
Character Portrayed by: David Bennett

Age: Nearly two-thousand years old (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)
Hair: His hair curled over his neck, black and thick, but cut short of his shoulders (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)
Eyes: Almond-shaped eyes that were a solid sapphire blue with a line of black pupil like a stripe in the center of all that blue. (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)
Skin: Pale skin like gleaming Mother-of-Pearl. Sidhe skin. (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)
Distinguishing Marks:
4 feet tall (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)
Lips pink and full like a perfect cupid bow (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)
A strange sibiliance to his words like he had trouble forming the words, his lips barely moved when he spoke. Trouble particularly with "sss". (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)
A spread of shining iridescent scales starting at the base of his hairline and descending down his back to the base of his spine. (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)
His butt was small, tight, and perfect. (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)
He has dainty fangs and a forked tongue with black spots at the end of each point. (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)

Family Affiliations:
His mother was a sidhe lady raped in the last goblin war. (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)

~~I would ask permission to uphold the goblin's honor in this matter. Until we share flesh, the treaty between you and my king is not finalized.~~


Princess Meredith

~~The question Kitto is most frequently asked is: "So how IS Ken and Barbie these days?"~~

Misc Facts:

Kitto wore a silver-edged loincloth when we first meet him which in goblin means that there was some kind of deformity on the bare spots. This is a sign of honor amonst the goblin, not something to be hid. (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)

Kitto is a snake goblin which explains his elipical eye and his speech impediment. (KOS, chp 31, pg 389)

Merry lays a kiss on Kitto's palm to seal the 6-moon alliance between herself and the goblins. (KOS, chp 31, pg 391)

It was possible for Kitto to hurt Merry during sex as he was officially deemed his consort. But Merry knows better to get into bed with a goblin before negotiating a contract of what was and was not acceptable.

Goblins favor flesh over blood or sex. Sharing flesh means not only sex, but also the greater gift of marking a partner until that lover's death. Usually a bitemark. Many goblins had special patterns they used with their lovers so, you would know their conquests at a glance. (KOS, chp 31, pg 393)

Kitto lies prostrate before the queen signifying his rank among the goblins as well as the rank of the Queen. He was a commonor and chose the lowest role possible to stay alive with no false sense of pride whatsoever. (KOS, chp 32, pg 397)

Kitto seems to relax after Merry kisses Frost as if he now thinks he'll be worthy enough to fulfill the treaty between Merry and the goblins. (KOS, chp 33, pg 421)

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