Party Preparations

BY: Gigs

Disclaimer: I own myself...most of the time. Asher hasn't signed the deed yet anyway. The rest belong to their various owners. For entertainment purposes only. It's unbeta'ed. Forgive me. The idea just popped in there and I had to write it down or lose it. "shrugs" When the muse strikes...
Rating: PG (Imagine that)

"Did ya get it?" I questioned Gideon as he walked silently into the 
lair at Orlando.  "Yeah," he answered, holding up a crystal bottle 
and shaking the dark liquid contents inside.  "It's not gonna hurt 
them now, right?" I asked, taking the bottle from him.  "Nah, as long 
as it's used correctly.  It should keep the blood warm for a long 
time.  That'll save ya from having to keep a vein on tap all night. 
Plus it will get everyone in the mood for the evening. Particularly 
the vamps who will be tasting in the blood some long forgotten 
favorite drink or food as well as the taste of their host. That 
should please them. I know Belle calls it a pleasure principal 
whenever she's given a gift of the stuff." He smiled at me 
conspiratorily.  I shook my head.  "I can't believe you have ties at 
the Fey court that would actually allow you to HAVE some of this 
stuff. I thought it was like off limits to human kind and what not."

His face sobered.  "Normally it is, but most of this crowd isn't 
human. Besides, Fflur owes Luce a favor.  But she warned me severely 
to make sure it was thoroughly diluted in both the drinks and the 
blood tonight in order to dilute the effects to a manageble level. 
There ARE a couple human there, and the girls will likely be VERY 
nervous and drink more than they be careful." I smiled up 
at him.  "I will. I don't want to hurt them.  Just make sure that 
everything goes well and they all have a good time." I looked at the 
contents of the bottle. "Especially Anita and Jean-Claude. I've got a 
feeling they've been needing this for a LONG time. And if Branwyn's 
tears don't do the trick, nothing will."

Gideon laughed, "You're incorrigable, you know that?" I giggled and 
shoved his shoulder with my own, "I know. And thanks. Oh, and thank 
Thomas for watching the children tonight too.  I really appreciate 
it."  He patted my knee and nodded, "I will. Why aren't you dancing 
tonight? I mean lets face it, most of those girls are beautiful...but 
they're kinda amateurs when it comes to being on stage.  You're the 
professional performer."  I shrugged, "That's just it.  I don't want 
to steal their thunder. It's their night to wow the guys. And..." I 
grimaced, "I don't know.  I'm just not motivated to be up there 
tonight.  Maybe I've just spent too much time on stage at Dark Mirror 
or something.  I think its just somebody else's turn. It's my turn to 
relax, take a break, not have to worry about a routine...just how 
many shots go in a screwdriver and so on. I get to sit back and talk 
to people.  It'll be a nice change of pace."

"Well," he leaned over and kissed my forehead, "You try to have a 
good time too. If you need any help, I'll be right there.  And if you 
change your mind..." he wiggled his eyebrows at me and made me 
laugh.  He ALMOST looked like Jason and his mischevious self in that 
moment.  "Yeah.  Tamara will be around if I need help.  I'm pouring 
tonight.  She's serving.  And I'M the only one who knows about the 
tears, so it shouldn't fall into the wrong hands." I rapped my 
knuckles against my temple, "Knock on wood."   Gideon rose, chuckling 
softly, "Well, I've got chauffer duty tonight, so I'll see you later."

I watched him walk out the door before concentrating my gaze on the 
bottle in my hand again.  "Yep, tonight is going to be one HECK of a 
party." I smiled and slipped the bottle into my front jean pocket 
before starting down the hall to see if Tamara was ready to go.