Executioner Slash Exhibitionist?

BY: Anita


   Disclaimer: Ok all this is purely for enjoyment cause I'm not getting paid for it. LOL This is Anita's section so you should know to expect violence and foul language and possible sexual content from the get go. It's rated NC-17 so if you aren't of age and you read it, don't blame me for ruining your virgin sensibilities, you were warned. Ok enough of that, here we go....

 I pulled into the parking lot of the Circus and sighed. What I really wanted to do was beat the shit out of something. I'd been driving around the city for almost an hour trying to find something to do to get my mind off my problems for a while. Tonight was Luce's stag party and almost everyone in the preternatural community would be at the Circus. Micah and the leopards had already left the house hours ago and it had seemed so quiet and lonely... too quiet. I kept thinking about Jean Claude and his recent accident. Dwelling on it and him just made me more upset with the situation. I decided I had to get out of the house. I hadn't realized I was heading towards the Circus until I spotted the neon rotating clowns, but I should have known. Things with Jean Claude needed to be resolved, one way or another, and until I faced up to it, my mental well being wasn't going to get any better.

"Damn!" I shouted and punched the steering wheel. I don't need this shit. It's not bad enough that Richard is gone and I can feel the gaping hole in the center of my heart but now Jean Claude has pulled away as well. Sometimes I totally understand why Sylvie chooses to be a lesbian, men are just too much trouble.

I stepped out of the car and made my way to the front door. I didn't recognize the bouncer on duty and wondered if Jean Claude had hired more help recently. I wouldn't know since I'd been avoiding him like theplague. I started to walk inside but the burly vampire put his arm out and blocked my way. "Sorry miss. The Circus is closed to the public tonight because of a private party."

I clenched my fists and fought off the urge to pull out my Browning and shoot the son of a bitch. I did not have the patience for this tonight. I was about to turn around and leave when Jason came out the door looking a bit glassy eyed and sweaty. His eyes locked on mine and he must have noticed my anger because he turned to the bouncer and asked what was wrong. After explaining my identity to the new vamp, who seemed less than impressed but willing to take Jason's word, he let me in. Jason put his arm around my shoulders and led me towards the loud music coming from inside. "I'm glad to see you here Anita. We've all missed you, some more than others."

I knew he meant Jean Claude. I had felt the ache as well. Jean Claude had been trying to contact me through the marks but I had refused to let him in. I knew all about problems with the ardeur, hell I had the problems now myself, but I never dreamed that in a moment of weakness he would sleep with someone else and not only that but they would end up pregnant with his child. It was just too much to take so I had cut myself off from him completely. Too bad it wasn't that simple. I was bound to him through three marks and when I cut him off I cut part of myself off as well. I couldn't loose him the same way I'd lost Richard. It suddenly dawned on me why I had come here tonight. I was looking to reclaim what was mine.

Jason led me to the main ring of the Circus where a huge Sultan's tent had been erected in the middle of it. We walked inside and the music hit me full force. I caught sight of Jean Claude right away. He was sitting on one of the overstuffed pillows next to Asher. His raven hair was straight tonight and he was wearing a blue silk shirt, not the one that matched his eyes but another. This one was a lighter blue, almost the color of lapis lazuli and it made his eyes look startling in contrast. His pants were black vinyl and looked as if they'd been painted on. Only Jean Claude could walk in those pants and not make a sound, on others you would hear the whisper as they approached. His shirt had ties that laced up the front but he hadn't bothered with them. They were left undone and his upper chest showed along with his burn scar. His boots were black and reached to just above his knees. They were made of a soft calfskin that fit tightly around his calves. He had gone for elegant comfort tonight. Afterall you can't lounge around when you're all fussed up, at least that's what I had told him once. He looked up and I couldn't help but gaze into his midnight blue eyes. My body tightened instinctively and I couldn't stop the reaction. I didn't realize how much I had missed him until now. The aching filled me like a cup about to overflow. I backed away into a tent that was connected to the main one and found myself standing next to the bar.

Gigs looked up from where she was polishing a glass and her mouth opened just a bit on shock. "I didn't think you were coming tonight?"

