Age: Perpetually 6 going on 29 (when the need arises)
Nature: Human (with rumors of Fey blood running rampant)
Animal to Call: Rubber Duckies "squeeka, squeeka"
Occupation: Professional Starbuckian
Fluent in Disney/MGM Studios Disneyese
Part-time Puppeteer to certain French fellas
Affiliations: Triumverate fanfic group (Yahoo)
This site
The Artwork of Tamara Lowery website
Darkhaven (a site for D&D cartoon fanfic).

Color: Midnight Blue*G* and shades of purple
Song: Er... too many to mention, but I'm a big Queensryche and Sting fan, as well as 80's tunes.
Author: Laurell K Hamilton, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Terry Pratchett, The Dragonlance series, and I better stop here, or this could get LONG!
Movie: I have to name just one? Um, *looks above* are you seeing a pattern here? *G* I love all Jim Henson stuff, (Labyrinth, Muppets, etc), Disney movies (animated and live-action)... um, it'd probably be easier if ya just ask me if I like it or not. :)

~~I didn't mean I wanted to be ON Washcloth Duty, I meant I wanted to BE the Washcloth on duty!~~ (to Tammy, concerning her JC Tub pic! *VBG*)


Kimmy is currently engaged if you can believe that to her high school sweetheart (who actually has the same initials with a certain Master vamp. *G*) She was born in MA, and has lived all around Boston, in Salem (the BEST place for Halloween!), and in Western MA. She currently lives in the Orlando area of FL, where she works for Starbucks Coffee and Disney. She tragically suffers from "Peter Pan Syndrome" and often has the mentality of an insane 6 year old. "Those white huggie jackets they give me are really nice!" She enjoys writing, when she has the time, and has tried her hand at making websites. If you're curious and wanna peek, you can see a somewhat professional website for Tamara Lowery's LKH based art at: and at a Dungeons & Dragons cartoon fanfic site at: And um... if there's anything else you want to know, you'll have to ask. :)

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