Genie In A Bottle

BY: Crystal

Disclaimer: Sorry, erased her original disclaimer when she re-posted this one. But ya'll know who is whose by now, right? Sure!

I ran around town today, trying to get some errands 
done before the party. Kash was throwing Luce a stag 
party and all the girls were involved. I had to
work my way around Richard, because he didn't know I 
was in the show.  He would have a fit if he knew, so 
that's why I'd been secretive about my plans for the 
evening.  My being in the show was going to be a
surprise present to him from me. Chances are he was
going to flip, but that was chance I was willing to
take. My boss had given me the night off from work
and my stepmother canceled my classes so I could attend 
the festivities. I spent the morning paying bills,
dropping off dry cleaning, then after lunch I got my 
hair and nails done, so they would match my genie 
costume. I had to hide the costume at my house to keep 
Richard from finding it. The outfit was done in a sapphire
blue color and was trimmed in silver. I had a vest
that was a blue silky cloth with silver runners.
The pants showed everything underneath, including
the blue G-string underwear. My bra was strapless and 
snapped in the front with a silver button. It showed a
lot more cleavage than I wanted, but hey it's a party. 
You only live once.  The shoes that went with the outfit 
were silver ballerina slippers. 

It was going on nine-thirty and I was running late, so I 
called ahead to let Kash know I was on my way. I arrived 
at the Circus with fifteen minutes to spare. I walked backstage
to the dressing area to find Sarai running around,
trying to help the others get ready. My hair had
already been done earlier. The salon had put my hair
up in curls, so that they could rest on top
of my head. They dyed my hair blue and highlighted
the strands with silver. Two pieces fell
around my face in sparkling strands. With Sarai's
help I got into my costume and began applying
my make-up. All my make-up was done in soft blues
with a touch of silver.  For a more shimmering look 
I added fairy dust all over my body to make it
sparkle. The guys had started arriving when Jason 
poked his head inside to announce it was close to
show time.  Tanya, who was first in the show, followed 
him out of the room.  She was dressed in an angels 
outfit and I had to smile. 
I bet Pugs was going to get an eye full and maybe a
shock or two tonight.  I was second on the list, so
I made my way toward the stage area to wait my turn.
Tanya had finished her routine and was coming down off 
the ladder, when she was grabbed from behind by Pug.
He appeared out of nowhere, then disappeared again 
taking Tanya with him. Before I could comment on the
situation, Jason came over to let me know it was
my turn.  He was grinning from ear to ear as his eyes 
trailed down my body and then back up again. He
shook his head and said, "You look great Crissy. I'm
sure Richard will enjoy the view."  Gigs had everyone 
calling me Crissy these days, so I just rolled my
eyes and said, "Yeah that if he doesn't kill me first."
He chuckled, then walked back towards the dressing
room.  I was really nervous and thinking about Richard's 
reaction made me even more nervous.  I saw Tam coming
this way and asked her to bring me a very strong mudslide 
before going on.  She returned shortly with a grande 
mudslide and a worried look on her face. I shrugged the 
look off and gulped down my drink. My jitters
were gone and I felt really good at the moment. Tam
looked at me like I was off my rocker.  To tell you the 
truth, I was. The lights dimmed and three genie bottles
began to form on the wood floor. Two of the bottles were 
my size bottles and the third was 10 inches taller. I took 
my place in the center of the third bottle, as my song began
to play. The colored lights came up, revealing the silver 
and blue dust moving around the bottles. 
Not only was I dancing, but I was singing. When the
lights came onto me, I began doing my routine. I had 
put my hands in a triangular pose above my head and
began moving my hips side to side as I began to sing:
I feel like I've been locked up tight
For a century of lonely nights
Waiting for someone to release me
