Mauve Wallpaper
Here is the mauve wallpaper I put up in my Aunt Stephany's bungalow last March. I was so impressed with this wallpaper that I now sell it for $49.76 per yard.
Mauve Grapes
I am sure that mauve grapes taste very fine. I have never tried them because I was allergic. The official mauve grapes retail outlet in this area is at the home of Lizann Amadeii. They are only $76.00 a pound. A real bargain, eh?
The word "Mauve"
Isn't it beautiful? If someone gave you "a" "e" "m" "u" and "v" and told you to make up a word, you couldn't do any better than "mauve". Some possible anagrams are: "amuve", "vumea", and "vueam", but none of these are nearly as spectacular as "mauve".