Revenge, Blood, and Lust

BY: Nuyourican

Disclaimer: TEXT

Caleb entered the house to a blaring stereo, which didn't bother him 
in the least. He proceeded to the bedroom where he was sure to find 
Lyza getting ready for the party so that they could head to the 
Circus…he was hopeful that she would not yet be dressed, he was also 
hopeful that maybe he would get some pre-show entertainment. Just the 
thought alone brought a smile to the tomcats face. He was deeply 
disappointed when he rounded the corner and found her fully dressed, 
just adding the finishing touches of her ensemble. He quietly stood 
in the doorway, watching. He could not believe that he has been as 
loyal to one woman as he had been to Lyza. Looking down the length of 
her hourglass frame he smiled even harder, thinking to himself 'When 
you got it that good, why not'.

"Subtlety is NOT your forte." Smiling, she cocked her head to the 
side so she could see his reflection in the vanity's mirror. And 
there stood her Great Cat in his chocolate brown leather pants that 
hugged his thighs like latex, though they weren't. The bootleg cut 
pants covered his equally brown boots that looked brand spanking new. 
Her eyes ran up the length of him to his chest, which revealed his 
rosy nipples, staring back at her, from beneath a chocolate brown 
mesh shirt. She wasn't one for chocolate, but what she was staring at 
was something she could definitely splurge in.

A cocky smile laced his butter soft lips as he walked up behind her 
and wrapped his arms around her bare waist. "On purpose." He replied, 
nipping at her ear lobe, hoping he still had a chance at possibly 
persuading her into a little more. "Have I told you how good you look 
in patent leather?"

She turned in his arms and replied, "You don't need to, I know I do," 
then she winked and indulged him in a sensual kiss that he just knew 
would lead to more. He began walking her backwards, towards the bed, 
but little did the kitty know, his hormones were in for a rude 
awakening. She pushed him away from her causing him to land on the 
bed with a thud. She then spun around and headed out the door, 
yelling over her shoulder, "Coming?" and laughed wickedly. With her 
preternatural ears she heard the bed slightly creek as he got up and 
him mumble under his breath, "I wish," as he headed for the door. She 
just laughed and waited so that they could be on their way. 

Caleb and Lyza arrived at the Circus together, where she knew Damien 
would be impatiently waiting. Impatiently because he had no idea what 
Lyza was up to…just the way she liked it. No sooner did they walk in 
the door than Lyza was being pulled to the back to help with 
everything since she was already dressed. Caleb just laughed and 
waved and she could tell that he was going to find trouble by the 
gleam in his eyes. When she got back stage it was like a mad house, 
with everyone ripping and running here and there to make sure things 
were in order. She helped Sarai with the little things and a few 
others with hair and make-up. Gigs sent her back a "relaxer", which 
she kindly declined due to the adrenaline she had pumping in her 
system from running around. Finally the show got started and the 
first few people went up and hyped the crowd. This is when it hit 
Lyza that her turn was right around the corner, this was also when 
she started to feel the butterflies in her belly. She talked a lot of 
shit, but backing it up was a whole other ball game.

Lyza finally decided to get a drink to help relax her now, hoping 
that Gigs would be more then obliging in hooking her up before her 
set. She passed through the stripped fabric that was acting as a 
doorway to the bar area and found that Gigs was trying to be a little 
more then obliging. What an eye full. HER cat on another pussy. Tsk. 
Tsk. Tsk. Looks like trouble was just what Caleb found. Everyone that 
was standing in the back of the room, either conversing or watching 
the show, grew silent and turned to face Lyza with eyes so wide they 
looked like those of a deer caught in high beams. The shocked looks 
were more for the smile that curved her lips then the silent anger 
that filled her mind. She really wanted her Sire at the moment, but 
she had still yet to see him.

The crowd parted like the Red Sea as she started forward, gradually 
giving her a clearer view of Caleb raising his lips to the knot in 
Gigs shirt. He must have felt her as she drew nearer cause he stopped 
and met her eyes, being deceived by the smile on her face. He 
probably thought she wanted to play too, little did he know, she did, 
but not the way he was thinking…stupid tomcat. "Can't leave you alone 
for a second, can I?" With that, she reached across Gigs, who was 
still laid out on the bar, grabbed Caleb by the scruff and flung him 
over the bar, landing him ever so "gently" on the ground…NOT! 

