School Girl

BY: Esther

Disclaimer: The only person I own, is myself. You know who the rest belong to. No money is being made from this, it’s just in the name of fun. I don't own the song ‘Baby One More Time’ it's by Britney Spears, and is in ( ).

I was grateful that Gigs had let me come here tonight.
With all that had happened to me recently, concerning
the sixth sense, I had feared that I wouldn’t be
allowed to and I’d still be locked in her guest
bedroom.  As it was, Gigs must have been rewarding me
for letting Marianne teach me ways to deal with and
control my gift.  I also felt she was trying to soften
me up for the banshee’s warding.  

As the offer stood I refused to go through with it. 
In return for keeping me safe…not even permanently…he
wanted a life…a soul.  Greg wanted to sacrifice
himself for me.  His argument being he was a cat and
had nine lives.  Problem was he wouldn’t tell us how
many he’d already lost to Raina and Gabriel and by the
grimace on his face I was betting he was down to the
last few.   There was no way I was going to let him
die for me.  I love him too much.  Besides, if he was
dead how could I bear his children?  And secretly, I
desperately wanted his child.  

I’d had this conversation with Gigs;

“He’s NOT doing it.  I won’t let him.  He can’t.  It
might be his life but it’s my safety.  If he goes
through with it, I’d feel SO guilty.”

She pointed out,

“And how do you think HE would feel if something
happened to you that this warding could have prevented
and he didn’t go through with it?  Hmm?”

We were at a stalemate, so we were hoping that the
banshee would settle for something else instead of a

I knew Gigs would have people keeping an eye on me
tonight, making sure I was all right.  She was worried
about me, especially since my mind hadn’t been warded
yet.  I knew I would be safe tonight though.

I’d had my outfit sorted out for ages now. 
Jean-Claude had sent Buzz around with a selection of
costumes.  I’d had fun trying stuff on but one of them
had stuck out more than the others.  It matched the
idea I’d already had, so that’s the one I chose. 
After Greg and I had gotten back together my only
worry was that he’d find it.  To be sure that this
wouldn’t happen I’d had Nathaniel look after it, but
since Greg and I had moved out of Gigs, Asher’s and
Tamara’s, and Greg had moved back in with the rest of
the pard, Nate could no longer hide it.  He’d given it
to Jason to take care of.  

The first thing I did after arriving at the Circus was
to go find the outfit.  As far as Greg was concerned
tonight I was serving or helping the girls backstage. 
He didn’t think I was dancing, that’s for sure.      

Jason was busy, so he’d left my outfit with one of the
girls backstage.  Collecting it, I went to the
dressing room to get changed.  In the middle of all
the hustle and bustle I slipped out of my clothes and
reached out to start putting my things on.  After
unfolding a small piece of white cloth, I demurely
stepped into the plain cotton panties.  Then came the
checked skirt.  Tugging the waistband up, I was
careful not to pull it up too high and knock my new
piercing, which luckily wasn’t red anymore, or as sore
as it had been.  

It was a low waist line and nestled atop my hips, the
hem fell to basically the top of my thighs and bottom
of my buttocks.  Next I reached out, grabbed the top,
and slipped into it.  It was a short sleeved,
collared, white, slightly see-through top that tied
just under my bust.  There was no way I could get away
with wearing a bra, the top just wouldn’t conceal it,
and then the look I was going for would have been
ruined anyway.

Slipping a robe on over the top of my clad figure, I
walked over and sat at a vanity.  My make-up and hair
bags were atop it.  Deciding to do my hair first, I
carefully brushed the long, red tresses out, all the
way from root to post-butt length tip.  Tracing my
parting with my finger, I pulled my hair into two
halves, one on either side of my head.  Once that was
done, I gave it one last smooth down before braiding
both sides.  Now for the bit I hated.  

Applying make-up wasn’t a natural ability to me, I
always seemed to make a mess and have to start again. 
Because of this I very rarely wore any.  Though
tonight I had to.  My skin being very pale made my red
lips stand out enough as it was, so I wouldn’t have to
apply much lipstick.  The colour I chose, ‘tropical
red’, was the closest in a slightly deeper shade, to
my lips natural colour as I could find.  It would just
emphasis them a little more than nature already had. 
As for my freckle sprinkled face, a little blush, to
give myself rosy cheeks.  Lastly, mascara to outline
my eyes.  Because I hated this job I asked Sarai to do
it for me.  Everything was done subtly and looked
almost natural.  

Taking off the robe I pulled away any stray strands of
hair that had penetrated my covering and had landed on
me.  Then taking the last part of my outfit, I
remained sitting and pulled the white, knee-high socks
up my long legs.  As I stood up I slipped my feet into
my Mary-Jane’s, and walked over to the full length
mirror for a last minute check.  