"I didn't plan on it." My voice sounded a bit harsh and I shrugged. "I'm not mad at Tam anymore, I know it's not her fault. I tried to resist Jean Claude for years and even I couldn't say no. It's him I'm mad at. He's had hundreds of years to master control of the ardeur."

"He's been weakened ever since Richard left and now that you've cut him off he's hurting. He may act like nothing's wrong when he's in public but sometimes he talks to Asher about you, trying to figure out what he can do to make things right again. He needs you Anita."

"He needs my power you mean."

"It's not just that, he's lonely. He stays in his room alot when there isn't any business for him to see to. He wants you back."

"I don't know." I said with very little conviction.

"Then why did you come here tonight?"

I didn't respond right away. I didn't want to say the reason out loud, if I did then it would suddenly be true. The thought wasn't real as long as it stayed inside my head. I sighed loudly. "I came to see Jean Claude and to try and resolve this mess."

She nodded approvingly at me and turned to start a pot of coffee. I gave a half smile. It couldn't hurt to fortify myself with a little caffeine before facing Jean Claude and getting this incident over with.

In the background someone started talking and I recognized Chrys' voice. She was introducing the next act, it was Tam. Her music began and I fought the urge to look through the curtains and watch. Curiosity got the better of me and I strode over to take a peek. She was on the stage dancing sensually in between Asher and Jean Claude. That was the straw that broke the camel's back. I stomped out of the bar and headed straight for Jean Claude. I passed by Luce on the way and he looked startled. I stopped in front of him and gave him my most devilish smile. "Don't mind me, I came to have fun." I didn't wait for a reply just grabbed the glass off the tray Nathaniel was holding and drank it down in three large gulps. The fire of the liquor burned through me like a flame until I could feel it in every limb of my body. Tam's dance was over and she exited quickly as I walked up onto the stage. I pulled Jean Claude off the stage and pushed him back down onto the cushion he had been occupying earlier. I grabbed his head in my hands and looked deep into his eyes. "Did you miss me?" My voice sounded deep and evil as if someone else was speaking through me. Jean Claude swallowed and started to speak but I silenced him with my mouth.

The feeling of his body pressed against mine was the only thing registering in my brain, all other thought processes had ceased to function. He pulled back for a moment and I grabbed his hair and pulled him forcefully back to my mouth. He uttered a soft moan and I kissed him hard enough to feel his fangs pressing into my lip, I didn't care. He was mine and I was about to prove my ownership beyond a shadow of a doubt. I finally released my grip on him in order to take a much needed breath. I glanced at his face for only a moment but I could see his eyes had gone totally blue and his cheeks were flushed from my unexpected behavior. He opened his mouth once again to speak but I put my hand out to stop him. "I don't want to hear it. No more apologies. It's over and I can promise you after tonight it won't happen again."

The feeling of pure lust and want filled the room and it became hard to breath. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath but that only made it worse. I could taste the need on my tongue. The yearning and sexual desire was almost a tangible thing and the arduer rose inside of me. It in turn roused my beast and I had to fight to control my own hungers. My clothing was suddenly too tight, as if I was being suffocated. I pulled my shirt and bra off without a thought and flung them to the floor. I heard several gasps close by but I paid no attention to them. My skin felt scalding hot and I wanted nothing more than to cool myself against Jean Claude's body. I was pulling the zipper of my jeans down when his pale hands stopped me. "Anita?" I registered his concern by his use of my name.

I stood up and jerked him to his feet. "You're coming with me." I didn't wait for an answer, just headed towards the exit of the tent.

The arduer loved the surge of forcefullness that had overtaken me and I could feel Raina's approval in the back of my mind. That was where the odd lilt to my voice had come from. I stopped outside the tent and tried to force the arduer back down but I couldn't. I knew it had been a mistake to come here tonight. I should have waited for a better time and now I was going to pay for my surge of jealousy. My control had never been this bad except in the very beginning. I wondered what the hell was wrong with me?