Gig's looked up at her, obviously trying to focus. When she finally 
did, a look of sheer panic washed across her features. She tried to 
sit up, but Lyza smiled and shook her head, placing a hand on Gigs 
nearly exposed chest to press her to the bar and hold her still. "Oh 
no you don't. You obviously feel the need to play with something of 
mine…" Lyza gracefully hoped on the bar to straddling position over 
Gigs, allowing her full skirt to flow around them like a black 
waterfall. "Play with me!" The last was said between gritted teeth, 
just before she swiftly plunged forward, sinking her fangs deep into 
the swell of Gigs frothy white breast, without even attempting to 
roll her…on purpose.

Lyza had fed from a lycanthrope before but it never tasted like this. 
It never gave her an automatic buzz that made her feel warm and 
tingly inside, like fur being ever so lightly brushed against her 
skin. She wondered what Gigs had been drinking and hoped it wouldn't 
effect her to bad before her set. As the hot liquid ran through her, 
filling her with a sensual heat, she felt a hand on her arm trying to 
pull her away from the writhing tiger. She knew it was Caleb. Without 
dislodging from the succulent morsel that filled her belly with life, 
she placed a hand on his chest and pulled him into her. Wanting him 
to see that she really meant business and that this was no game. She 
REFUSED to share him with ANYONE, especially without her knowing 
about it. She pushed forward with her energy, causing Caleb to slowly 
wilt beneath her hand. Merging, no devouring his beast with hers. 
Unbeknown to her, she was calling his beast forward in a rather 
violent way, an act that she had no clue existed within her. His 
scream came out a pitch above a whisper, though to a deaf person he 
looked like he should have been breaking sound barriers. In a bit of 
a shock herself, she withdrew her fangs from the near limp tiger and 
watched as Caleb collapsed to the floor and his yellow spotted pelt 
sprouted before her very eyes. She had no idea she could call 
someone's beast forward, never-mind one that made half of who she is. 
She quickly recovered face, not wanting anyone to know that this was 
news to her just as it was to everyone else in the room. Anger is a 
powerful tool, one that could cause someone major damage…and pain. 
But at this moment, she liked it and felt the smile return to her 
face as she looked into the golden eyes of her mate and knew that if 
he didn't fear her before he certainly did now. She was unsure if 
this was a good thing or not, but at the moment she could care less.

Gigs was in a daze on the bar, whimpering, whether from pain or 
pleasure Lyza could give a rats ass. Asher nearly tore down the 
separating curtain when he came in to the bar area, eyes nearly a 
blaze. He looked at her, straddled over Gigs and if looks could kill, 
she would be deader than dead. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" He spat out at 
her, eyes bleeding over. Whether for concern of his "wife" or anger 
at Lyza she did not know…and really didn't WANT to wait around to 
find out. It got a little worse when she saw Tamara frantically enter 
through the curtain behind him, her too portraying emotions that Lyza 
was having a hard time reading. She looked from Gigs, to the pleading 
leopard, back to Lyza whom was now descending from the bar, and Gigs. 

Caleb was whimpering in a wet heap of fur at her feet as soon as they 
hit the floor, licking them, begging for forgiveness. She looked down 
at him, still wearing her smile, and proceeded to walk around him, 
heading towards the entrance back into the main hall…which also 
happen to be where Asher and Tamara were standing. She could see the 
anger clearly in Asher's eyes and was still having a hard time 
reading Tamara's. They were both clueless as to what went on and Lyza 
didn't feel the need to tell them. She would let their third fill 
them in, though just in case her memory "slipped", she spoke over her 
shoulder a warning to Asher, "Teach your Pussy how to keep her paws 
to herself and I won't feel the need to prove what's mine. She wants 
to play, tell her to ask FIRST!" With that she swiftly left the room, 
knowing she was no match for the Master Vampire…at least not that she 
knew of. 

She was definitely ready for her set now. Before she was feeling a 
little nervous and scared about everyone looking at her…now she was 
just ready to show her ass. She headed back to the dressing room with 
Caleb still close on her "tail". Just before passing through the 
curtains, she turned and looked down at him. She rolled her eyes in 
her head and heaved a tired sigh. "Caleb, change back and at least 
enjoy the rest of the show…just be sure to think with the RIGHT head 
this time." She cut her eyes at him and proceeded through the 
curtains without so much as a second thought to the cat behind her.

It was like another world on the other side of that curtain. Everyone 
ripping and running to make sure everything was right for their set. 
She wasn't one for changing more then once for a party, which was why 
she was already in costume, relaxed and ready to go…right? Right! Her 
act required her to climb almost to the top of the tent and onto a 
plat form that she would be lowered down on to the center stage. Just 
before heading to the designated ladder, she looked to her left and 
spotted Elizabeth, who winked at her and smiled. Lyza evilly cut her 
eyes, added a wicked smile and headed to the steps on her right. 

