Nasty Girl

BY: Luna

Disclaimer: All the characters that you recognize don't belong to me they are the property of the esteemed LKH. Those that you don't are either creations of the other authors here or myself. I'm doing this for the enjoyment of other and not for financial gain. So on with the show!
Rating: R

I was probably the only one not here to dance for any man in particular. Although I did have my eye on Shang-Da but thus far the only thing I had gotten from him was friendship. Hey, a girl will take what she can get but I was also here because I was a closet exhibitionist. Anita had tried to talk me out of it. she had said to me that it was degrading to strip for the enjoyment of men. I cheekily told her to stop being a buzz kill.

I guess I should say now that I am one of Anita's new bodyguards. The pard had tried to convince her that she needed someone but she had refused until she met me. I'm wereleopard and currently employed by the St. Louis Police Department. I'm a juvenile probation officer for the new and underage shapeshifter community. Yes the department does know that I'm a were. I had some trouble when I first moved here but that's a different story all together.

I think the only reason I was even asked to participate in tonight's shindig was because I walked in on some girls who were planning this festivity. It was quite accidental I assure you. I was supposed to pick Anita up before her first appointment and accompany her the rest of the evening. Let me tell you the hours are long and the sleep is short but somehow I manage. I was told that Anita would be awaiting me at the Circus, and I was unphased by that bit of information. It's not in my job description to protect her from her love life. Just to make sure she makes it home every night safe and alive. And so far I have managed to do both.

But I digress. I always do that when I'm nervous and I was extremely so now. For me it was always like that. I was a bundle of nerves before a performance and a head case after don't ask me why. I don't know. I was all prepared I ran through my routine one more time in my head and when I was satisfied that it would go smoothly tried to block out the sounds coming from the tent.

But by doing so I also left my mind free to wander again. I began to wonder how in the world I had let myself get talked into this one. Well I guess I shouldn't say that because nobody forced me. I walked down the stairs to collect Anita and be on our way. I was never more shocked than to see three unrecognized females sitting in the main room. I stopped dead in my tracks. My hand itched to reach for my gun but I didn't want to end up offending someone.

Besides they could actually belong here. Riiiggghhhttt. Note the sarcasm. I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ascertain the potential threat to Anita. So I took in the three women and noticed that they didn't seem to have realized that they had company. I coughed politely to let them know that they had a visitor. I watched as all three women jumped slightly and blushed. I guess they didn't like to be caught off guard either.

Then one of the women asked me who I was. I smiled and told them that I was Luna and that I was looking for Anita. I also volunteered that I needed to pick her up so that we could make her first appointment of the evening. The three just stared at me mouths agape.

Finally one of them sputtered, "You're the one!"

I raised my eyebrow at that. And I smiled as I asked, "The one, what?" I already had an inkling of what it was they were talking about. I was the one that Anita had finally broken down and chose as a bodyguard.

Another one of the women said, "So you're the new muscle, huh?" She was smiling when she said it. It made me want to laugh. I wasn't muscle I was just good at my job, both of them. I just nodded.

The three women came over and introduced themselves as Kash, Gigs, and Tamara. I made all the required responses and shook their hands and noticed that from Gigs I sensed that otherworldly power that could only mean lycanthrope. I filed that bit of information away. I wasn't fooled by the other two they were both very powerful and I still didn't know if they were a threat or not.

Finally giving into my curiosity I asked, "So who are you guys?" Like I said I was new. Like right out of the box new. I hadn't been with Anita and them more than a couple of months now. The women looked confused and I couldn't blame them. I sighed and said, "I know your names but I need to make absolutely certain that you are not a threat to my Nimir-Ra."

At that they smiled and assured me that they weren't a threat. But I still had my doubts. I wouldn't have my position if I didn't always have doubts. I think I was spending too much time with Jamil and Shang-Da, they're beginning to rub off on me.

With thoughts of Shang-Da dancing around in my head my lower body gave a little twist. Sheesh, I needed to get a boyfriend, this was getting embarrassing. I could feel the blush climbing up my neck and heating up my face. I knew that all of them could tell that I was getting aroused. And it embarrassed me even more. It's not that I'm into girls, but some women I can acknowledge are beautiful to look upon.

I coughed nervously and changed the subject. I peered around the women to see if I could spot Anita. I now wanted desperately to leave. But unless Anita miraculously appeared I was stuck. Finally breaking down, I asked, "So what were you guys working on before I interrupted? I mean if you don't mind my asking."