I began moving my hips forward as I brought my hands
down rubbing them over my chest than stomach. The room 
was silent and the guys just stared.
You're licking your lips
And blowing kisses my way
But that don't mean I'm gonna give it away
Baby baby baby (baby, baby, baby)
I began moving forward slowly, with a sway in my
Ooooh (my body is saying let's go)
Ooooh (but my heart is saying no)
I stopped in the middle of the floor, turning my
body half way toward the right. I  began moving
my shoulders around in circles, making each turn as
sexual as I could make them. I slowly began
to slide my vest from my shoulders. Once it was
completely off, I let it fall to the ground, as I
began moving towards the men on my right.
If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle
You gotta rub me the right way
As I moved toward them, moving my hips in seductive
circles. Jamil and Shang-Da stared with their mouths 
hanging open. I  stopped right in front of them, them
with out warning, I ripped my pants off and threw them 
at Shang-Da, leaving me in my bra and g-string. The 
crowd started whistling and yelling very loudly.
If you wanna be with me
I can make your wish come true
You gotta make a big impression
I gotta like what you do
I turned and dropped to the floor, crawling toward
the guest of honor on my hands and knees.  The guys in 
the front were getting a good view of my chest, while
Shang-Da and Jamil were getting one of my backside.
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
You gotta rub me the right way honey
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come, come, come on and let me out
I raised back onto my legs and knees, while slowly
moving my hands up over my stomach toward the one button 
that would expose my chest to the entire room.
The music's fading
The lights down low
Just one more dance
And then were good to go
Waiting for someone
Who needs me
I had released the button to the bra, but hadn't let
go of it. I slowly came to my feet, letting the
guys think I was going to drop it. Their eyes got
wide with hunger and some started to drool.
Hormones racing at the speed of light
But that don't mean it's gotta be tonight
Baby, baby, baby (baby, baby, baby)
I began swinging my hips in slow circles, while
taking one hand off my top and sliding it across
my stomach, going down over my nether region.
Somewhere in the distance a glass shattered to
the floor and someone yelled, "Oh hell no." But I
didn't pay attention to whoever it was,  I was
wrapped up in my dance.
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
You gotta rub me the right way honey
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come, come, come on and let me out
I was almost through with the show and had just
dropped my bra, before a figure stepped in front
of me, crushing me to him. I looked up and found
Richard staring down at me. He was pissed
and he was letting me know it by anger in his eyes.
He pulled away from me to remove his leather jacket. 
He kept himself positioned in front of me, so the other
men couldn't see anything. He wrapped the jacket 
around me, then pulled me off stage to the hissing
and booing of the crowd.  The music stopped at that 
point and the lights were cut off. I tried to pull 
away from him, but he was holding me with a firm grip. 
Once we were outside the tent, I yanked my arm away from 
him and commanded, "What the hell do you think your doing?"
I'd never been more embarrassed in my life. 
He glared at me and said through clenched teeth,
"I'm taking you out of here. I should have
known you were up to something, with all the
sneaking around you've been doing."  I glared back, 
"Dammit Richard, it was supposed to be a surprise 
for you."  He grabbed my chin, putting his face in 
mine, "If this was supposed to be a surprise for me, 
then why didn't you give it to me when we were alone,
instead of in front of the others."  He just ticked me 
off. "Oh I see how it is. You can watch other women
strip, but I can't strip in front of other guys," I 
asked, while trying not to make to much of a scene.
Before he could reply, Gigs came through the tent
curtains madder than a hornet. "What the heck
do you think your doing?" She asked glaring at him.

