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After 21 days of surviving in the harsh climate of Belarus, and after witnessing the torches of 7 of their comrades extinguished, only 3 contestants remain and only 3 contestants have the chance to win the grand prize: 3 nickels and a box of oyster crackers. Let's Meet Them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Princess Greta!!!!!!

NAME: Princess Greta AGE: 25 LOCATION: Germany FAVORITE COLOR: White FAVORITE ROCK: Ruby FAVORITE QUOTE: "Don't Burn your Tongue with someone else's broth" LUXURY ITEM: Crown This real life princess lives in her castle with her rat, Zoe and cat, Mia. Will her beauty, generousiy and charm get her through this game?


NAME- Max AGE- 8 LOCATION- Village of Voodoo, Benin FAVORITE FRUIT- Avacado FAVORITE FLUID- Battery Acid FAVORITE WORDS- "Abra Cadabra" LUXURY ITEM- Voodoo Spell Book Max was abandoned at a Minnesota "Ross" store when he was a baby. He was rescued by Violette, a voodoo priestess who taught him usefull spells such as how to turn a rat into an avacado or a puddle of battery acid.But will his voodoo knowledge help him survive this game?


NAME- Wallace AGE- 80 LOCATION- Bulgaria FAVORITE SONG- "Oops I Did it Again" FAVORITE PERSON- Laura Bush FAVORITE SAYING- "Laura Bush is to me as God is to Amanda." When this 80 year old zookeeper isn't listening to his Britney Spears records, he stares at his picture of Laura Bush, his favorite person. But will these skills help him win the game?