Noah's Reward

BY: Maggie


   Disclaimer: I don’t own anyone. Anyone you recognize probably belongs to someone else, mostly Laurell K. Hamilton. I am not making any money for doing this. It is purely for entertainment purposes.

Thanks to Esther for being my beta. Any mistakes are mine not hers.

“You Can Leave Your Hat On” lyrics by Randy Newman. Performed by Ty Herndon.

Rating: NC-17 for nudity and sexual situations. So don’t say I didn’t warn ya!

 The evening of Luce’s stag party had arrived. When I first volunteered to perform I wasn’t too nervous. It was still far enough away and I didn’t really know any of the men that were going to be there. As the actual date got closer I started to worry. Since starting to date Noah, who I discovered was on the guest list, the fear factor had gone up several notches. Still, I was excited to perform for the new guy in my life. I hoped that after tonight our relationship would be better than it had been for the past week.

Since our date at Danse Macabre, Noah had put on kid gloves with me. We went out a few times but there seemed more distance between us. I think Noah was concerned he was going to frighten me again. Consequently he had backed off which did nothing to bolster my confidence. How was I supposed to get over my fear of intimacy if he eliminated any situations that might test my boundaries? I was getting as frustrated as he probably was.

I had a plan of attack for tonight. Noah didn’t know that I was scheduled to perform so he was in for quite the surprise. I told him that I planned to spend the day doing research in the lab and might stop by the Circus later to see the girls’ stage outfits. I had to tell him something in case he found out I was backstage before I went on. If my performance didn’t convince him that I was ready to move forward in our relationship, I didn’t know what would. It was do or die time.

It was getting late and I needed to head over to the Circus. I just had to finish a few final touches to my bedroom first. I had placed several champagne rose candles around the room. I set some condoms I had bought earlier that day in a basket on the bedside table. The last task was to get the roses I bought earlier out of the refrigerator. I removed the petals and used them to shower my bed. They would be warm and starting to scent the room by the time I got home. I hoped that Noah would be with me if I could find the courage to overcome my fear. I looked in the mirror and told myself, “This is what you want. Noah is who you want. There is no room for doubt or fear tonight.”

Looking down at my watch, I realized I was late and ran out the door. I had to run back in and grab my stage clothes. I always forget something when I’m in a hurry. I had my nails done by a friend of mine earlier in the day, but I still had to get my make up and hair finished. Sarai had promised to help me put on those final touches.

I arrived at the Circus and the show had already started. I could hear Prince’s Darling Nikki playing out front. I peaked through the curtain and saw Tanya doing the naughtiest imitation of an angel I had ever seen. I headed back to the dressing room, which was a mad house. Everyone was trying to get ready. I stood there a few minutes trying to figure out what I should be doing first. Everyone looked too busy to bother. Jason came in to tell Crystal that she was up next. I heard the opening strains of “Genie in a Bottle” as Sarai pointed me in the direction of an empty chair in front of a mirror. I sat down and started putting on my make up. I don’t wear a lot of make up but tonight was special and I wanted to play the part.

I had just finished putting on my lip gloss when I heard a commotion out front. I stepped out the dressing room with a few other girls just in time to see some handsome guy arguing with Crystal, pick her up and start to carry her off. I presumed this was her love, Richard. I had never met the Ulfric but he was radiating power, not to mention anger. I had heard Crystal had wanted to surprise him. That got me thinking. I was doing the same thing to Noah. Would he be happy or would he be as angry as the Wolf King? Maybe this was a bad idea. My nervous fear was back in force. I must have looked like I was ready to run because one of the girls offered to go ask Gigs to fix me a drink. A margarita sounded like a good idea to calm my nerves. I was still looking longingly at the door and couldn’t tell you who offered to send for the drink. Sarai grabbed my hand, telling me I needed to change into my costume and let her finish my hair. Esther was already heading onstage in her cute naughty school girl costume so I didn’t have to a chance to wish her luck. I would have to settle for congratulating her when she got offstage.

I decided I better change into my costume before I completely chickened out. Where was that drink anyway? I was going to be dancing to a country singer, Ty Herndon, so I had decided on a cowgirl outfit for my costume. I slipped into some black lace panties with concealed snaps on the side and pulled the rest of the outfit out of the bag. The cloth was white with black cowhide spots. The top had a bra sewn into the lining. A normal bra would show underneath. It was long sleeved, but only came to half way down my torso in back. In front, it barely covered my breasts, tying in the middle. It did have a wide collar that flared out on the sides, with black fringe hanging down from it. The skirt barely went below my butt cheeks. It was slit up to the top on the left side and had a string of short black fringe that went diagonally from the lower right front of the skirt, to the upper left. I had a black gun holster on my right thigh with a toy gun. It was painted silver with a plastic handle. I didn’t want any of the guys to think I had brought in a real weapon. Some of them might like that idea, but I didn’t plan to advertise anything I wasn’t willing to deliver. I pulled on black cowboy boots that zipped up on the inner side. They had that wonderful smell of freshly bought leather.

