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The top secret setting of Survivor II is no longer top secret!!! It's MANITOBA!!!! AREA- 250,950 square miles (Bigger than Belarus) POPULATION- 1,145,000 (Less than Belarus) CAPITAL- Winnipeg- 618,500 (Smaller than Minsk) GDP PER CAPITA- $25,610 (More than Belarus) ENTERED CANADA: 1870 ECONOMY: Industry- Manufacturing, Real Estate and Insurance, Health and Social Services, Government. Agriculture: Canola, Wheat, Hogs, Cattle, Dairy Products, Flaxseed, Potatoes. -------Once headquarters of the Hudson's Bay Company, which grew fat on the fur trade in the early 1800s, Winipeg is now the distribution center for Canada's grain industry. Manitoba farms grow more sunflower seed and beans than any other province and produce the second largest flaxseed crop. But agricultural wealth comes at a price: Almost all of the indigenous tallgrass prairie has disappeared and efforts are underway to preserve the remaining flora and fauna. Prairie species account for 1/3 of Canada's endangered species list. Lumbering and mining of nickel, copper, and zinc buttress northern Manitoba, along ith production of hydroelectric power, 1/3 of which is exported to Ontario, Saskatchewan, and the United States. In the southwest, one potash reserve offers 120 million minable metric tons. Sparkling glacial lakes- 100,000 of them are alive with 80 fish species, but the yearly catch of summer tourists earns more cash than the take of the fish.

Manitoba Flag

The Manitoba flag features a red background, the same color of the flags flown at the trading posts of the Hudson's Bay Company centuries ago, as well as a Union Jack (They had to get permission from Queen Lizzy-Beth 2) and the Manitoboan Coat of Arms which features a buffalo.

A View of Scenic Winnipeg

Most of Manitoba's population lives in the southern part of the province, where the prinicpal urban centrs are located. Winnipeg, pictured here is in this region. The capital and largest city in Manitoba, Winnipeg grew in the early 1900s due to an influx of European settlers. Today Winnipeg serves as a commerical and distribution center for the regional agricultural and mining production.

A Polar Bear in Manitoba

Polar bears congregate on the snow-covered shores of Hudson Bay in northeastern Manitoba. All of Manitoba's rivers and streams drain into the Bay, where the fishing is good for polar bears.