I turned to face Jean Claude. He was just standing there looking a bit shocked. I laughed and it was a purely sexual sound. His eyes widened visibly but he stood his ground. When I was done with him tonight he would be lucky if he could still walk. Raina was more than pleased to send me a few visions of sexual depravities that I could try and I had to agree that a several of them might be very successful in getting my point across to the Master of the City. I grabbed the laces of his shirt and proceeded to pull him along behind me and towards the stairs leading to the rooms downstairs. More loud music was beginning to play but I paid it no mind, I had other things to concern myself with right now.

Jean Claude was beginning to open up to the idea of my dominance and had moved close enough that our bodies brushed together as we descended the steps. Every touch made me want more. The arduer had receeded just a bit as Raina tried to come into the picture but I still ached for him. There was an almost magical feeling in the air tonight.

We had just stepped inside of his room when I slammed the door shut behind us and pushed him onto the bed. He looked a bit stunned when I straddled his lap and descended to ravish his upper body with kisses. I lost all decorum and, in the need to feel his flesh under my hands, tore his shirt off of his chest in one swift ripping motion. The sounds of silk ripping apart reminded me of tearing flesh and I became even more aroused. My beast wanted blood and neither the arduer nor Raina seemed to be against the idea either. Jean Claude gasped as I opened his leather pants and took his hardness into my hands. I caressed him until I could see pearls of pink fluid leaking from the tip, then I took him into my mouth. His hands instictively twined into my hair but I pulled back and gave him an evil look. "You will touch me when I say you can touch me. Don't move unless I tell you to."

He opened his mouth to speak, then nodded instead and put his hands above his head where he took hold of the headboard. I approved of this motion and went back to my work. I licked my tongue up and down his shaft before starting a steady rythym with my hands and lips. I could hear the wood cracking from the pressure of his grip but he didn't let go. He tried to move his hips forward in an effort to get deeper but I pulled back until he was no further than he had started. I could feel the fine tremors in his body that let me know he was close. I pulled my lips away and wrapped my fingers tightly around the base of his penis, preventing him from reaching his climax. His moaned in frustration. "Ma petite?" He made my name a question as if he wasn't sure it was really me.

"Be quiet" I snapped, and once I was satisfied that he was sufficeintly calm enough I started in on him again. I did this over and over, each time stopping before he could reach completion. He was biting his lips now and writhing in earnest, wanting so badly to finish what I had started. I moved off the bed to remove the rest of my clothing and his hand drifted down to touch himself. I smacked it away, hard, and he reluctantly moved it back up to it's original position on the headboard. I finished undressing, going slowly so he could watch me unveil my body a bit at a time. He was so aroused that his fangs were showing from the corners of his mouth. Jean Claude was very adept at speaking and smiling without showing a hint of his blood teeth. The fact that they were showing let me know just how close to the edge he was.

Once I was completely nude I pulled his boots and pants off and tossed them to the floor. I crawled slowly up his body and the feel of his skin against mine was almost enough to make me forget myself. I wanted nothing more than to impale myself on top of him and make him call out my name. I was straddling his lap once again, only high enough that he couldn't enter me. "Anita, how can I make things right between us? I need you. I need to be inside you."

I shivered as his words caressed me in private places. "You are mine Jean Claude, do you understand? No woman will ever touch your body except for me. I mean it. Swear it to me!" I made the last words a demand.

"Oui! No other women will touch me. Only you, I swear." His voice was hoarse with desire.

"For eternity Jean Claude, no other women. If you cannot feed the arduer from a distance then you may feed from me, if not me then Micah or Asher are acceptable. But no other women. I will not tolerate it." I pulled his hands away from the headboard and placed them on my breasts. He squeezed hard and then raised up to suckle one nipple into his mouth. "Use your teeth!"

He stopped then, going as still as he could given the urgency of the situation. I spoke again. "I said use your teeth, bite me."

He waited a mere moment and then his teeth were deep in my breast. I could feel his throat working as he swallowed the blood. I was moaning out loud from the sensations of his mouth on my flesh. I reached over and grabbed one of my knives from the nightstand where I had laid them. I pushed him away and cut a small line down his chest without hesitation. I slid him into my wet depths at the same time that I locked my mouth against the wound. He cried out beneath me and then the whisper of french filled the air along with the screams of our simultaneous orgasms. I fell asleep knowing he would never stray again.