Sarai helped me finish putting a few curls in my hair and pull the front sections back in a couple of hair combs. A black cowboy hat with white trim completed the outfit. I stood in front of the mirror, amazed at the woman that stared back at me. I sat my long black duster coat down on the chair beside me. I wasn’t going to put in over the outfit until I was ready to head onstage.

It was already getting warm inside and it sounded like the crowd was getting rowdier out front. There was definitely an aura of sexual tension floating around the place. A few of the girls had gone on while I was getting ready. Nate came back with my margarita. I asked him if he thought I looked all right and he said he thought Noah would be surprised. I tasted the margarita. It was really good. I sat down to try to center my thoughts before I went onstage. I know fear is a turn on for a lot of weres, but fear apparently makes Noah overprotective of me, so I had to erase it from my mind. Noah was all that mattered. I was going to try to push our relationship forward. I couldn’t let my fear rule me. I must have done a good job focusing, because as I sat there sipping on my drink my fear seemed to evaporate. I didn’t care who else was out there as long as Noah was. I started to feel a little tingly and wondered if I was more empathic than I thought. I could have sworn that I could feel all the sexual energy bouncing around the place. Nate walked by a few times and I enjoyed the view. I missed my mouth, and splashed a bit of margarita on my lips. I licked the drink off my lips and wondered if Gigs would make me another. It was really good. I listened to the music and thought about what I’d like to do with Noah later. The tension was getting higher. I thought maybe I should go outside to cool off. Before I could head out the door, I heard the end of Luna’s number. Whoops, that meant I was up next. Guess I wasn’t going to get to ask Nate to get me that second drink. Where did he go anyway? I grabbed my black duster and put it on. With it pulled tight in front my body was covered from neck to boots. I headed out toward the stage. I saw Luna walking backstage naked. A handsome Asian Were was in close pursuit. Turning the other way, I saw Greg hovering near the curtains to the front room and realized I hadn’t seen Esther since before her number. I didn’t have time to wonder where my friend had disappeared to because the stage had just gone dark signally it was time for me to sneak up there for my opening.

I stepped up to the stage as quietly as I could. I heard my boots click on the hard stage floor, and tried to tip toe to the center of the stage. They had put a black high backed chair, with the back turned toward the front of the stage out for me. I straddled the chair, wrapping my legs around the front. I crossed my arms over the top of the chair and rested my head down on them, with my hat tilted forward. I knew in this position all the guys would see was, the top of my hat, the front of my coat, and some naked calves above my cowboy boots. As the spotlight came up on the stage, Chrys came out to introduce me. I wasn’t paying much attention to what she said, until she set her hands on my shoulders, leaned in and said “ride her cowboys.” Did she really just say that? It was all I could do to stay in my opening position. I could hear her chuckle as she moved away. Then, Ty’s opening chords of “You can Leave Your Hat On” started to play on the sound system. As the slow music began, I felt a surge of adrenaline that I hadn’t felt since my high school days of theatre. I felt warm and excited. I lifted my head and scanned the crowd from one side of the room to the other with a sexy smile on my face. All those handsome men looked back at me. I found Noah lounging on some pillows on the left hand side of the stage near the front with a surprised look on his face. Gotcha. I winked at him as I stood and started to strut around the chair. I was unbuttoning my duster and slowly sliding it off my shoulders as the first verse began.

Baby take off your coat
Real slow
Take off your shoes
I'll take off your shoes
Baby take off your dress
Yes, yes, yes

I tossed my duster over to the side of the stage for later. I turned the chair around, standing to the left of it. I put my right leg up on the chair and unzipped the boot. I knew the pose gave the men, especially those sitting in the middle and to the right a pretty good view of my panties, but I didn’t care. It felt good to have their attention. I slid my hands slowly down my leg and removed the boot. Now that Noah had no doubt had time to regret sitting on the left, I moved to the other side of the chair and removed my left boot. I looked up at my cat. The lust in his eyes had me wanting to jump into his arms right there. I took a deep breath and focused on continuing my routine as planned.

