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Survivor 1 Location- Belarus

WELCOME TO BELARUS, THE SETTING OF SURVIVOR 1!!!!! AREA- 80,154 SQUARE MILES POPULATION- 10,167,000 CAPITAL- Minsk- 1,671,600 RELIGION- Eastern Orthodox LANGUAGES- Belorussian, Russian LITERACY- 98% LIFE EXPECTANCY- 68 Years GDP PER CAPITA: $4,800 ECONOMY: Industry: Tractors,Metal Cutting Machines, Dump Trucks. Agriculture: Grain, Potatoes, Meats. Exports: Machinery and Transportation Equipment, chemicals, food. Imports: Fuel, Sugar, Raw Industrial Materials. ------Forests cover 1/3 of this Eastern European republic, which gained its independence in 1991 after centuries of rule by others. Settled by a Slavic people, Belarus was dominated by Kiev during the 13th Century, by Lithuania and Poland into the 18th Century, and by Russia after 1772. The region suffered grievously during World War II, losing a quarter of its population. Postwar years saw heavy industrial development, centered at Minsk. Still closely tied economically to Russia, Belarus sends it 60 to 70% of its exports. At the close end of the century, the Belarus economy is considered "wobbly" by many economists.


Minsk, is the capital, largest city, transportation, business, industrial, and cultural center of Belarus. Established in 1063, Minsk has been a center of business and government for nearly a millenium, and has been under the control of Lithuanian, Russian, and Polish government before Belarus became it's own country in the early 1990s.

Belarus Flag

Here is the Belarussian Flag. The red stripe symbolizes the color of flags carried by the Belarussian army and the blood lost by those who fought for Belarus in the past. Green is the color of hope, spring, and revival. The decorative pattern symbolizes Belarus' rich cultural heritage, its spiritual continuity and the union of its people.

Pripet Marshes

A river winds through the Pripet Marshes, an area of southern Belarus and northern Ukraine that contains 1/3 of Belarus' land area.