Captain of the Royal Guard and Bearer of the Painful Flame

Character Portrayed by: Wesley Snipes

Age: 1023+ (KOS, chp 17, pg 197)
Hair: Black, tied in a long braid down to his ankles. (KOS, chp 15, pg 170)
Eyes: Black with pinpricks of different color (KOS, chp 25, pg 297)
Skin: Ebony Black(KOS, chp 15, pg 169)
Distinguishing Marks:
Silver hoop earrings all the way up the cartilage (KOS, chp 15, pg 171)
Silver hoop in his left nipple (KOS, chp 18, pg 201)


~~It is sex that makes the miracle of life...what could be greater than that?~~


Merry - Princess, sidhe

Andais - Queen, Unseelie ruler

~~The question Doyle is most frequently asked is: "What do you recommend I accesorize with?" to which he answers, "Silver goes with everything!"~~

Misc Facts:

The Queen calls him "My Darkness", although her older nickname for him was Baron Sweet-tongue. (KOS, chp 15, pg 169 and chp 16, pg 184)
Later, we find out the older nickname referred to his ability to heal using his tongue. (KOS, chp 18, pg 203)

Doyle carries a treasured sword that belongs to the Queen that goes by the name of "Mortal Dread". It had the ability to cause a death blow to any fey because it had mortal blood attached to its power. Normally feyfolk are much more difficult to kill. (KOS, chp 15, pg 172)

Doyle's Hand of Power is a crawling green flame emitted from his hand that can eat a person causing them to writhe until death. (KOS, chp 24, pg 290)

Merry's ring recognizes Doyle as a worthy consort. (KOS, chp 24, pg 292)

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