You can leave your hat on
You can leave your hat on
You can leave your hat on

As the chorus continued, I stepped off the stage and sauntered over to the guest of honor. I couldn’t completely ignore Luce and he was handsome. After seeing him face to face, I could believe the stories I heard that he was the most beautiful angel in heaven before his fall. I pulled the toy guy out of my holster as I knelt before him. I handed him the gun. He accepted it with an amused grin. As I rose I gave him a sexy smile and wiggled my hips as I turned back toward the stage. I stopped with my right leg propped up on the edge of the stage. I reached down and removed the gun holster. Holding it in both hands, I rubbed it across my bare belly, turning around to give all the guys a good view. I saw a handsome black man near the front and threw the holster at him. As I stepped back on the stage I heard the man next to him say “nice souvenir Jamil.” Oh, so that was one of Richard’s bodyguards. I looked back to see the wolf twirling the holster around on his fingers. The second verse had started so I had to get back to the chair for my next move.

Go over there
turn on the light
All the lights
Come over here
stand on that chair
Yeah, that's right
Raise your arms in the air
Now shake 'em

I stepped up on the chair and began to dance. I swayed, twisting my hips. The fringe on my collar was getting tossed back and forth as I moved. Every time it hit my bare chest I felt tingles go through me. I raised my hands above me, then started to lower them behind my head. I held them briefly behind my neck before letting them slide around the front and down my blouse. I slide them over my breasts, and they met in the middle at the shirt tie. I was feeling very warm. I slowly undid the tie and started to slip the shirt off as the next section started.

You give me reason to live
You give me reason to live
You give me reason to live
You give me reason to live

You can leave your hat on
You can leave your hat on

With my shirt off, I began to stalk the room. I walked around the pillows, knowing that every pair of eyes in the room was following me. I passed by Asher who gave me an appreciative smile. I saved Noah’s side for last. I wanted to offer myself to him right now and wouldn’t mind if the rest of the room watched. I straddled him and slowly slid down to the floor landing in his lap. I unclasped the skirt on the side and pulled it around. I rubbed up suggestively against Noah’s chest. I waved it in front of his face, then threw it over to Zane, sitting nearby. I was barely aware of the song as it continued. Noah smelled of spice tonight. His eyes were getting more yellow as I sat there.

Suspicious minds keep talkin
They try to tear us apart
They don't believe in this love of ours
They don't know what love is
They don't know what love is
They don't know what love is

But I know what love is

I reached between us, touching the bulging front of his pants. I trailed my hand up his chest, to his chin. He was staring at my almost naked body. I lifted his chin and captured his lips in a kiss as Ty sang “But I know what Love is.” I think I surprised Noah because that was the first time I had initiated one of our kisses. He started to pull me into him, deepening the kiss. In the distance I could hear the song winding down and felt a few of the boys moving closer to us. I broke off the kiss and walked back up to the stage.

You can leave your hat on
You can leave your hat on

One the last repeated line, I grabbed the front of my panties and pulled, freeing the snaps. I threw the underwear off the front of the stage where a couple of the boys dove to grab them. The music ended as I stood there in nothing but my cowgirl hat. I had made it through the number and I knew every eye in the place was on me. I felt like I could fly. Giggling to myself I thought maybe I couldn’t, but my hat could soar where we both wanted to go. Right before the lights went out I threw my hat over to Noah who looked a bit dazed.

I grabbed my Duster and headed offstage. Once backstage I wrapped myself in the duster and took a deep breath. I felt an arm circle around my shoulders as I felt my hat put back on my head. I turned around in the now encircling arms to see Noah looking down at me, smiling like the cat that ate the canary. I should have been worried, but I was thinking that the canary picked a wonderful way to die.

“I thought you weren’t going to be a part of the party,” Noah murmured as he leaned in, rubbing his cheek against mine.

“Surprise,” I giggled as I licked his ear.

Noah took a breath and asked, “Can I take you home?”

“I thought you’d never ask,” I huskily replied as he led me out the door.

I was feeling very relaxed and barely noticed where we were going as Noah took me home. Inviting Noah into my apartment, I asked him to make sure the door was locked while I found something to wear. As soon as I was sure he was occupied I ran back to my room. Opening the door, the scent of roses surrounded me. I quickly began to light the candles I had put out earlier. As I was lighting the last one, I felt warm breath tickling my neck. My hat went flying into the corner and Noah pulled the combs out of my hair, dropping them on the nightstand in front of me. I started to turn around.