Standing in front of it I stared at my reflection…
Perfect… The outfit showed most of my legs, chest and
mid-drift, with the belly button ring glinting in the
light…Tanya had reassured me that the piercing would
fit with my costume, so I wasn’t worried about that
any more…I looked like a perfectly innocent
school-girl, with more than a hint of naughtiness.

It was nearly my turn, backstage was buzzing. 
Everyone was rushing about.  Most of the girls were
nervous. Before I went on Kash came up to me and gave
me some words of encouragement, which eased my nerves
a little.  I was offered a drink, but turned it down. 
If I was to keep the dead council member from showing
up tonight I would need a clear head…besides the
atmosphere was intoxicating enough as it was.  

Making my way to the tent in the centre arena of the
Circus, I peeped through the flaps.  All the men were
lounging on brightly coloured pillows…apart from Asher
and Jean-Claude, who were off to the side talking…
Suddenly what I was about to do hit me full force and
I became totally terrified… I couldn’t do this!...I’d
promised Kash I would.  She hadn’t let me back out
either, saying if she had to do it so did I.  Taking a
deep breath I reminded myself; ‘if the boys could
strip for a living, then I could strip for one night.’

With that thought still in mind I waited for Chrys to
introduce me.  Britney Spears’ ‘Baby One More Time’
started to play, and as confidently as I could I
strode up onto the small stage…hopefully my air of
bashfulness and fear would add to the act.  My idea
was to start off all innocent, getting more raunchy as
the music played on.  Going from the innocent, good
little school-girl, to the brassy Catholic girl gone

(Oh baby baby.  Oh baby baby.  Oh baby baby how was I
supposed to know, that somethin’ wasn’t right here. 
Oh baby baby I shouldn’t have let you go and now
you’re out of sight, yeah.  Show me how you want it to
be, tell me baby cause I need to know now, oh because)

Spotting Greg, sitting next to Noah, I watched as the
surprise and shock registered on his face.  He ran his
eyes over my scantily clad body and allowed a lazy
grin to spread across his face.  Averting my gaze I
noticed Noah also had an expectant/appreciative look
on his face.  

I didn’t have to remind myself to smile, I was playing
to my man.  I was going to enjoy myself.  Feeling in
the mood, I let the music enter my body.  As I started
to strut through the audience I allowed myself to get
lost in the beat.  My body started to swing and sway
of its own accord.

(My loneliness is killing me, and I, I must confess I
still believe, still believe.  When I’m not with you I
lose my mind, give me a sign.  Hit me baby one more

Spotting Baal near Luce made me remember just how
gorgeous he was.  The night I went out with him, all I
could think about was, Greg.  I looked ‘innocently’
over my shoulder at him, through lowered lashes. 
Luckily, Greg was on the opposite side of the room,
but I could still sense him trying to see who I was
looking at.  I knew he wouldn’t do anything about
it…not right now anyway.  He knew the rules of the
game.  I’d gotten jealous of the looks and the way he
behaved towards other women when he’d stripped too. 
The difference was Greg might actually do something
about it other than tell me how he felt.  Realising
this I tilted my head up and tore my big puppy dog
eyes away from Baal.  He was looking at me trying to
look indifferent, but he couldn’t hide the fact that
this evening’s festivities were exciting him.  Before
moving on I let my hand spontaneously run along his
jaw bone.  His green eyes clashed into the gaze of my
blue ones, making my tongue unconsciously flick out to
wet my lips.

Moving across the room I walked over to Greg.  He
reached out to touch me in a possessive/excited
fashion.  I looked down at him in wide eyed innocence.
My finger went to my cheek, in a look that said;
‘nobody’s ever touched me before, what are you doing,
you shouldn’t be doing that.’  At the same time I kept
sidling up closer to him, in a gesture that said; ‘you
shouldn’t be doing it, but don’t stop.’

(Oh baby baby, the reason I breath is you.  Boy you’ve
got me blinded.  Oh pretty baby there’s nothing that I
wouldn’t do.  It’s not the way I planned it.  Show me
how you want it to be.  Tell me baby cause I need to
know now, oh because)

Taking a few steps back I started to dance, swivelling
my hips and slowly running my hands sensually down the
insides of my thighs, as if they were a lover’s hands
caressing me.  My head lolled back and my mouth opened
slightly.  When my eyes met Greg’s I ran my hands over
my stomach, being careful of my piercing as I did it. 
Dropping down into a crouch I bounced a little in that
position, before opening my legs and letting myself
flow back into a standing position.  Dipping and
jigging my body along to the beat of the music, I made
sure my breasts bounced for everyone’s enjoyment.

