Another Segway

BY: Chrysanthemum

Disclaimer: I own no one...and if I did who'd have time to write? The plot...well thickens seems like a bad pun...but...okay.
Rating: PG-13...

"What the hell was that all about" I snapped as we came off the stage. Fata laughed huskily in the back of my mind, sounding very pleased with herself. "I've been wanting to taste him for ages...and wasn't he a dish?" I could almost feel her physic presence rubbing up against mine like some slinky cat...if she stared purring I was gonna kill her. She laughed again.

"You don't feel it do you?" She asked after a momement of rolling in her own sexuality. I frowned. "What?" Our lips curled up into a smile that felt lascivious to me. "The power...the sex...the're blind to all of it...its hanging in the air like a plum just waiting to be plucked and you can't even feel it."

I had no clue what she was talking about. "I can smell the lust if that's what you're talking about." I snapped begining to pace. We came out as a smooth husky sound...I didn't make sounds like that. One of my hands reached up and ran fingers through my hair in a blatantly sexual gesture. I was on the verge of freaking out.

"How fascinating." She said taking control in a single movement. I stepped back...away, whatever was going on I didn't like it. I didn't like her tone. "You don't feel it at all..." I wanted to scream in frustration. What? What was it that I didn't feel?

She shook her head. "Its like a thousand hands running teasing fingers across your skin, enflaming it, making it hard to breath...letting desire float to the surface and take control...I feel it moving through some primal force just aching for the touch of another's hand."

I noticed suddenly that our breathing had changed...or rather her's'd be come rapid and shallow, along with her heart rate...and her temperature was elevated...I could see this but it didn't effect me.

A tremor ran through her was strange watching her become over come with watching a video of myself...only different.

Our eyes snapped up at the scent of a man in particular...god I hate to admit this. Its just gross, but Fata never was all that discriminating. Edward was standing not twenty feet away and I could feel a feral smile curling across our lips. Then I got quite a number of very graphic visuals. I was SO not doing any of those things with Death.

He looked up and met our glance. His face was its usual blank mask, but Fata had plans for changing that, we began to take a step towards him.

"Hell NO!!" I practically screamed. His expression never changed. But I had control now and I could feel Fata pouting. "You kissed Daniel...but there is no way I'll ever let you..." I swallowed and shuddered.

Edward....ewww. She shook her metaphyisical head in dismay..."But he's so yummy looking....not to mention deadly...he'd be such fun to break." I spun on my heel and marched away from temptation. "He'd kill both of us first."

I managed to find an unoccupied niche...I was gonna make it through the rest of the evening without manhandling any I had to kill someone to do it. That thought almost appeased made no difference to her...she just liked the spilling of bodily fluids. Some people.

I heard the music start before Sarai came to find me. "We have a problem." She said as I straightend away from the wall. I gave her a blank look. "That being?" I asked. She grimaced and chewed on her lower lip.

"Lyza...she's descending...and're late...and there's the fact she isn't completely buckled." I frowned and started towards the stage. "Whatever." I said over my shoulder before stepping to the first step...I rolled my shoulders trying to release tension. "Let me do it." Fata ordered from her corner. I was ready to launch into another argument when she continued. "I'm better at this then you are...why not just sit back and watch. No Edward...promise." I didn't really trust her...not about Edward...well sorta I did...there were other options...and she was right she was better at this then I was. This would be like making a deal with the Dev...uhm...well...yeah.

I took a deep breath before letting go and slidding down into the recesses of my own mind. I could always claw my way back out again...right?

She walked up on stage with a grace I'd never have...not in a million years and took a deep breath enhancing what little cleavage I was endowed with. Then licked her lips in a hungry fashion as Lyza descended. I waited expectantly for her to say something...she didn't. When the x was finally down, she strolled to it...and gave Lyza a thorough going over. I suddenly felt very embarassed.

Then reaching out she grasped Lyza's wrist and moved it slowly up to where the cuff hung free. Taking her time she buckled it as the music swirled around us...and the audience remained utterly quiet. After it was secured she ran teasing fingers down Lyza's arm, then down her side to her waist. Looking coyly over her shoulder she smiled at the audience. "She's been a very naughty girl...why don't I let ya'll get on with her punishment."

Then she smiled again at Lyza, reaching out to trace fingertips across her cheek, tsking. "What a treat." With that we walked off the stage.

I wished I had eyes so I could close them...and a convient rock to climb under. I was never gonna survive this evening.

Fata just laughed.

INDEXor To Be Continued