The Dresden Files
Author: Jim Butcher

BY: Crystal

In the Dresden Files, Jim Butcher takes us to
Chicago, where a wizard name Harry
Dresden lives. He starts off with fighting amateur
wizards who go outside the law to get rid of his
opponent in the drug business. Harry comes face to
face with the drug lord Marcone and battles
a different breed of vampire. He calls up on the
little people of the Never Never to help find a
killer. He takes a remarkable journey into the world
of the wolf, in his second adventure.  He
learns through his side kick Bob, an old spirit that
inhabits a skull, that there are at least four
different kinds of werewolves. Finally fighting off
crooked FBI agents, who want to rid the
world of drug dealers, by killing them vigilante style.  He
learns that they carry magical weapons
that can turn a human into a wolf and blame it on
the resident werewolf. He realizes that they
are slowly losing control over the magical weapons and
they are slowly turning them into the wolf
Finally he takes you on an adventure journey into
the Never Never, when a disturbance
is causing the ghosts of Chicago to become violent.
They have to cross over through the Never
Never to stop the people who are tearing apart the
ghost community. He later finds out it's the
vampire behind the disturbance and goes head to toe
with him to free the ghosts and put the
balance back in order. During all this he's at war
with his godmother, an evil fairy who wants to
turn Harry into one of her hunting dogs. While Harry
is working to make the world a safer place,
his sidekick, Bob, gets into mischief if he is let
out. He's also funny and hilarious, making
wise cracks every chance he gets at Harry.  All
these books are an excellent read. So if you like
magical beings, go grab them from your local book
store and start enjoying one of the best
authors of today.