Naughty Little Angel



   Disclaimer: Ok this is gonna come in two parts because Chrys' part has to go in the middle. Overall rating is NC-17 cause of the sexual content, some language, and the overall idea of getting naked in front of a room full of guys. LOL This section is mostly pg-13 for language and a little bit of frisky behavior. ^_^ Reviews are always welcome and quite appreciated. You've been warned so here we go.... ...

 I was just getting out of the shower when my doorbell rang. I wrapped a towel around myself and dashed to see who it could be. I cracked my door open just a bit to find Pug standing on the doorstep. He made his way inside, carrying a large white box, without waiting for an invitation. He closed the door behind him and then suddenly stopped moving. He looked to the left and right, and then back at me. He must have noticed the complete lack of noise in the apartment because a puzzled look came over his face. "Where's Ashley?"

I smiled. "She went on vacation with my parents to Disney World...again. She'll be back in a week. Is that for me?" I pointed to the box in his arms.

At the mention of Ashley being on vacation he seemed to have become very interested in my lack of clothing. It took him a minute to remember the package he was holding. "It…um...oh, I was at the Circus helping Kash with some last minute decorations when it arrived. It's addressed to you care of Jean Claude. Is there something going on I should know about?" He started to open the top and I smacked his hand away.

"No nothings going on between me and JC. He has enough things to worry with right now to add me into the mix. I was having some trouble finding a costume for tonight and I asked Jean Claude for some help. This is a result of that help."

"Why won't you tell me what you're gonna be doing tonight?"

I grinned at him and took the box, laying it on the couch. "Cause it’s a surprise."

"I know you're not dancing, so what else could you be doing?"

"You'll just have to wait and see."

His eyes roamed up and down my body. "I don't want to wait and see." With that he put his arms around my hips and pulled me towards him. His lips descended on mine for a deep kiss. When I pulled away I was gasping for air and there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. That gleam let me know he wanted sex just as much as I did. I was still putting him off, at least for now. I turned away and grabbed the box and headed to my bedroom with it. If he kept kissing me like that I wasn't going to be able to say no much longer.

He moved up behind me and I could feel his power pushing against my skin. His hand touched my thigh and began moving upwards. I turned in his arms and pushed him away gently. "I told you we can't do that yet."

"I don’t understand why though? Is it something about me you don't like?" He looked broken hearted and it made me want to show him just how much I liked his body, so much that I had to force the images from my head.

"You know how hot I think you are." Truth be told, I'd freaked out when I first found out he had a tail but I'd gotten used to it quickly, after all it was part of him AND since he is a demon I had to expect some differences. I think he was afraid it disgusted me. He already got a lot of flack in Hell about his tail. Its tip is in the shape of a heart at the pointy end. That's actually where his nickname, Love Pug, came from. The demons thought it was funny and teased him about it when he was little, needless to say they don't tease him about it anymore since he has moved up into the higher ranks of Hell but it's still a bit of a touchy subject with him. I reached around and pinched his ass right where his tail is. He leaned harder against me. "Oh do it again!" He grinned down at me.

"Pug! Go home before I forget myself and ravage you." I pushed him back gently.

I heard him mumble, "I wish" and then he disappeared.

I chuckled quietly and spoke to the air. "You'll get your wish tonight"


I arrived at the Circus around six in the evening. Luce’s stag party was still hours away but I wanted to practice my routine all the way through before tonight, at least one more time. I hadn't had a chance to practice with my special prop yet. I knocked on the door and Jason let me in. Nathaniel was also there. I'd asked both of them for help with my routine. Kylie was fine with the idea. You could tell when Jason looked at her that there were no other women for him. It was the kind of look I wanted to see on Pug's face tonight.

Jason led us into the main area of the Circus. The center ring was gone, replaced by a large tent that looked like something straight out of Arabian Nights. Inside a temporary dark wooden floor had been laid so we could dance comfortably. The walls were covered in black fabric with crystals embedded in the material. Huge pillows in deep jeweled colors of purple, burgandy, gold, and green were strategically placed on the floor for the guys to lounge on while they watched the show. A seperate tent was set up to connect to the main one and Jason had informed me that the fully stocked bar was inside it. It was a much more intimate setting then what we'd had at Guilty Pleasure's for the bachelorette party.

I swallowed a lump that had formed in my throat and took a deep breath. I kept telling myself not to be scared but the truth is I'm terrified. I'm not the type to take my clothes off in front of a room full of guys. I've taken dance and gymnastics and even performed in recitals but no class I ever took prepared me for taking my clothes off to erotic music. Tonight’s show was all for Pug though. I couldn't wait to see the shocked look on my little demon's face. It would make all this fear worthwhile.

Jason touched my shoulder and I jumped. He laughed. "You've got to calm down Tanya. I can smell your fear and if I can smell it then everyone here tonight will also be able to. Just focus on the reason you're doing this and forget everything else.

I nodded and looked up at the ceiling of the tent where the hole I'd requested had been cut. "Is that where my swing will come in and out?"

Nathaniel nodded. "Jason can show it to you and I'll get your music ready if you want."

I smiled at Nathaniel. "That would be great." I handed him the box with my costume in it. "Can you keep an eye on this for me as well? It's my costume for tonight." He agreed and headed off to cue up my music.

Jason took me outside to the ladder that led up to the highwire. "Your swing is waiting at the top on the platform. When you're ready just yell and we can try it a couple of times. You can either sit or stand. You'll have to decide which is more comfortable."

