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Puppy Love: My Search For the Perfect Canine

Welcome! I am a studly 27-year-old male looking for a dog! From an enormous field of 38,900,000 eligible canines, I have narrowed it down to three finalists. You will meet them soon enough. First, let's talk about me.

That's Me

Yep. If you don't believe it, write my mom. She'll confirm this: Nelly Bly, 205 Colorado Avenue, Colorado City, Colorado 82300

My girlfriend

This is my girlfriend. To protect her identity, I'll call her "Heidi". We've been dating since Super Bowl XXX. Boo-yah!

My Toilet

Pretty spiffy, isn't it? I saved up for 11 years before I could afford it. I call it "Toto". Now, to meet the finalists, click on the following link: three finalists!