And For the Second Act...

BY: Chrys

Disclaimer: I don't own nobody...though if anyone can find out where I could purchase Ed...uhm...never any case...not mine...I have no money...well cept that million in non-sequential unmarked bills...but I'm saving it for a rainy day. "looks innocent" What?
Rating: Nothin too funky yet.

I could hear her voice echoing in my head. I wondered, not for the first time, if this was how schizophrenia started. If it was I was already to far gone to worry all that much. Even now I could feel her sneering at my thoughts. It really sucked not to be able to think privately...ever.

'And who's fault is that?' Fata asked snidely.

My eyes would have narrowed...if I'd been in control of them. 'Oh, and I was just supposed to step aside and let you takeover my body and destroy my spirit...I don't think so.'

She shrugged...I could feel the movement of my shoulders obeying hercommands and it pissed me the hell off.

'Stop it.' I snapped at her and was suprised when my lips parted and the words were actually spoken.

Sarai let go of the prop she'd been picking up and turned to look at me with wide eyes. "Uhm...okay." She said backing away.

Fata began laughing in my head. It seemed that for the moment I had control.

Sarai was watching me a person watching a rabid dog just waiting for it to strike. I'd have comforted her, but I was still pissed with my "friend".

"What?" I snapped.

She blinked owlishly. "Uhm...its just...time to announce Crystal" She offered very timidly.

I nodded and grimaced. Ohh wasn't this just turning into an evening from hell?

Fata continued laughing...but I could feel her attempts to wrest back control from me. I wasn't having any of it. She could damn well stay in the back of my mind and keep her mouth shut. I gritted my teeth and walked back towards the stage.

I might have glided before...but it's hard to glide when you're mad enough to spit nails. I glared into the audience for a moment before curling my lips around a sweet smile. I don't think it fooled anyone.

"Wasn't that just...heavenly?" I said refering to Tanya's act. More like a sacrilege...but'd been a well executed one. I managed to resist the urge to roll my eyes but just barely.

"For our second act we think something a bit more along the lines of tonight's theme is in order." I said glancing pointedly at the lavish decorations. The opening notes of Genie in a Bottle rang out over the sound system. I watched as the large clay jars 'appeared' on the stage, turned winked at the guys and melted into the background.

'Oh that just oozed sexuallity.' Fata quipped as I stepped off the stage and walked back into our dark little wasn't I being anti-social this evening.

INDEXor To Be Continued