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Veronica's Page!!!!!

My Favorite Things About Myself

Links to My Photo Albums & Other Sites

World's Largest Page 1
World's Largest Page 2
World's Largest Page 3
World's Largest Page 4
World's Largest Page 5
World's Largest Page 6
World's Largest Page 7
World's Largest Page 8
World's Largest Page 9
World's Largest Page 10
Wulepa Home
Ms. McCleary's Zen Dog Page
Mr. Poll
Fairview High Webpage
Mountain Shadows Webpage
My Trip Journal & Route Overview!!!!!!

Thanks For Visting My Page!!!!! I am Veronica Snape, head secretary at Wulepa Incorporated, which is headquartered in the beautiful, sunny community of Boulder, Colorado. Anyway, I last summer I made a tour around the world visiting all 30 of these "World's Largest Locations" and had a great time, so I'm showing you pictures of them. Isn't that just great??????? E-Mail me at