Just as she took the first step, someone grabbed her arm and stopped 
her. She REALLY wasn't in the mood, so she flung around, ready to 
bite off anyone's head that was willing to give her shit. Much to her 
surprise, she turned to find her Namir-Raj's golden green eyes 
staring back at her not phased by her reaction in the least bit. He 
raised an eyebrow and looked at her. "You sure you can do this now?"

"I am SO sorry Micah. Yeah I am. I can do this."

"You know you don't have to. I know what you just did in the other 
room, I was watching, and I can tell it caught you off guard just as 
much as it did me. And it is NOT something I'll let slide for long 
without question."

"I know, and I am fine, really. I need to do this set to calm down a 
little. Maybe work off some of the shock." She tried to laugh, but he 
could tell it was forced. He nodded his acceptance, for the moment, 
and allowed her to proceed up the ladder. Once she was on the 
platform at the top, looking down, she realized two things. One is 
that she forgot to tell Chrys that she was going up and she could 
announce her shortly. The other was that she forgot to get one of the 
boys or Sarai to follow her up and help strap her in. She mentally 
cursed her self several times for this and finally decided it was no 
use, too late now. She steadied herself on the platform and decided 
that she would just have to do it herself. Starting at her ankles, 
she bent over to buckle one after the other. Once that was done, she 
stood to buckle the first wrists. First she looked back and forth 
between the two trying to find an easy way to buckle one and then the 
other. She couldn't hear what was going on down below, but she hoped 
that no one had told Chrys she was ready yet. She sized up the cuffs 
one last time and finally thought she could do it with her mouth…it 
was in fact a talented tool, this would just be one more thing to add 
to the resume. So she buckled the left wrist with her right and just 
as she finished she heard the base beat of the beginning of her music 
and felt the X she was attached to start to move. "Shit. Shit. Shit." 
The X started to lower. Being a little panicky about being able to 
buckle the leather cuff, she was not able to do so.

She looked just as calm as could be, playing it off as though not 
being fully buckled was part of the show. She completely missed the 
audiences reactions to her descend because her eyes were glued to a 
prowling Chrys as she stalked towards her. She had never seen her act 
like that. She was looking at Lyza as though she were her next meal…
not that Lyza was complaining, it was just, well not what she 
expected of Chrys. Then reaching out, she grasped Lyza's wrist and 
moved it slowly up to where the cuff hung free. Taking her time she 
buckled it as the music swirled around us...and the audience remained 
utterly quiet. After it was secured she ran teasing fingers down 
Lyza's arm, then down her side to her waist. Looking coyly over her 
shoulder she smiled at the audience. "She's been a very naughty 
girl...why don't I let ya'll get on with her punishment." Then Chrys 
smiled at Lyza, lastly commenting, "What a treat." 

Don't you mess with a little girl's dream,
'Cause she's liable to grow up mean.

With that she walked off the stage and that is when it dawned on Lyza 
that that must have been Feta, NOT Chrys. Just as Elizabeth parted 
the curtain and seductively glide towards a restrained Lyza, she made 
a mental note to "officially" meet Feta, then turned her attention 
back to the audience, who was needless to say slightly shocked to see 
Elizabeth come out there. 

Surprised you to find that I'm laughing?
You thought that you'd find me in tears.
You thought I'd be crawling the walls
Like a tiny mosquito and trembling in fear.

Elizabeth completely circled Lyza once and ended on her left side. 
She placed her hand on Lyza bare vanilla stomach, on the farthest 
side from her, and gently and very suggestively slow ran her fingers 
across it to the other side. She then looked out at the audience, 
smiled and winked. All the time Lyza has her eyes closed, not really 
sure what Elizabeth was up to. She told her ahead of time what she 
basically wanted and Elizabeth said she would comply. Elizabeth 
proceeded to walk behind Lyza and peek from the side of the X, from 
an obviously stooping position. As the curve in her lips grew, she 
raked her nails up Lyza's legs, from calf to the fronts of her 
thighs, getting a little deeper the further up she got and raising 
the full tulle skirt in the process. Once there, she gripped the 
waistband and jerked the skirt clear off of Lyza as if on cue 
with "fear" in the song. This definitely got Lyza's attention, just 
as it got the boys'. Lyza was now clad in shiny, patent leather, 
French cut panties and a tank corset that barely contained her breast 
and showed a lot of midriff.

Well you may be king for the moment,
But I am a queen understand.
And I've got your pawns and your bishops
And castles
All inside the palm of my hand.