Now came the big decision…did I strip or not?...Kash
had said it was up to me, and up until that very
moment I hadn’t known what I was going to do. 
Spontaneity was the way I worked in things like this. 
If I had practiced it earlier, I wouldn’t have been
able to do it.  I would have thought about it too much
and I would’ve been too worried that I was going to
forget something or do it wrong, so I was making it up
as I went along.  It’d run smoother this way.

(My loneliness is killing me, and I, I must confess I
still believe, still believe.  When I’m not with you I
lose my mind.  Give me a sign.  Hit me baby one more
time.  Oh baby baby.  Oh baby baby)

Simultaneously I undid my braids.  Leaning forward I
shook my hair out, running my fingers through its
length.  I knew from experience that I looked less
good girlie with it loose.  With a flick of my head,
my silky, soft hair flew behind me, running down my
back in an untamed manner.  While gyrating my hips, my
hands went to play with the ends of the top’s ties. 
Seeing the glimmer of hope in the guys eyes, I pouted
and shook my head, teasingly.  Hugging my body in a
protective type of movement, a smile started to tug at
the corners of my mouth, playing on my lips.

Turning around, I ran my hands down my legs.  Bent
over, with my panties stretched tautly across my
buttocks, I un-strapped my Mary-Jane’s.  I looked
around my legs, then in one smooth move, sliding my
body back up into a standing position.  Kicking my
shoes off, I stalked over to Greg.  Rolling my socks
down my legs and over my feet, I dangled them in front
of my man.  Draping them over him, I let my hands
flutter their way down my body.

(Oh baby baby.  How was I supposed to know?  Oh pretty
baby I shouldn’t have let you go… I must confess that
my loneliness is killing me now don’t you know I still
believe that you will be here and give me a sign.  Hit
me baby one more time)

I was so turned on.  I had an incredibly strong urge
to turn around and grind my bottom in his lap, so I’d
feel his bulge and hear him moan out in pleasure…but
the lap dance would have to wait until after the
Crooking a finger, I told Greg to, ‘come here’.  When
he made a move to, I shook my head and held my hand
up, telling him to, ‘stop’.  He sank back down into
his cushion.  I heard a groan escape someone’s lips,
which gave me an appreciative, satisfactory feeling. 
Playing it up a little, I wiggled my butt and jiggled
my breasts, taking them in my hands and squeezing them
slightly, pressing them together.

(My loneliness is killing me, and I, I must confess I
still believe, still believe.  When I’m not with you I
lose my mind.  Give me a sign.  Hit me baby one more

Finally realizing the song was coming to an end, I
nodded my head.  Arching my back, pushing my assets
forward, I suggestively shrugged my shoulders and
worked my knees.  Slowly my fingers went to the knot
at my chest.  I untied my top and leaving it on, got
Greg to unzip the skirt.  

I wriggled out of the skirt, as I did my softly
rounded breasts swung through the opening of the top. 
Stepping out of the skirt, I kicked it further behind
me.  Then I shimmed out of the top, letting it drop to
the floor behind me.  The beast was visible in Greg’s
eyes, wanting, waiting.  The idea of this exhibition,
of flaunting myself to all these men, gave me a sexual
thrill and the feeling of power…but could I go all the
way and remove my panties?

(I must confess, my loneliness, that my loneliness, is
killing me now, is killing me now.  Don’t you know I
still believe, I still believe, that you will be here
and give me a sign.  Hit me baby one more time)

Leaning over, my lips locked onto Greg’s in an
extremely passionate, full force, lip crushing kiss. 
It was like he was giving me the courage I needed,
like there were only the two of us there.  Reaching
down I hooked my thumbs under the panties waistband
and very slowly pulled them down to reveal my denuded
sex.  Before dashing…practically running…away, I
stuffed my panties into Greg’s hand.

Once I got outside of the small tent, I picked up the
piece of clothing I’d dropped there for when I’d
finished.  It was one of Greg’s old, oversized shirts.
I slipped it on and fastened the buttons.  On me the
shirt fell to mid-thigh, so all my modesties were
covered.  After doing that performance, my heart was
pounding and the shirt, which smelled like Greg,
comforted me a great deal.  Grabbing the hair-band I’d
put in the breast pocket, I scraped my hair back into
a ponytail, getting it out of my face.  Embarrassed,
now that the adrenalin had worn off, about showing my
body to everyone, I hid my bright red, blushing face
in my hands…but I was glad I’d done it.  I’d had fun,
it made me feel free.  I was shaking and couldn’t face
listening for what the reaction to me was.

All of a sudden I started to feel funny.  My head
started to ache, and I felt like I was being pulled to
something…and I didn’t know what it was.  Was
something trying to get at me?  I headed off to lay
down…even though Marianne had told me not to be alone
whenever I felt unsafe, like this.  I couldn’t stay
here, it was too noisy, and everyone was busy having a
good time.  This was something I had to handle on my
own…besides would anyone notice I was missing?