I began climbing the ladder quickly, not thinking about how high up I was going. I stood on the platform and did my best not to look down. I walked out onto the planks they had constructed and looked at my prop carefully. It swung easily and I had to be as gentle as possible getting on it for fear that I might fall. I tried standing but nearly slipped off. Deciding that killing myself would not help the show tonight, I sat down on the contraption. If I felt more comfortable later I might try to stand up again but sitting was fine with me for now. When my butt was planted firmly on the small seat I signaled to Jason that I was ready. The swing began to lower itself toward the hole in the tent. I resisted the urge to jump back onto the platform. The feeling of being suspended in midair was quite unnerving but I bit my lip and tried to get used to it. We tried it numerous times and I felt relaxed enough to try standing again. This time I didn't slip. If I could just focus all of my attention on the routine I might forget about being nervous. It must have been working because Jason commented, "You're doing good up there girl, I can't smell your fear anymore." I breathed a sigh of relief. "Do you want to try it from the beginning with the music?"

"Yeah, I want it perfect for tonight."

He raised me back up and I came down into the tent standing, it made my entrance more flamboyant. I could sit when my number was over. I went through it three more times with the music and Jason and Nathaniel both applauded after the last attempt.

"I think you're ready." Jason glanced down at his watch. "You've got a little while to rest before everyone starts arriving. Maybe you should take a break."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah I think I've practiced all I can without wearing myself out. Thanks you two." They both said it was no big deal and Nathaniel handed me my costume box before they headed off.

I was sitting on one of the cushions cathching my breath when Kash walked in. "You're here early."

"I wanted to practice some before the real show." I looked around and motioned at the tent and the pillows. "The decorations came out great."

"Thanks, so did Pug bring your costume?"

"So you put him up to that?"

"No, I just suggested that you might like to have it before tonight and he jumped at the opportunity to bring it to you." She gave me an innocent smile but I knew better.

"Sure!" I replied, sarcasm thick in my voice.

She just grinned. "So you really think Luce will like it?" Pointing to the room around us.

"Oh yeah, although I'm betting he'd like it better once you're naked on one of these pillows with him."

"I'm betting Pug would like the same thing with you."

I blushed a bit. "And he can have me, just not naked on a pillow while the room is full. I'm not that big an exhibitionist."

Kash laughed. "I'll bet. Come on we ought to head toward the dressing room and start getting ready. Tam and Gigs are probably already back there and I'm sure Lyza's on her way. The others should be here soon. We don't have a whole lot of time before the guys start arriving." I got up with my box in my arms and followed her to the dressing room.

Inside, the dressing room was already buzzing with excitement. Sarai was running around madly trying to fix people's hair and make-up and sewing up any tears that happened to occur during the dressing process. It looked like she was in for a long night. I found a seat in front of one of the mirrors and opened up my box. I pulled out my make-up kit, hairbrush and pins and began with that first. Sarai helped me get my hair up into a tight french twist. I pulled the headband, with the attached halo, out of the box and set it securely on top of my head. The headband was clear with a shiny golden halo connected to it. I kept the make-up to a minimum since I didn't want it to run while I was dancing. I put the finishing touches on my cinnamon colored lipstick and stood up to finish getting dressed. I was getting several strange looks as I pulled a small pair of white wings out of my box. Only Kash knew what my costume chioce for tonight had been and she was trying very hard not to bust out laughing. I thought it was a cute idea. What better way to dress up at a stag party for the devil than as a hornly little angel?

I held up the pieces of my outfit one by one and I no longer wanted to go out there at all. My stomach felt like a thousand bats were flying around in it. I knew I was gonna end up nude but from what the box contained I might as well have started out that way. There was a white leather bra that would give everyone a good view of my cleavage. The white leather miniskirt barely covered my ass and the underwear that went under it was a non-existent piece of white cloth that tied on both sides and ended in a string up my butt. The wings fit over my shoulders with elastic straps that were easy enough to get on and off. I stepped into the thigh high white boots and was pleased at how easy they were to walk in. I had specifically asked for low platforms so I wouldn't break my neck dancing and Jean Claude had happily obliged.

Now only two items remained in the box. A small robe I'd brought with me to throw on when I finished dancing and a long white cape to put on over my costume. I was going to be lowered into the tent wearing the cape, looking like a serene little angel, then I was going to turn around and look like God's worst nightmare come true. I was betting most of the demons would find the symbolism amusing.

There was a knock on the dressing room door and then Jason's announcement. "We're gonna start in about fifteen minutes." Since I seemed to be one of the only one's dressed I went to the door and peeked out. Jason took one look at the halo on my head and nearly fell over laughing. "You have got to be kidding. Oh this is just perfect." He must have noticed I was getting a little nervous again cause he stopped laughing. "You'll do great. Pug's seated down front with Luce, where you wanted him, and you're the first one on so you'd better get your tail up on that platform. Just focus on the dance and you'll be fine."

I nodded. "Thanks Jason, Kylie's a lucky girl."

He just smiled, "Yeah I know" and walked off.

I ducked back inside to find most everyone trying hurriedly to finish getting ready. Sarai was still running around madly and I couldn't help but laugh. Gigs had chosen a great punishment. I pulled my cape tight around me and stepped out of the dressing room. I was climbing up the ladder when I heard Chry's voice over the speakers. She was doing the opening for the show and going to be the emcee for the night. The further up I went the more nervous I became. I had to calm down or I'd never get through this. I stepped out onto my platform and took a deep breath. I stepped carefully onto the swing and looked down, regretting that movement instantly. I nodded at Jason at he walked back inside the tent. Here goes nothing.......