Now that most of Lyza's flesh was visible, she could really see the 
excitement and anticipation in Elizabeth's eyes. This was also when 
she noticed her boys, standing off to the side. Caleb looked in 
complete shock that his ex-fling and his new love were on stage…
performing…together. Damien on the other hand didn't look too pleased 
to say the least. He didn't hide the fact that he did not trust 
Elizabeth and by the looks of it, he was going to hold Caleb 
responsible should anything go wrong. This must have been Elizabeth's 
cue. She came around to the right of Lyza and placed a hand on her 
outer thigh. While looking out at the crowd and smiling, Lyza felt 
Elizabeth's claws elongate on her skin and slightly pierce her. Talk 
about arousal in the crowd…and on stage. As the music played she drew 
a nail up and to the center of Lyza's leg. She then bent down and 
licked the wound clean, all the way to the nether darkness between 
Lyza's legs. Needless to say it looked more graphic then it was to 
the audience, the fact that Lyza's head was thrown back didn't help 
either. Elizabeth slowly stood, crossing in front of Lyza and again, 
placing her hand on her stomach. Following the movements from before, 
Elizabeth dragged her fingers across Lyza's stomach. The difference 
this time was that her claws were extended and by the loud moan that 
was emanating from Lyza's lips, it was not all that pleasurable. 

While you were looking the other way,
While you had your eyes closed,
While you were licking your lips,
'Cause I was miserable.
While you were selling your soul,
While you were tearing a hole in me,

I was taking control.
Now I have taken control!
Now I have taken control...

The little buzz that Lyza had gotten from Gigs and the adrenaline 
that was running through her earlier was REALLY starting to kick in, 
slowly working itself back up. The energy inside her rolled around 
and all the pain she was feeling moments ago was slowly turning to a 
very pleasurable sensation. She pulled her eyes away from the ceiling 
and met Elizabeth's dead on with a sly smile from ear to ear, one 
that promised many things, and not all of them so pleasurable. Out 
the corner of her eye, she could see that Damien had a hold on 
Caleb's neck and Jean-Claude was pointing his attention to the stage, 
to show him Lyza was fine. She snapped the cuff on one of her wrists, 
making Elizabeth slightly jump. This made Lyza smile even more. 

This is beginning to feel good.
Watching you squirm in your shoes.
A small bead of sweat on your brow,
And a growl in your belly you're scared to let through.

Lyza laced her fingers in Elizabeth's hair pulling her close to her 
as if to kiss her, which is exactly what she did. Short and sweet 
before letting go and popping the other cuff. Elizabeth knew it was 
now Lyza's turn to play and after what she had just done to Caleb, 
which no one could really miss, she wasn't sure that would be a good 
thing. Still holding Elizabeth by the back of her neck, Lyza looked 
down at the cuffs on her ankles, while discretely pushing her down so 
there was no confusion as to what she wanted.

You thought you could keep me from loving.
You thought you could feed on my soul.
But while you were busy destroying my life,
What was half in me has become whole.

Once undone, Lyza stepped off the platform and on to the wooden make 
shift floor of the Big Top. Stalking slowly around Elizabeth on her 
tip toes, making her legs look extra long with the stilettos, she 
made sure to give the audience a full view of her attire. She circled 
Elizabeth once. Stopping with her back to the crowd, Lyza smiled down 
at Elizabeth, who then turned her eyes to the horde of eager men. 
Lyza looked over her shoulder and scanned the room, acknowledging 
Luce, since it was his party, but finally landing on her boys. 

While you were looking the other way,
While you had your eyes closed,
While you were licking your lips,
'Cause I was miserable.
While you were selling your soul,
While you were tearing a hole in me.
I was taking control.
Now I have taken control.
Now I have taken control...

While watching the both of them, she took a step with one leg and 
placed it on the other side of Elizabeth's waist. Content with what 
was going on, Elizabeth seemed to enjoy the attention. She positioned 
herself in a sitting crab like position and drew her attention to 
Lyza, letting her eyes take in the beauty of another woman. Lyza 
however, was still watching her boys at the moment. The music slowed 
and so did Lyza's "tone". She got a more sensual face with softer 
eyes…oh how looks could be deceiving. She slowly and sensually 
lowered herself to a squatting position over Elizabeth's waist, 
spreading her legs in the process to a very unladylike position. 
Hovering just about the other woman, Lyza drew her index finger 
between her lips and seductively pulled it out and ran the wet finger 
over the obstructing fabric of Elizabeth's electric blue cat suit, 
the chest area to be exact. This was not acceptable. Lyza's mock pout 
grew to a mischievous smile as she slowly extended her claw on the 
same finger. She tapped the erect nipple of her fellow pard member 
just before slashing herself an entrance to the succulent flesh from 
neck to pubic line. Biting her bottom lip and meeting her boy's eyes 
as she leaned forward, placing her tongue at the end of the opening. 
She dragged her tongue up the length of the slit to the swollen red 
lips that Elizabeth was biting to help her maintain her composure. 
Before she could catch her breath, Lyza caught her lips and kissed 