They smiled knowingly at me. It made the blush that had been dying flare to life. They indulged me however and tried to talk over each other. I laughed and when they realized what they were trying to do they joined in.

Then Kash said that they were planning a bachelor party for her fiancé. And with Jean-Claude's help they were going to pull off some brazen stunts for the men in their lives. I sighed and said that I had always wanted to do something like that. The three of them exchanged looks and turned back to me.

"Are you serious," they exclaimed in unison.

I laughed and said that I was and that was all that it took suddenly I was part of the excitement of the upcoming event. I had asked Merle to take over my spot with Anita for that night. He had agreed without asking why and that had made me suspicious, but in the end I had shrugged it off.

I later learned that he knew about the bachelor party. Caleb had let it slip and Merle not being a dumb man put two and two together. I had spent weeks trying to figure out music and what to wear and in the end I had Stephen help me choreograph the number. Actually Stephen was a great help, he even suggested some costumes that would make my number easier.

What I originally planed to do was one song, but I got so into it that I had two spare numbers just in case one of the other girls got cold feet or something unexpected happened and they needed a cover.

Part of my costume was a silk black and white domino mask. It went with all three outfits that I had and on my last number I was going to take the mask off. Basically the mask just obscured the upper portion of my face. I wasn't trying to hide because anybody that knew me would know I was dancing. I'm probably the only one with earrings all the way up my ears and a tongue ring. I had a tattoo of a baby dragon on the back of my right calf. So it wasn't like they wouldn't know!

But it kind of appealed to me to know that people wouldn't know for an absolute certainty that it * was * me. They would say things like I thought it was you, or I had a feeling it was you. But until the mask came off they would wonder.

My costume was one that would have made Queen Andias jealous. It had a merry widow type top that led into a full tear away shear skirt. I had thigh highs on and a black lace thong and four inch stiletto heels. Yes I could dance in them. I had even gone to the trouble of learning to walk on my bed in them just to make sure that I would be able to walk out into the crowd.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and I jumped slightly. I had been deep in thought. I turned and smiled at Tamara, she was holding a shot of tequila out to me and I noticed that she had a beer chaser waiting for me. I cocked an eyebrow at her as I took the shot. Then I asked, "How did you know?"

She handed me the beer and I drank it just as quickly, and her eyes widened in surprise. She laughed as I handed the now empty beer bottle back to her. "Nathaniel told us." Now it was my turn to look surprised. I wanted to ask when they had asked but decided it didn't matter.

I felt the warm burn of the alcohol as it slid down to my stomach. It was a nice feeling I hadn't indulged much since I had taken on the responsibility of being Anita's bodyguard. She didn't drink therefore I didn't drink. And sometimes I missed it. Just having a beer while watching a WWE pay-per-view event or just to unwind from a stressful day.

I didn't complain when I was told that all the girls were doing their numbers and yes all the girls had shown up. Hell I didn't even let on about my disappointment concerning the fact that after Richard left I hadn't seen hide or hair of Shang-Da. At least I thought I hid it well.

I wandered to the bar tent in time to hear Lyza tell Asher, "Teach your pussy how to keep her paws to herself and I won't feel the need to prove what's mine." And she brushed past me with a furred Caleb following in her wake. In her anger I don't think she even saw me.

Silently I watched the interaction between Gigs, Tamara, and Asher. I watched as she shooed Gigs to the bathroom and Asher back to the main tent. I walked up to the bar and ordered another round of drinks. Tamara looked at me but said nothing just served the drinks and walked off as Gigs came back.

I downed the second round of drinks as quickly as the first. And still felt like I needed more. I wondered at this but shrugged it off. Gigs smiled at me and I gave a watered down version of my normal smile. At this she asked me, "What's wrong hun?"

I shook my head and asked for another round. She looked at me closely but in the end she did. I was drinking this round a little more slowly and finally I said, "I just hate having a crush on someone who doesn't see you that way. Ya know?"

Gig's nodded like she understood. Then she said, "Does this crush have a name?"

I laughed and nodded. "Oh yeah. He's got a name." But didn't divulge any more information than that.

"Oh come on you can't leave me hanging like that. Now you gotta tell me who piqued your curiosity!"

I peered at her and wondered if I could tell her. I decided it just might be better if I told someone than just be semi-obsessive over someone. "If I tell you, you promise not to laugh?"

"I can't promise that I won't laugh. But I will promise to try not too, how's that," Gigs asked me.

