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Meet Team #1- The Evil Elephants


Turtle Head the Puppy

NAME: Turtle Head LOCATION: Slimy Heights Animal Shelter, Greenville, South Carolina. AGE: 2 FAVORITE FOOD: Chicken Flavored Dog Biscuit LUXURY ITEM: Assorted Chew Toys FAVORITE GAME: Fetch FAVORITE WORD: "Arf" ------Oh, he's so cute!!!! But is he smart enough to win this game? Probably not, but one can hope.

Abigail Adams!!!!!

NAME: Abigail Adams LOCATION: Quincy, Massachusetts AGE: 200 and something years old.ABIGAIL ADAMS OCCUPATION: First Lady, Homemaker. LUXURY ITEM: Journal (She wants to sell it to the Smithsonian) FAVORITE PERSON: John Adams LEAST FAVORITE PERSON: King George III ----This rather stale old woman still wears the same clothes she wore back during the late 18th century. Will her total weirdness help her win?

Elmer the Elephant

Elmer is the Team Mascot. He has a long proboscis. Nuff' said.