”Stay where you are. You obviously had a few surprises planned for me tonight. Now it’s my turn to surprise you.” I stayed where he had found me, with my back to him. I heard the door click shut as he turned out the lights. The candles created a soft glow throughout what I could see of the room. I waited, senses tingling to see what Noah would do next. It seemed to be a long time and I couldn’t hear what he was doing. He could be so quiet when he wanted to be. I felt his hand as he lifted my hair to shower kisses on my neck. He reached around grab the edges of my duster. He slowly pulled it down off my shoulders, where it eventually pooled at my feet. His kisses followed the trail of the duster down my back. He was setting my skin on fire. He caressed my butt cheeks as he kissed the base of my spine and told me to turn around.

As I turned, I looked down at him kneeling before my naked body. There was a predatory gleam in his eyes. They had just a trace of green left, the golden shards having taken over the majority of his iris. He had taken his shirt and shoes off, leaving only his emerald green pants separating us. He ran his hands up my legs as I watched him. I tried to lean down and pull him up to me for a kiss, but he stopped me. “Patience will be rewarded,” he purred.

He kissed my lower abdomen and began to work his way up my torso. His hands trailed behind, massaging every spot that his kisses missed. He reached my breasts where he stopped to lick each nipple before moving upward toward my neck. His hands moved up to cup my breasts and began to tease my nipples as he finally claimed my mouth in a searing kiss. I was suddenly kissing him back, trying to devour his mouth with mine. He lifted me up in arms of steal and set me on the bed as he continued to lavish my face and neck with hot moist kisses. The scent of roses surrounded me as I crushed the petals lying underneath my body. I looked up to see his naked body crawling toward me on the large bed. Somehow he had taken off his pants when I was distracted. I gasped. I had never seen a penis up close before and I wasn’t sure they were supposed to be so big. He cupped my face with his hands and forced me to look him in the eye. His voice had become very gravelly as he asked, “Maggie are you sure this is what you want. If we don’t stop now, I’m not sure I will be able to.”

Pulling away to reach over into the basket on the nightstand, I pulled out a wrapped condom. I took it out and pushed Noah onto the bed. I had seen a woman demonstrate how to put a condom on with your mouth on TV. I was hoping that could I remember enough to duplicate the feat. Noah hissed in anticipation as I grabbed his member and carefully centered the rolled up condom over the tip. Holding it in place and unrolling it just a bit to create an edge to work with, I placed my mouth over the condom and used my lips and tongue to begin pushing it down. I used my tongue to play with his rigid member as I worked my way down the shaft. Apparently I was doing something right because I could hear Noah groaning as he ran his fingers through my hair. When I reached the limit of how far I could take him in, I reached with my hand to finish unrolling the condom. I sat up, running my fingers lightly over his shaft, and looked him in the eyes, “Yes, I’m sure.”

That was all the encouragement Noah needed. He pulled me back down to kiss him. As he rolled over on top of me, the kiss became demanding again. I could feel his hard shaft against my inner thigh. He was teasing my nipples, leaving them aching for more. His tongue was thrusting into my mouth, trying to claim it for all time. I felt his fingers teasing my clitoris and I was lost in a myriad of sensations. His power was rolling over me as I ran my hands up and down his back. His fingers were thrusting into my vaginal opening as his tongue mimicked the move with my mouth. It was too much to handle. I scraped my nails down his back, searching for some release. Suddenly, his fingers were replaced by something much larger. I felt myself stretching to accommodate his thick member. Once I adjusted, he thrust the rest of the way in and I felt a momentary sharp twinge of pain. He stopped and looked up at my eyes, now welling with tears. As he wiped away the tears he started to ask, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

I lifted my head up to capture his lips in a kiss as I ran my hands over his buttocks, urging him not to stop. He began to move inside me, slowly at first but quickly gaining in speed. The friction was building the tension within me to a fevered pitch. I didn’t know if I wanted him to stop or to go on forever. Just when I felt I couldn’t stand it anymore, Noah reached between us and rubbed his fingers over my clitoris. I screamed as I felt waves of pleasure crashing over me. Noah was whispering in my ear encouraging me to let go and ride the waves. His eyes went completely gold and he growled out my name as his own pleasure carried him away.

Afterwards, we lounged on our bed of roses. Satiated, our bodies were entwined. I laid my head on Noah’s shoulder to drift off to sleep. I knew when we woke up I would have to explain why I hadn’t warned Noah I was a virgin. I wasn’t going to worry tonight. For now, I was content to rest in his arms, feeling I had found a safe home at last.