended or amused.

Since it was pretty much what I was thinking I couldn't be offended. As I was listening to the shower I was going over my schedule I had the next week off, thank God for vacation time. I needed to go back the Circus; first of all I needed my cell phone, which was in my truck along with most of my weapons. Then I needed to head out to Anita's and see what her plans were for today. And maybe, hopefully, get some much-needed sleep. Shang-Da and I hadn't gotten much sleep last night.

I watched as Shang-Da came out of the bathroom and was rummaging through his dresser drawers. Looking for God only knew what! He finally pulled out a pair of black boxer-briefs. Sheesh the man matched the rest of his clothes. I watched the muscles work under his skin. When he pulled the boxers up his legs the action drew my eyes! He shimmied into them and I knew it was for my benefit. I knew because he laughed and it was a distinctly masculine sound. It was the kind of laugh that told you he was thinking dirty thoughts! I couldn't help it I laughed too.

He turned towards me then Shang-Da's eyes suddenly serious. I wondered what had put that look in his eyes. I was soon to find out however because he said, "Luna we need to talk." Those words alone were enough to make my blood run cold. My mind came up with all kinds of horrible things he could say next. If he was going to tell me it wasn't going to work out I think I would have honest to God shot him dead in his face. But I was going to put on a brave front. Actually what I was doing was preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. "Well what do you want to talk about," my voice didn't come out as confident as I would have liked but there was nothing I could do about it.

He sighed and ran an impatient hand through his still wet hair. He looked at me and the look in his eyes was wounded and I wanted to take that look away. He looked at me for so long that I began to wonder if he was ever going to say anything. Finally he turned his back on me and was rummaging through his drawers again. When he turned back to me he had a tee shirt, black, what else didn't the man own any other color garments?

"Put this on," he said as he threw the tee shirt at me. "I can't think with you sitting there like that." He waved a hand to indicate my nudity. It made me not want to put the shirt on. If he really was going to say something that might alter last night's and this morning's experience then I didn't want to make it easy on him.

In the end my curiosity got the better of me and I put the shirt on. I sat in the middle of the still rumpled bed. My arms were behind me bracing me in a sort of reclining position. Shang-Da sat down on the bed at my feet. I watched as he hesitantly reached out and touched the leg closest to him running that hand up and down that leg. I wanted to scream at him, "Just say whatever it is you have to say!" I didn't but it was an effort.

He sighed again and let his hand fall away. His eyes were roaming my face as if he was memorizing it to pull out later when I was gone. I felt my heart give a little squeeze at that thought. He looked me square in the eye and asked, "Where do your loyalties lie, Luna?"

Of all the questions he could have asked me that was the one I expected the least. It threw me for a loop. For a moment I didn't know what to say. So I didn't say anything it seemed to be the wisest course of action. However Shang-Da seemed to be willing to wait me out.

Now it was my turn to run a hand through my hair. I thought about it. I mean I really thought about it. Who did my loyalties really belong to? I cared about Jean-Claude because he seemed to be really concerned for Anita's welfare even if she wasn't. And by virtue of association was Asher. Have I mentioned that I loved his eyes! Well Richard I could take or leave. Personally I'd have loved to leave him at the bottom of a river bound with 80 pounds of chain. But for some reason Anita had a soft spot for him. And Micah well what can you say about him? He's a nice guy and very supportive of Anita and he's teaching me daily what it means to truly be Alpha.

Then it hit me. All the people I mentioned in my little head conversation were part of Anita's life. My life it seemed revolved around Anita. She was the first person who didn't treat me like some sideshow freak. She treated me like a person. She helped my up when I fell and sat with me at some pretty terrible moments in my life. Hell she'd even let me cry on her shoulder when I'd had to shoot someone close to me.

In that moment I knew something that I should have known all along. Anita had my loyalty unreasonably unquestioningly. She was like another sister. And I treated her as such, taking her at her word and never hesitating when she gave orders that at the time seemed ludicrous. Shang-Da finally interrupted my train of thought, "Luna," he said questioningly. I smiled at him and said simply, "Anita."

He let out a breath like he hadn't known he'd been holding it. He smiled back at me. The smile vanished as quickly as it had come. And I didn't know what to make of the that. His next comment caught me off guard, "What are we going to tell everyone?" He said almost like he was talking to himself and didn't really expect an answer. I had an inkling of what he was going on about but I had to ask so I did, "Tell everyone about what?"

Shang-Da looked at me incredulously. Then he shook his head and said, "What are we going to tell people when they ask if we're a couple?"