"Honest," I said. I took a deep breath and wouldn't even look at her as I said, "Shang-Da." With that said I took a deep drink from my beer and waited for her reaction.

"Shang-Da are you serious," She was all but yelling.

I turned ten shades of red and immediately wished I hadn't told her. I nodded sadly at her. I asked for another shot of tequila and got it. After downing it I took another drink from my beer. Finally forcing myself to look at her I said, "And you know the really sad part is I spend waaayyy too much time in his company and I'm the only one it seems to be affected by it."

She patted my shoulder and said to me, "You never know, Luna. Things may turn out the way you want them too."

"Not unless some sort of miracle occurs," I scoffed gently. She laughed and shook her head at me. Like I was some sort of child. I resented that I was 26 years old; she wasn't all that much older than me. I finished my beer and set it back on the bar. I thanked her for listening and for the drinks.

I didn't have much time before my set I had specifically asked to be one of the last to perform. I knew that in order for your performance to be appreciated you either had to one of the first ones or the last ones. And since there had been quite a few nervous Nelly's I had opted to be one of the last few.

Tamara came off the stage and I knew I was next and couldn't help the surge of excitement in the pit of my stomach. I crossed myself and said quietly, "Here's to hoping I don't embarrass myself."

I could feel the hum of sexual energy and it only served to hype me up even more. Chrys' introduction did nothing to lessen the energy in the room if anything it upped it a notch. It was go time. And I plastered a come hither smile on my face as I stepped through the curtain.

The strains of my song were on and instinctively I moved in the choreographed rhythm. I swayed my hips from side to side as the song got going. I turned around as the line said "Don't you believe in mystery don't you wanna play my game?"

My come hither smile never faltered as I scanned the crowd hoping against hope that I would see Shang-Da. My eyes landed on Luce as the song continued to play. I smiled at him but continued to dance for the rest of the crowd.

I strutted out into the crowd and rubbed my back on some of the other guests. I was really getting into the swing of it by the chorus. And I would look some of the guests in the eyes as I rubbed myself on them.

When the next verse came on I ripped my skirt away to reveal the merry widow and thigh highs. I was still working the crowd when the next guy I stepped up to was none other than Shang-Da! I almost missed a beat. I think I covered it well when I straddled his waist and started to ride him. I wanted to forget about the rest of the room but my act was not set up that way.

Reluctantly I stepped away from him and continued to work the room. But my concentration had narrowed down to him. As the chorus came on again I was back in sync. As the song got to a repetitive part I pulled on the long string attached to the zipper at the back of the merry widow and it started to loosen. And soon I was the only thing keeping it on.

Smiling wickedly as the song said, "That's right I can no longer hold it." At that I dropped it to the stage. I was down on all fours on the stage going through my routine and really feeling it now. And dimly I wondered if Shang-Da really did think I was a nasty girl. It put added oomph in my performance.

I was acting as if there was someone beneath me on the stage as the song continued. I was writhing around

the stage in a state of erotic bliss. Giving my all because I knew that there wasn't much left of my performance and wanted it to be as memorable as the others.

As the song came to a close and the song said, "Is that it?" I ripped the mask off. And heard Shang-Da and few others gasp. I smiled wickedly at the crowd in general. As the song closed the lights dimmed. I was sweating but barely noticed it I left the stage quickly.

I expected to be a head case and this time it didn't happen. I was euphoric. I practically danced back stage and couldn't stand still. That had been such a rush. I hadn't bothered with a robe because unlike some who felt naked and uncomfortable. I was nude and loved my body and damn it so should everyone else.

I didn't hear a thing that's how zoned out I was from this high. I started slightly as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I turned my head and got a look at who was behind me just as his lips came down on mine. It was Shang-Da! I turned in his arms and pressed myself fully to him and noticed that he was very happy to see me.

I made a mental note to send a very special thank you note to Gigs. All other thoughts fled as Shang-Da's tongue slipped into my mouth. I sucked at it and started dueling with him and heard him groan low in his throat and he started to grind into to me. I pulled away. I was not that big an exhibitionist as to want to bone him where any and all could watch.

I asked how far it was to his place and he seemed to be having a hard time concentrating. Finally he seemed to understand the question and said that it was just around the corner. I was going to go when I remembered I didn't bring spare clothes. Don't ask me I didn't think that far in advance. Shang-Da offered his suit jacket, which I accepted and buttoned even though any one that cared to look would know that I was nude under it.

We were having a hard time keeping our hands off each other. And barely made it his room before we were both naked. We spent the rest of the evening exploring each other's body.