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The Mystery of John Deer

Who exactly is John Deer? So far, we know that this person: a) Has an Uncle Fred b) Appreciates classical music, sunny days, and muffins c) Is a direct descendant of Ytriza, the Duchess of Warwickshire. d) Currently is hiding 9,800 candy canes in his/her locker. Actually, we only know "a", and even that is not certain.

Ain't He Cute

K... this isn't John Deer. But it could be John Deer's cat. Or maybe Franklin D. Roosevelt's cat. I'm not sure.


This picture is here because it is groov-ay! Not because it has any relation to the mystery of John Deer.

The Identity of John Deer revealed!

Refer back to the e-mail sent to you! I have a Hossett in my Knossett, wot!