"M.Y.O.B.," I suggested somewhat harshly. He gave me a look that said more than mere words could. I raised my hands up in front of me and tried again, "It's none of your business?" That earned me another disgruntled look. "Well I'm all out of ideas why don't you tell me what you want me to say. IF it's not too implausible I might be able to repeat it!"

"Let's try the truth first," he suggested in a voice that was totally at odds with his appearance. He sounded naïve and young.

"Because you know how well that was received by your pack when they thought Anita might have been infected as a leopard. So do you really believe that they're not going to be pissed when they find out that one of Richard's enforcers is dating Anita's bodyguard?" I held up a hand to stop Shang-Da when he would have interrupted me. "They're going to be extremely pissed that we're going out. If I were human than we wouldn't even be having the conversation. But I can't change what I am any more than you can. My loyalties belong to Anita and yours to Richard."

By the end of my little tirade I was kneeling in the middle of the bed poking my finger into his chest as I finished. He growled low in his throat and grabbed my hand and bent it back at a painful angle. I didn't even think about what I was doing I concentrated until just my hand had shifted into a paw. I had done it right in plain sight. I wanted him to know that if we were going to do this he would really have a fight on his hands.

Shang-Da grabbed me around the waist and pulled me up against his chest. My hand flowed back as he had broken my concentration. For most weres they had to concentrate to make the partial shift flow back into themselves for me all I had to do was not concentrate enough. Micah said it was because I still saw myself as human which was why a break in concentration made the partial shift flow back into myself.

Shang-Da threw me down my back and was on top of me before I could even mount a defense. He kissed me then. Lips and tongue trying to coax me into opening up for him and when that failed he reached up with one hand and squeezed my jaw until I opened for him. His tongue invaded my mouth there was nothing gentle about this kiss. It was a blatantly possessive kiss.

When he pressed himself firmly against the juncture of my thighs and gave a small movement of his hips it was then that I lost all track of my thoughts. Suddenly I was kissing him back and whimpered in protest when he drew back. He gave a definite male chuckle and pulled back to stare down at me. "Why do I love you," he asked wonderingly.

At the word love I froze. I mean I felt strongly about Shang-Da but I don't know that I would have said LOVE! Love was an emotion that could cause some of the best feelings on earth and also one of the most devastating emotions. But when I tried to picture this thing with Shang-Da as a passing romance that didn't work either. Just looking at him made my breath catch. He made me feel as trite as it sounds complete. And like earlier when I was thinking about Anita it was like a sudden revelation, I knew that I loved, really loved Shang- Da.

Now what should I say to his earlier comment, I love you too? Ditto? No those wouldn't work, so I settled for something that was blatantly me. I grinned from ear to ear and said, "Because I'm sooo cute." To emphasize my point I kissed the point of his chin. He laughed and leaned down and kissed me. If we didn't stop he was going to need another shower. I'd even told him as much he said smiled impishly at me and said something to the effect that since he paid the bills around here he could use as much water as he wanted. I rolled my eyes at him and laughed.

I pushed him off me and ran for the bathroom. I only got as far as the bathroom door before he caught me. One hand was braced on the doorjamb and the other was wrapped around my waist. He was nuzzling the side of my neck it felt so good that I was purring contentedly. After a while he let go of me. I stepped away from him and said that I needed a shower before I left. He asked if I needed any help wiggling his eyebrows in a manner that reminded me of Jason. I laughed and told him if I hadn't figured out by now how to wash my back that it didn't need to be cleaned.

He wrinkled up his face and was saying as he walked away, "Ewwwwww." Then he turned back to me before I closed the door and said, "Well I need to get ready for the wedding anyway it's probably better if you shower alone."

That last comment lit a fire under my ass! Shit! I had totally forgotten about the wedding tonight. I hurried through my shower and put on the shirt that Shang-Da had given me before our "talk" and let the bathroom. Shang-Da agreed to take me back to the Circus so that I could change and get my cell phone.

I didn't tell him because I didn't want to ruin his good mood but I wanted my car. Not to mention that Anita was probably going to want me with her so she didn't kill somebody or vice versa. But there was one thing I couldn't let him do and that was put himself in jeopardy. I told him that we were going a quote unquote couple. He had tried to argue with me but I was having none of it. And in the end he had relented and said that he would leave well enough alone at least for the time being.

I kissed him and said I wasn't saying that we would never come out as a couple just that tonight at the lupanar wasn't exactly the right time to tell everyone. He sighed again and agreed with me. I kissed him again, I couldn't seem to get enough of touching him, and we left.