Age: Old enough
Nature: Mom says I'm an abomination
Animal to Call: Vnicious Qnits
Occupation: Data entry specialist by slave by night...well in my dreams.
Affiliations: Well this website of course.
lkh disscussion group (I have the dubious honor of being keeper of the Seacamp)
I also play host to any number of figments so beware

Color: I never met a color I didn't like...except pink.
Song: I have a new favorite Dance with me Slow by Beth Neilsen Chapman
Author: Well this is a hard one...but currently I'm reading Soul Music by Terry Pratchett and I adore it.
But tomorrow that could all change.
Movie: Animal Kingdom (old Leslie Howard flick)

~~Don't run, you'll only die tired.~~


I decided to change this...cause I'm evolving...not in the strictly darwinian sense...but all the same...truthfully I just got sick of the old one. So I'm still single...and presently I perfer to remain that way...who wants the hassel of returning phone calls and making time for a significant other? Don't tell me I'm delusional I know I'm delusional...but I'm a happy deluded person, and that's all that really matters.

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