"Taking my girlfriend home," Richard answered her.
"She wasn't finished with her set," She replied
"I don't care. She went as far as she is going and
now we are leaving," Richard said through
clenched teeth.
"I'm not going anywhere," I stated, with a stern
"Oh yeah?" He said, then grabbed me by the arm and
threw me over his shoulder. He started walking to the 
Circus's main entrance.
I lifted my head up and looked back at the girls.
They were shocked at Richard's behavior and some were 
mad.  I mouthed sorry, before the door closed behind us. 
He walked toward his car, with me swinging from his 
shoulder in silence. He sat me down on the ground, while 
he opened the passenger side door. I got in without protest,
while he got in on the driver's side. He started
the engine, then pulled out into traffic. He was way
too quiet on the way to his house that it scared me. We 
pulled up into the drive about and hour later. He
maneuvered the car in beside his blazer, then shut off the 
engine. He got out of the mustang and went into the house 
without saying a word. I was left sitting in the car, trying
not to get too emotional. I sat in the car for a
while, before getting out and going inside. He was
nowhere to be found, so I went toward the bathroom. Once 
inside I took what was left of my costume off and got
into the shower.
I put my hands against the wall and leaned into the
water. I had it hot enough to melt an igloo.
The water rolled down my back and it felt good. It
began to ease the tension from my shoulders
and back.  I heard the door open through the sound
of water, but I ignored it. I reached up to
adjust the shower head, so that I could lean my
entire body up against the tile. I had closed my
eyes when I felt strong hands run down my back to
cup my backside. I knew who it was and I wasn't ready to 
forgive him for embarrassing me in front of my
friends. He leaned in closer, wrapping his hands around 
my waist, while trailing his tongue across the back of my 
neck. My emotions started to split, one side wanted him 
and the other one just wanted to be left alone.
He knew I was still mad at him and was trying to
ignore him. He wasn't going to give up and
squished me between the wall and his rock hard
chest. I pretended not to be aroused by his body
and just yawned. He groaned and the next thing I
knew, I was laying on the floor of the shower
with him on top of me. The shower was spraying water
out all around us. He looked down at me
with a smile and I glared at him. "Get off me," I
said.  "No," he replied, then leaned forward to brush his
lips against mine.  I put hands against his chest to 
put some distance between us. "What do you mean no?" I 
asked.  He ran his hands up my ribs, then cupped my breast
running his thumbs over my nipples. I shuddered, which 
made him smile. "Stop that," I commanded.

"Why?" He asked huskily. His lips were only inches
from mine and I moaned. I wanted to taste them, while 
I plunged my tongue in his mouth. My anger at him
disappeared and I grabbed a handful of his hair pulling 
his face to mine. I ran my tongue over his lips, which 
caused him to groan. He came in for a full kiss this time. 
At first it was soft and gentle, then more demanding.
He wanted inside my mouth and I opened it to allow
him access. We explored each others mouths, causing us 
to groan in contentment. He started to kiss me deeper,
then grabbed a hold of my hair with his right hand. He 
continued to play with the nipple of my right breast, 
causing me to kiss him harder at the same time bunching 
my fist in his hair.  I wrapped one leg around his
waist while arching my back. A deep growl escaped
from his throat and he started kissing me along the jaw 

As he continued down over my neck, he ran his left
hand over my stomach, then between my legs. He massaged 
every inch, causing me to tumble over the edge. A whimper
escaped my lips as his mouth found its way over my
breast. Without warning, he plunged his
fingers inside me making me scream out his name.

He chuckled softly as he pulled my nipple between
his teeth. He began sucking on it with the
same rhythm as he was using with his fingers. I
couldn't stand it any longer, I had to have him. 
"Richard, stop torturing me," I begged. His tongue
began to move down over my ribs and stomach. He shifted 
his position to where he could lay between me. I
watched him as he slowly came to my nether region, with 
his tongue.  He licked down over my clitoris, then plunged 
his tongue inside of me. I cried out, grabbing a hand
full of his hair. He took me over the edge, making me 
scream out his name. I started shaking as he pulled his body
back up the length of mine. He bent down to kiss me, 
while gently probing me. I reached down with one hand and
gently grabbed him. A deep moan came out of his
throat, as he slide his tongue into my mouth. I
moved my hand down his shaft to cup him and he went
wild. He pulled my hand away from him and plunged deeply 
into me. I dug my nails into his shoulder, wrapping
my legs around his waist.  He filled me completely as he 
began to move inside me, slow at first, then harder. I 
tightened my grip on him as he set a fast rhythm pace. 
I don't know what made him do it, but as he came to a
finish he sunk his teeth into my neck, making me
cry out as the orgasm hit me.
He fell on top of me in a heap of exhaustion. The
water had turned cold and was refreshing from
the heat of passion. We were both exhausted and
didn't want to move.  He snuggled against me
and we fell asleep in each others arms in the