So this is how it feels
To breath in the summer air
The feel the sand between my toes
And love inside my ear
All those things that you taught me to fear
I've got them in my garden now
And you're not welcome here
Come here!
Come a little bit closer
Let me look at you
I gave you the benefit
Of the doubt it's true
But keep in mind my darling
Not every saint is a fool

Lyza knew the song was coming to an end and therefore knew that she 
needed a finale that would never be forgotten…not to mention her 
needing to pay Elizabeth back for her little stunt earlier. She 
specifically told her no blood no pain. They were in the wrong kind 
of crowd for that. But did Elizabeth listen, no, as usual. So now for 
the finale. Still kissing her, Lyza traced her hand down Elizabeth's 
side and back up, only on the way up she slid her hand in the 
entrance that she had made for this exact purpose. She did it once 
and she knew she could do it again. She slid her hand up to 
Elizabeth's breast, which would have been exposed had her hand not 
been there. She really wasn't trying to cup her breast, she just 
needed the connection close to the leopard's center and THIS helped 
the show look good AND allowed her to teach yet another silly cat a 
lesson. She took one last glance at her boys. The __expression they 
wore made her smile. Caleb looked like a kitty kicked one to many 
times, scared and shocked all in one. He knew what Lyza was getting 
ready to do. And Damien looked like a proud teacher that REALLY 
wanted to reward his student. 

(Don't) While you were looking the other way,
(You mess) While you had your eyes closed,
(With me) While you were licking your lips,
'Cause I was miserable.
(Don't) While you were selling your soul,
(You mess) While you were tearing a hole in me.
I was taking control!
Now I have taken control!
Now I have taken control...

Lyza slowly turned her head back to face Elizabeth as she 
metaphysically reached in and caressed the other woman's beast. Very 
sexually at first which cause several moans to escape Elizabeth's 
lips. As the wicked smile grew on Lyza's face and her violet eyes 
bled to solid orbs, it had finally dawned on Elizabeth what was going 
on. She snapped her head upright and caught Lyza's. Not wanting to 
ruin the show, once Lyza knew Elizabeth knew what was going on, she 
reached in on her vampiric side to slightly set the other cat at ease…
just enough to catch her leopard by the tail and pull her forward. 
This time the change occurred a little faster then it did with Caleb. 
She wondered what she had done differently? She would just have to 
practice more often that’s all. Elizabeth's spotted pelt sprung 
forward at the speed of lightening, before she could even release so 
much as a yelp. Perfect timing too. Lyza didn't know how they did it, 
but they were on the platform once again, which started to lift. Lyza 
stood with a leg on either side of the panting leopard at her feet 
and smiled at the crowd and the X was lifted and the last line of the 
song was spoken. Perfect!

Don't you mess with me!

The audience applauded and Lyza felt damn good that her set was as 
good as everyone else's since she did have more then one monkey 
wrench thrown at her today. The X was stopped on a lower platform 
that she requested cause she knew there was going to be a leopard by 
the end of her set, though she didn't think it would have went the 
way it did. She knew the kitty would not be able to get down from the 
higher platform, so she asked for a lower one. No sooner did she take 
one step off the platform when someone scooped her up and kissed her 
deeply. She did even have to see his face to know that it was her 
Sire. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"I take it you liked the show then?" She asked when he finally let 
her come up for air. 

"You make me so proud to have you as one of my own." He replied 
verbally, but mentally her promised other things when the night was 

Caleb helped Elizabeth down and they both went to stand by Lyza. 
Elizabeth licked her bare thigh, very close to other things. Damien 
noticed and handed her the black skirt that she was wearing earlier 
that he had retrieved form the center stage before he headed back. He 
snapped it around her waist while Caleb gave her an apologetic kiss 
that let her know he was truly hers tonight. Rather proud of herself, 
se decided to stay awhile enjoy the rest of the show and gloat a 
little. She stepped through the curtain to the main floor, where 
everyone was, with her boys on either side, with Elizabeth sharing 
Caleb's side, staying close to her like an obedient dog…er cat. As 
soon as they passed though the curtains, they bumped in to a not so 
happy Namir-Raj. Oops.